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Garland centipede snake [Tantilla sertula]Balsas-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
Garland daisy [Glebionis coronaria, syn.: G. coronarium, Chrysanthemum coronarium, C. spatiosum, Xanthophthalmum coronarium]Garland-Chrysantheme {f}
Garland daisy [Glebionis coronaria, syn.: G. coronarium, Chrysanthemum coronarium, C. spatiosum, Xanthophthalmum coronarium] Speisechrysantheme {f}
Garland daisy [Glebionis coronaria, syn.: G. coronarium, Chrysanthemum coronarium, C. spatiosum, Xanthophthalmum coronarium]Salatchrysantheme {f}
Garland daisy [Glebionis coronaria, syn.: G. coronarium, Chrysanthemum coronarium, C. spatiosum, Xanthophthalmum coronarium] Kronenwucherblume {f}
garland flower [Daphne cneorum] Rosmarin-Seidelbast {m}
garland flower [Daphne cneorum]Flaum-Steinröslein {n}
garland flower [Daphne cneorum]Fluhröschen {n} [schweiz.]
garland flower [Daphne cneorum]Gamsveigerl {n} [österr.]
garland flower [Daphne cneorum] Reckhölderle {n}
garland flower [Daphne cneorum]Heideröschen {n}
garland flower [Daphne cneorum] Duft-Seidelbast {m}
garland flower [Daphne cneorum]Heide-Steinröslein {n}
garland flower [Daphne cneorum] Flaum-Seidelbast {m}
garland flower [Daphne cneorum]Tenderich {m} [niederösterr.] [Rosmarin-Seidelbast]
garland flower [Daphne cneorum]Bergnägele {n} [bayer.] [Rosmarin-Seidelbast]
garland flower [Daphne cneorum]Jungfernmorgenbleam {n} [siebenbürgisch] [Rosmarin-Seidelbast]
garland flower [Daphne cneorum]Steinröschen {n} [schwäb.] [Rosmarin-Seidelbast]
garland flower [Daphne cneorum] Wielandsbeere {f} [regional, z. B. südd., österr.]
garland flower [Daphne mezereum] Gewöhnlicher Seidelbast {m}
garland flower [Daphne mezereum](Echter) Seidelbast {m}
garland flower [Daphne mezereum] Kellerhals {m} [Seidelbast]
garland flower [Hedychium coronarium]Schmetterlingslilie {f}
garland flower [Hedychium coronarium] Weißer Ingwer {m}
garland motifGirlandenmotiv {n}
garland of corn Ährenkranz {m}
garland of flowers Blumengirlande {f}
garland (of flowers) Blumengewinde {n}
garland of lightsLichtgirlande {f}
garland of roses Rosenkranz {m}
garland of songs [archaic] Liederkranz {m} [veraltet] [Liederzyklus]
garland rhododendron [Rhododendron hirsutum] Bewimperte Alpenrose {f}
garland rhododendron [Rhododendron hirsutum]Raublättriger Almrausch {m} [alt: Rauhblättriger Almrausch]
garland rhododendron [Rhododendron hirsutum] Almrausch {m} [österr.] [südd.] [Alpenrose]
garland rhododendron [Rhododendron hirsutum] Steinrose {f} [Alpenrose]
garland roundhead [Stropharia coronilla] [preliminary binomial]Krönchenträuschling {m}
garland spiraea [Spiraea ×arguta] Brautspiere {f}
garland spiraea [Spiraea ×arguta] Spitzblättriger Spierstrauch {m}
garland spiraea [Spiraea ×arguta]Brautspierstrauch {m}
garland thorn [Paliurus spina-christi, syn.: Paliurus aculeatus, Paliurus australis, Rhamnus paliurus]Christusdorn {m}
garland thorn [Paliurus spina-christi, syn.: Paliurus aculeatus, Paliurus australis, Rhamnus paliurus]Gemeiner Stechdorn {m}
[garland] Guirlande {f} [Rechtschreibung vor 1901] [Girlande]
garlanded bekränzt
garlands Girlanden {pl}
Garlepp's mouse [Galenomys garleppi]Garlepp-Maus {f}
Garlepp's pericote [Galenomys garleppi] Garlepp-Maus {f}
garlgyte [Potorous gilbertii] Gilbert-Kaninchenkänguru {n}
garlic Knofel {m} [ugs.] [Knoblauch]
garlic Knofi {m} [ugs.] [Knoblauch]
garlicKnobi {m} [ugs.] [Knoblauch]
garlicKnofl {m} [südd.] [österr.] [Knoblauch]
garlic [Allium sativum]Knoblauch {m}
garlic [Allium sativum] Allium sativum {n} [Arzneipflanze] [Knoblauch]
garlic [attr.]Knoblauch-
garlic [literally: vanilla of the poor man] Vanille {f} des kleinen Mannes [veraltet] [hum.] [Knoblauch]
garlic baguetteKnoblauchbaguette {n}
garlic braidKnoblauchzopf {m}
garlic breadKnoblauchbrot {n}
garlic breathKnoblauchfahne {f} [ugs.]
