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ground elder [Aegopodium podagraria] Wilder Holunder {m} [ugs.]
ground elder [Aegopodium podagraria] Podagrakraut {n}
ground elder [Aegopodium podagraria]Dreiblatt {n} [Giersch]
ground elder [Aegopodium podagraria] Ziegenkraut {n}
ground elder [Aegopodium podagraria] Ziegenfuß {m}
ground elder [Aegopodium podagraria] Zipperleinskraut {n}
ground elder [Aegopodium podagraria]Wiesenholler {m}
ground elder [Aegopodium podagraria]Schettele {n} [regional] [Giersch]
ground elder [Aegopodium podagraria]Zaungiersch {m}
ground elder [Aegopodium podagraria]Baumtropf {m}
ground elder [Aegopodium podagraria] Gewöhnlicher Giersch {m}
ground electrode Masseelektrode {f}
ground electrode [Am.] Erdungselektrode {f} [Erder]
ground electrode [Am.] Erdelektrode {f}
ground electrode [Am.] [IEV number 604-04-03] Erder {m} [IEC 60050]
ground electrode potential [Am.]Erderspannung {f}
ground engineerBodenmechaniker {m}
ground engineeringBodenmechanik {f}
ground facet angeschliffene Fläche {f}
ground failureGrundbruch {m}
ground fault [Am.] Erdschluss {m}
ground fault [Am.]Masseschluss {m}
ground fault [Am.] <GF>Erdfehler {m}
ground fault circuit interrupter <GFCI>FI-Schutzschalter {m} [Fehlerstromschutzschalter]
ground fault current <GFC> [Am.] Erdfehlerstrom {m}
ground fault current <GFC> [Am.] Erdschlussstrom {m}
ground fault interrupter <GFI>Fehlerstromschutzschalter {m}
ground fault interrupter <GFI> [Am.] Fehlerschutzschalter {m} <FI-Schalter> [kurz für: Fehlerstromschutzschalter]
ground fault relay [Am.]Erdschlussrelais {n}
ground fauna Bodenfauna {f}
ground fightingBodenkampf {m}
ground fighting Erdkampf {m}
ground floor [Br.]Parterre {n}
ground floor [Br.] Erdgeschoß {n} <Erdg.; EG> [alt] [österr. und südd. weiterhin gültig]
ground floor <GF> Erdgeschoss {n} <EG>
ground floor arcadeErdgeschossarkaden {pl}
ground floor flat [Br.]Parterrewohnung {f}
ground fogBodennebel {m}
ground for appealBerufungsgrund {m}
ground for opposition Einspruchsgrund {m}
ground force Bodentruppe {f}
ground forces Bodentruppen {pl}
ground forcesLandstreitkräfte {pl}
ground forces Bodenstreitkräfte {pl}
ground freezing Bodenvereisung {f}
ground freezing Gefrierverfahren {n} [Bodenvereisung]
ground freezing [construction technique]Baugrundvereisung {f}
ground frostBodenfrost {m}
ground fuel [e.g. diesel, biodiesel, gasoline]Bodenkraftstoff {m} [z. B. Diesel, Biodiesel, Benzin]
ground game [hares, rabbits etc.] Niederwild {n}
ground gingergemahlener Ingwer {m}
ground glass Mattglas {n}
ground glass Mattscheibe {f}
ground glass jointNormschliff {m}
ground glass opacity <GGO> [lungs] Milchglastrübung {f} <MGT> [Lunge]
ground glass opacity <GGO> [lungs] Mattglastrübung {f} [seltener für: Milchglastrübung]
ground glass opacity <GGO> [lungs] Mattglasverschattung {f} [seltener für: Milchglastrübung]
ground glass opacity <GGO> [lungs]Milchglasverschattung {f} [seltener für: Milchglastrübung]
ground glass screen Mattscheibe {f}
ground glass stopper Schliffstopfen {m} [geschliffener Glasstopfen]
ground handling services Bodenverkehrsdienste {pl}
ground handling servicesBodenabfertigungsdienste {pl}
ground hazelnuts gemahlene Haselnusskerne {pl}
ground heat Erdwärme {f}
ground heat flux Bodenwärmestrom {m}
ground heat pump Erdreichwärmepumpe {f}
ground heaveGrundbruch {m}
ground holly [Chimaphila umbellata]Gichtkraut {n}
ground holly [Chimaphila umbellata] Dolden-Winterlieb {n}
ground honeysuckle [Lotus corniculatus, syn.: L. ambiguus, L. arvensis, L. balticus, L. caucasicus, L. major, L. tauricus]Schotenklee {m} [schweiz.]
