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English-German Dictionary

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ground operations Bodenoperationen {pl}
ground operations {pl} Bodenbetrieb {m}
ground orb web weavers [family Anapidae]Zwergkugelspinnen {pl}
ground ore Erzmehl {n}
ground organisation [esp. Br.] [esp. in the GDR]Grundorganisation {f} <GO>
ground padIsoliermatte {f}
ground pad Isomatte {f} [kurz für: Isoliermatte]
ground pangolin [Smutsia temminckii, syn.: Manis temminckii]Steppenschuppentier {n}
ground parrot [Pezoporus wallicus] Erdsittich {m}
ground pearls {pl} [family Margarodidae, syn.: Monophlebidae] Familie {f} der Höhlenschildläuse
ground pearls [family Margarodidae, syn.: Monophlebidae] Monophlebiden {pl} [Familie der Höhlenschildläuse]
ground pearls [family Margarodidae, syn.: Monophlebidae] Margarodiden {pl} [Familie der Höhlenschildläuse]
ground peg Bodenhering {m}
ground personnel Bodenpersonal {n}
ground pinMassepunkt {m}
ground pin Erdungsstift {m}
ground pine [Ajuga chamaepitys, syn.: Teucrium chamaepitys] Gelber Günsel {m}
ground pine [Ajuga chamaepitys, syn.: Teucrium chamaepitys] Acker-Günsel {m}
ground pine [Ajuga chamaepitys, syn.: Teucrium chamaepitys]Schlagkraut {n}
ground pines [genus Lycopodium]Bärlappe {pl}
ground pines [genus Lycopodium] Schlangenmoose {pl}
ground pines [genus Lycopodium] Drudenfüße {pl}
ground pines [genus Lycopodium] Wolfsklauen {pl}
ground plan Grundriss {m}
ground plan Situationsskizze {f}
ground plan Grundriß {m} [alt]
ground plane Massefläche {f}
ground planeGrundebene {f}
ground plane antennaGroundplane-Antenne {f}
ground plans for fire brigade useFeuerwehrpläne {pl}
ground plate [Am.] Erdungsplatte {f}
ground plate [Am.]Erdplatte {f}
ground plate [Am.] [IEV number 604-04-10]Plattenerder {m} [IEC 60050]
ground plot [Br.](Gebäude umgebendes) Grundstück {n}
ground point Massepunkt {m}
ground point of interceptGleitwegpistenschnittpunkt {m}
ground porkSchweinehack {n}
ground porkSchweinehackfleisch {n}
ground pork [Am.]Mett {n}
ground potentialBezugsmasse {f}
ground potential [Am.] Erdpotential {n}
ground pounder [sl.] [infantry soldier] Sandlatscher {m} [ugs.] [Infanterist]
ground power Bodenstrom {m}
ground power unit <GPU>Bodenstromaggregat {n}
ground pressureBodendruck {m}
ground product [milled] Mahlprodukt {n}
ground prong Erdungsstift {m}
ground proximity warning system <GPWS> Bodennähe-Warnsystem {n}
ground proximity warning system <GPWS> Bodenannäherungswarnsystem {n}
ground rail [Am.] Erdungsschiene {f}
ground raspberry [Hydrastis canadensis]Kanadische Orangenwurzel {f}
ground raspberry [Hydrastis canadensis]Kanadische Gelbwurz {f}
ground rattlesnake [Sistrurus miliarius] Zwergklapperschlange {f}
ground readinessEinsatzbereitschaft {f}
ground receiving station Bodenempfangsstation {f}
ground reconnaissance [also: ground recon] Erdaufklärung {f}
ground reflection Bodenreflexion {f}
ground rent Grundzins {m}
ground rent Erbbauzins {m}
ground rent Grundrente {f}
ground rentBodenrente {f}
ground resistance [Am.] Erdungswiderstand {m}
ground resistance [Am.] Erdausbreitungswiderstand {m}
ground resistance [electrode]Ausbreitungswiderstand {m} [Elektrode]
ground resonance Bodenresonanz {f}
ground response Bodenreaktion {f}
ground rice (grobes) Reismehl {n}
ground rice gemahlener Reis {m}
ground riskBaugrundrisiko {n}
ground riskBodenrisiko {n}
ground rod [Am.] [also: grounding rod]Erdungsstange {f} [auch: Erdungsstab]
ground rod [Am.] [IEV number 604-04-09] Staberder {m} [IEC 60050]
ground rollers [family Brachypteraciidae] Erdracken {pl}
ground round [Am.]Hackfleisch {n} [85 % mageres Rindfleisch, 15 % Fett]
ground ruleGrundregel {f}
ground rules [Am.] [baseball] Ground Rules {pl} [Baseball-Platzregeln]
ground sac spider [Clubiona terrestris] Erd-Sackspinne {f}
ground sample [soil sample] Bodenprobe {f}
ground schoolGrundschulung {f}
ground screw [Am.]Masseschraube {f}
ground segmentsBodensegmente {pl}
ground sensorsBodensensoren {pl}
ground settlement Bodensetzung {f}
ground shark [Notorynchus cepedianus]Breitnasen-Siebenkiemerhai {m}
ground shark [Somniosus microcephalus]Grönlandhai {m}
ground shark [Somniosus microcephalus] Eishai {m}
ground sharks [order Carchariniformes] Grundhaie {pl}
ground sheet [in a tent]Zeltboden {m}
ground shift Masseversatz {m}
ground shippingVersand {m} auf dem Landweg
ground short [Am.] Erdschluss {m}
ground signal Zwergsignal {n}
ground sillBodenschwelle {f}
ground sirloin [Am.] Hackfleisch {n} [90 % mageres Rindfleisch, 10 % Fett]
ground sleeveBodenhülse {f}
ground speed Grundgeschwindigkeit {f}
ground speed <GS> Geschwindigkeit {f} über Grund
ground spiders [family Gnaphosidae, dated: Drassodidae] Glattbauchspinnen {pl}
ground spiders [family Gnaphosidae, dated: Drassodidae]Plattbauchspinnen {pl}
ground spike Erdspieß {m}
« grosgrotgrougrougrougrougrouGrougrougrougrou »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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