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English-German Dictionary

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ground gewalzt
ground Grund {m} [Erdboden, Erdreich etc.]
groundMasse {f}
groundErde {f} [Boden]
ground Platz {m}
groundBaugrund {m}
ground Begründung {f}
ground zerrieben
ground Spielstätte {f} [z. B. zum Fußballspielen]
ground [a knife etc.]geschliffen
ground [Am.] Erdung {f}
ground [Am.] Erde {f} [ugs.] [grün-gelb]
ground [attr.] [e.g. combat, breeder, clearance, station]Boden- [z. B. Kampf, Brüter, Abstand, Station]
ground [basis] Grundlage {f}
ground [Br.] [floor]Fußboden {m}
ground [e.g. coffee] gemahlen
ground [in painting] Untergrund {m} [für Farben]
ground [meat]durchgedreht [Fleisch durch den Wolf]
ground [real estate] Land {n} [Grund und Boden]
ground [reason]Veranlassung {f}
ground [sometimes also <GND>]Erdoberfläche {f}
ground [with a grater etc.] gerieben
ground <GND> Masse {f}
ground acceleration Bodenbeschleunigung {f}
ground aerialErdantenne {f}
ground alert unmittelbare Alarmstartbereitschaft {f}
ground almond gemahlene Mandel {f}
ground almond [Cyperus esculentus]Erdmandel {f}
ground almonds gemahlene Mandeln {pl}
ground anchorBodenanker {m}
ground anchor Erdanker {m}
ground anomalies Bodenanomalien {pl}
ground antennaErdantenne {f}
ground apple [Chamaemelum nobile, syn.: Anthemis nobilis]Römische Kamille {f}
ground ash [Aegopodium podagraria] Giersch {m}
ground ash [Aegopodium podagraria]Podagrakraut {n}
ground ash [Aegopodium podagraria] Geißfuß {m}
ground ash [Aegopodium podagraria] Zipperleinskraut {n}
ground assault Bodenangriff {m}
ground attack Bodenangriff {m}
ground attack aircraft Bodenkampfflugzeug {n}
ground attack aircraftErdkampfflugzeug {n}
ground attack aircraft Schlachtflugzeug {n}
ground attack aircraft Bodenangriffsflugzeug {n}
ground attack airplane [Am.] Erdkampfflugzeug {n}
ground attack airplane [Am.] Bodenkampfflugzeug {n}
ground attack pilot Schlachtflieger {m} [Luftwaffe]
ground attack pilotsSchlachtflieger {pl} [Luftwaffe]
ground attack planeBodenangriffsflugzeug {n}
Ground Attack WingSchlachtgeschwader {n} <SG> [Luftwaffe]
ground attendance [stadium event] Besucherzahl {f} [in einem Stadion]
ground avalancheBodenlawine {f}
ground avalanche Grundlawine {f}
ground ball [baseball]Ground-Ball {m} [Baseball]
ground barbet [Trachyphonus vaillantii, syn.: T. caffer]Haubenbartvogel {m} [auch: Hauben-Bartvogel]
ground barbet [Trachyphonus vaillantii, syn.: T. caffer] Schwarzrücken-Bartvogel {m}
ground based aerial photographs Luftbilder {pl} vom Boden aus
ground bassBasso ostinato {m}
ground bass ostinater Bass {m}
ground bass Grundbass {m}
ground battle Erdkampf {m}
ground bear [Aplodontia rufa]Biberhörnchen {n}
ground bear [Aplodontia rufa] Stummelschwanzhörnchen {n}
ground beef [Am.] Rinderhack {n}
ground beef [Am.] Rinderhackfleisch {n}
ground beef patty sandwichHamburger {m}
ground beef shortage [Am.] Hackfleischmangel {m}
ground beef steak [Am.] Rinderhacksteak {n}
ground beef stir-fry [Am.]Hackfleischpfanne {f}
ground beetles [family Carabidae] Laufkäfer {pl}
ground beetles [family Carabidae] Carabiden {pl}
ground behavior [Am.] Bodenverhalten {n}
ground behaviour [Br.]Bodenverhalten {n}
ground blind [Am.] Tarnzelt {n}
ground blue convolvulus [Convolvulus sabatius, syn.: C. mauritanicus] Blaue Mauritius {f}
ground blue convolvulus [Convolvulus sabatius, syn.: C. mauritanicus] Kriechende Winde {f}
ground bracelet Antistatikband {n}
ground bracelet Erdungsarmband {n}
ground breaker Massetrenner {m}
ground breaker Massetrennung {f} [Massetrenner]
ground breeder Bodenbrüter {m}
ground burst Bodendetonation {f}
ground busbar Erdsammelschiene {f}
ground cableMassekabel {n}
ground cable [Am.]Erdungskabel {n}
ground cedar [Lycopodium tristachyum, syn.: L. chamicyparissus, L. complanatum chamyciparissus, Diphasiastrum tristachium]Zypressen-Bärlapp / Zypressenbärlapp {m}
ground chat / ground-chat [Geothlypis poliocephala, syn.: Chamaethlypis poliocephala] Wiesengelbkehlchen {n} [auch: Wiesen-Gelbkehlchen]
ground cherry [Physalis peruviana]Kapstachelbeere {f}
ground cherry [Physalis philadelphica, syn.: Physalis ixocarpa, Physalis aequata]Tomatillo {f} [sehr selten {m}]
ground cherry [Physalis pruinosa] Erdkirsche {f}
ground chuck [Am.]Hackfleisch {n} [80 % mageres Rindfleisch, 20 % Fett]
ground clampErdungsklemme {f}
ground clearanceBodenabstand {m}
ground clearance Bodenfreiheit {f} [z. B. eines Fahrzeugs]
ground clematis [Clematis recta] Aufrechte Waldrebe {f}
ground clematis [Clematis recta] Steife Waldrebe {f}
ground clovesgemahlene Nelken {pl}
ground cloves {pl} Nelkenpulver {n}
ground clutter [radar]unerwünschte Bodenechos {pl} [Radar]
« gromgroogrosgrosgrosgrougrougrougrougrougrou »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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