ground honeysuckle [Lotus corniculatus, syn.: L. ambiguus, L. arvensis, L. balticus, L. caucasicus, L. major, L. tauricus] Hornschotenklee {m}
ground honeysuckle [Lotus corniculatus, syn.: L. ambiguus, L. arvensis, L. balticus, L. caucasicus, L. major, L. tauricus](Gemeiner) Hornklee {m}
ground honeysuckle [Lotus corniculatus, syn.: L. ambiguus, L. arvensis, L. balticus, L. caucasicus, L. major, L. tauricus]Gewöhnlicher Hornklee {m}
ground hoppers [family Tetrigidae] Dornschrecken {pl}
ground hornbill [Bucorvus abyssinicus, syn.: B. guineensis] Nördlicher Hornrabe {m}
ground hornbill [Bucorvus abyssinicus, syn.: B. guineensis]Nördlicher Hornvogel {m}
ground hornbill [Bucorvus abyssinicus, syn.: B. guineensis] Sudanhornrabe {m}
ground hornbill / ground-hornbill [Bucorvus leadbeateri, syn.: B. abyssinicus, B. cafer] Südlicher Hornrabe {m}
ground hornbill / ground-hornbill [Bucorvus leadbeateri, syn.: B. abyssinicus, B. cafer] Südhornrabe {m}
ground hornbill / ground-hornbill [Bucorvus leadbeateri, syn.: B. abyssinicus, B. cafer] Rotwangenhornrabe {m}
ground hornbill / ground-hornbill [Bucorvus leadbeateri, syn.: B. abyssinicus, B. cafer] Kaffernhornrabe {m}
ground hornbill / ground-hornbill [Bucorvus leadbeateri, syn.: B. abyssinicus, B. cafer]Hornrabe {m}
ground hornbills [family Bucorvidae, genus Bucorvus] Hornraben {pl}
ground hostess Bodenstewardess {f}
ground hostessGroundhostess {f}
ground humidity Bodenfeuchtigkeit {f}
ground humidity Bodenfeuchte {f}
ground iceGrundeis {n}
ground idle Bodenleerlauf {m}
ground indicator Erdschlussmelder {m}
ground itch [coll.] [cutaneous larva migrans] Hautmaulwurf {m} [Ankylostomiasis]
ground ivy [Glechoma hederacea, syn.: Nepeta glechoma, N. hederacea]Erdefeu / Erd-Efeu {m} [auch {n}] [Gundermann, Echt-Gundelrebe]
ground ivy [Glechoma hederacea, syn.: Nepeta glechoma, N. hederacea] Gundermann {m}
ground ivy [Glechoma hederacea, syn.: Nepeta glechoma, N. hederacea] Echt-Gundelrebe {f}
ground ivy [Glechoma hederacea, syn.: Nepeta glechoma, N. hederacea] Gewöhnliche Gundelrebe {f}
ground ivy [Glechoma hederacea, syn.: Nepeta glechoma, N. hederacea]Efeu-Gundelrebe {f}
ground ivy [Glechoma hederacea, syn.: Nepeta glechoma, N. hederacea] Gemeine Gundelrebe {f}
ground ivy [Glechoma hederacea, syn.: Nepeta glechoma, N. hederacea] Gundelkraut {n} [Gundermann, Echt-Gundelrebe]
ground ivy [Glechoma hederacea] Gundelrebe {f}
ground jackMassebuchse {f}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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