garlic bulb Knoblauchknolle {f}
garlic bulbKnoblauchzwiebel {f}
garlic butterKnoblauchbutter {f}
garlic capsule Knoblauchkapsel {f}
garlic chives {pl} [Allium tuberosum] Knoblauch-Schnittlauch {m}
garlic chives {pl} [Allium tuberosum] Chinesischer Schnittlauch {m}
garlic chives {pl} [Allium tuberosum]Knolau {m}
garlic chives {pl} [Allium tuberosum] Schnittknoblauch {m}
garlic clove Knoblauchzehe {f}
garlic cream soup [cream of garlic soup] Knoblauchrahmsuppe {f}
garlic cress [Peltaria alliacea, syn.: Peltaria perennis]Lauch-Scheibenschötchen {n}
garlic crusher Knoblauchpresse {f}
garlic flavor [Am.] Knoblauchgeschmack {m}
garlic flavour [Br.]Knoblauchgeschmack {m}
garlic flowersKnoblauchblüten {pl}
garlic glass-snail [Oxychilus alliarius] Knoblauch-Glanzschnecke {f}
garlic head Knoblauchknolle {f}
garlic mayonnaiseKnoblauchmajonäse {f} [offizielle Rsv. von 1996 bis 2017] [Knoblauchmayonnaise]
garlic mayonnaise Knoblauchmayonnaise {f}
garlic moth (borer) [Dyspessa ulula] Lauchzwiebelbohrer {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
garlic mustard [Alliaria officinalis / petiolata] Knoblauchrauke {f}
garlic mustard [Alliaria officinalis / petiolata]Knoblauchhederich {m}
garlic mustard [Alliaria petiolata, Alliaria officinalis, Erysimum alliaria, Sisymbrium alliaria](Gewöhnliche) Knoblauchsrauke {f}
garlic mustard [Alliaria petiolata, Alliaria officinalis, Erysimum alliaria, Sisymbrium alliaria] Knoblauchskraut {n}
garlic mustard [Alliaria petiolata, Alliaria officinalis, Erysimum alliaria, Sisymbrium alliaria] Lauchkraut {n}
garlic oil Knoblauchöl {n}
garlic parachute [Mycetinis alliaceus, syn.: Marasmius alliaceus]Langstieliger Knoblauchschwindling {m}
garlic parachute [Mycetinis alliaceus, syn.: Marasmius alliaceus]Saitenstieliger Knoblauchschwindling {m}
garlic pennycress [Thlaspi alliaceum] Lauchhellerkraut {n}
garlic penny-cress / pennycress [Thlaspi alliaceum]Lauch-Täschelkraut {n}
garlic pill Knoblauchpille {f}
garlic powderKnoblauchpulver {n}
garlic press Knoblauchpresse {f}
garlic root [Alliaria petiolata, Alliaria officinalis, Erysimum alliaria, Sisymbrium alliaria](Gewöhnliche) Knoblauchsrauke {f}
garlic salt Knoblauchsalz {n}
garlic sauceKnoblauchsauce {f}
garlic sauce Knoblauchsoße {f}
garlic sausage Knoblauchwurst {f}
garlic snail [Oxychilus alliarius, syn.: Helix alliaria]Knoblauch-Glanzschnecke {f}
garlic soup Knoblauchsuppe {f}
garlic tasteKnoblauchgeschmack {m}
« gardgardgardgardgardGarlgarlgarogartgascgasf »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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