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English-German Dictionary

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gross misconduct grobe Verletzung {f}
gross mistakegrober Fehler {m}
gross moralsungehobelte Sitten {pl}
gross motor activity Grobmotorik {f}
gross motor skills {pl} Grobmotorik {f}
gross national happiness <GNH>Bruttonationalglück {n} <BNG>
gross national income <GNI>Bruttonationaleinkommen {n} <BNE>
gross national income <GNI>Bruttovolkseinkommen {n} <BVE>
gross national product <GNP> Bruttosozialprodukt {n} <BSP> [veraltet] [noch ugs.]
gross national product <GNP> Bruttonationaleinkommen {n} <BNE>
gross national product deflator Deflator {m} für das Bruttosozialprodukt
gross national product deflator Preisbereinigungsindex {m}
gross negligencegrobe Fahrlässigkeit {f}
gross operating profit <GOP> Betriebsergebnis {n} vor Verwaltungskosten
gross output Bruttoproduktion {f}
gross pay Bruttogehalt {n}
gross pay Bruttoentgelt {n}
gross photosynthesis Bruttophotosynthese {f} [auch: Brutto-Photosynthese]
gross piecework system Gruppenakkordsystem {n}
gross premiumBruttoprämie {f}
gross priceBruttopreis {m}
gross primary production <GPP>Bruttoprimärproduktion {f} <GPP>
gross primary productivity <GPP>Brutto-Primärproduktivität {f}
gross proceeds {pl} Bruttoertrag {m}
gross professional misconduct grobes berufliches Fehlverhalten {n}
gross profit Bruttoverdienst {m}
gross profit Bruttoertrag {m}
gross profitBruttogewinn {m}
gross profitRohgewinn {m}
gross profitRohertrag {m}
gross profit marginBruttogewinnmarge {f}
gross profit marginRohertragsmarge {f}
gross profit on sales Bruttoergebnis {n} vom Umsatz
gross (profit) margin Bruttogewinnspanne {f}
gross profits Bruttoverdienste {pl}
gross protein value <GPV> Gesamtproteinwert {m}
gross rating points {pl} <GRPs>Bruttokontaktsumme {f} <GRP>
gross reactionBruttoreaktion {f}
gross receiptsBruttoeinnahmen {pl}
gross register ton <GRT>Bruttoregistertonne {f} <BRT>
gross register tonnage <GRT>Bruttoregistertonnage {f} <BRT>
gross register tons <GRT> Bruttoregistertonnen {pl} <BRT>
gross rentBruttomiete {f}
gross reproduction rate <GRR>Bruttoreproduktionsziffer / Brutto-Reproduktionsziffer {f}
gross returnBruttoertrag {m}
gross revenueBruttoumsatz {m}
gross revenue {sg} Bruttoeinnahmen {pl}
gross salary Bruttogehalt {n}
gross salaryBruttolohn {m}
gross salary / pay Bruttobezug {m}
gross sales Bruttoeinnahmen {pl} aus Lieferungen
gross sales {pl} Bruttoumsatz {m}
gross sampleSammelprobe {f} [Prozessanalytik]
gross selling price Bruttoverkaufspreis {m}
gross sensory motor skills [of dyspraxia etc.]grobmotorische Fähigkeiten {pl} [Grobmotorik]
gross spending on capital equipment Bruttoanlageinvestition {f}
gross structural heart disease grob strukturelle Herzkrankheit {f}
gross take off weight <GTOW> Brutto-Startgewicht {n}
gross ton Bruttoregistertonne {f}
gross ton [1016.05 kg]Bruttotonne {f}
gross tonnage <GT> Bruttoraumzahl {f} <BRZ>
gross tonnage <GT>Bruttoraumgehalt {m} [Bruttoraumzahl]
gross tonne [in metric tons] Bruttotonne {f}
gross totalBruttosumme {f}
gross train weightzulässiges Gesamtgewicht {n}
gross turnover Bruttoumsatz {m}
gross unsporting conduct [football] grob unsportliches Verhalten {n}
gross value Bruttowert {m}
gross value added <GVA>Bruttowertschöpfung {f} <BWS>
gross vehicle weight <GVW> zulässiges Gesamtgewicht {n}
gross violation grobe Verletzung {f} [Gesetz, Bestimmung]
gross violation ofgrober Verstoß {m} gegen
gross wage Bruttogehalt {n}
gross wage Bruttolohn {m}
gross wages {pl}Bruttolohn {m}
gross warm rent [gross cold rent + heating costs] Bruttowarmmiete {f} [Bruttokaltmiete + Heizkosten]
gross weight Rohgewicht {n}
gross weightBruttomasse {f}
gross weight Gesamtgewicht {n}
gross weight <gr.wt.> Bruttogewicht {n}
gross weightsBruttogewichte {pl}
gross world product (GWP)Weltbruttosozialprodukt {n}
gross yieldBruttoertrag {m}
gross yield Bruttorendite {f}
gross yield [gross profit]Rohertrag {m}
Gross! [coll.]Igitt! [regional]
Gross! [coll.]Pfui!
Grosse Pointe Starlets
grossed eingespielt
grossed out [esp. Am.] [coll.] angeekelt
grossed out [esp. Am.] [coll.]angewidert
(Grosser) RosennockGroßer Rosennock {m}
Grossglockner High Alpine Road Großglockner-Hochalpenstraße {f}
grossite [CaAl4O7] Grossit {m}
grossly dick [ugs.] [krass, extrem]
grossly gröblich
grossly derb
grossly grob
grossly distorted [representation etc.] extrem / grob verzerrt [Darstellung etc.]
« gritgrocgromgroogrosgrosgrosgrougrougrougrou »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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