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English-German Dictionary

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ground wave propagation [radio]Bodenwellenausbreitung {f}
ground wireMasseleiter {m}
ground wireErddraht {m}
ground wireMasseleitung {f}
ground wire Erdungsseil {n}
ground wire [Am.]Erdleiter {m}
ground wire [Am.]Schutzleiter {m}
ground wire [Am.]Erdungsleiter {m}
ground wire [Am.]Erde {f} [ugs. für: Erdleiter]
ground wolf-spider / wolf spider [Trochosa terricola] Erd-Wolfspinne / Erdwolfspinne {f}
ground woodpecker [Geocolaptes olivaceus] Erdspecht {m}
ground work Fundament {n}
ground work {sg} [earth work]Erdarbeiten {pl}
ground work {sg} [spv.] [groundwork] [preliminary or basic work]Grundlagen {pl}
ground zero Bodennullpunkt {m}
ground zero Explosionsort {m} von Atomwaffen
ground zero Nullpunkt {m} [Atomexplosion]
ground zeroEinschlagsort {m}
Ground Zero [collapse site of the World Trade Center, NYC] Ground Zero {m} [Einsturzstelle des World Trade Center, NYC]
ground zithers Erdzithern {pl}
(ground) control point Passpunkt {m}
groundage Ankergebühr {f}
groundage [Br.] Hafengebühr {f}
groundage [Br.] Hafengeld {n}
groundbait [Br.] Grundköder {m}
groundbait [Br.] Grundfutter {n} [Angeln]
ground-based erdbasiert
ground-based terrestrisch
ground-based bodengebunden
ground-based [fauna] auf dem Boden lebend
groundbreakerWegbereiter {m}
groundbreaker [female] Wegbereiterin {f}
groundbreaking bahnbrechend
groundbreaking innovativ
groundbreaking wegweisend
groundbreaking [Am.] Grundsteinlegung {f}
ground-breaking ceremony Spatenstich {m}
groundbreaking ceremony [Am.] Grundsteinlegung {f}
groundbreaking ceremony [Am.] erster Spatenstich {m} [zeremonielles Ereignis beim Errichten eines Gebäudes, Denkmals etc.]
groundbreaking researchbahnbrechende Forschung {f}
groundbreaking technology innovative Technologie {f}
groundbreaking technologywegweisende Technologie {f}
ground-breeding birdBodenbrüter {m} [Vogel]
ground-breeding birdsbodenbrütende Vögel {pl}
groundcedar / ground cedar [Diphasiastrum complanatum, syn.: Diphasiastrum complanatum subsp. complanatum, Lycopodium complanatum] Gewöhnlicher Flachbärlapp {m}
groundcedar / ground cedar [Lycopodium complanatum, syn.: Diphasiastrum complanatum, Diphasium complanatum] Gemeiner Flachbärlapp {m}
groundcedar / ground cedar [Lycopodium complanatum, syn.: Diphasiastrum complanatum, Diphasium complanatum] Flachgedrückter Bärlapp {m} [selten] [Gewöhnlicher Flachbärlapp]
groundcherry [genus Physalis] Judenkirsche {f}
ground-cherry nightshade [Solanum physalifolium, syn.: S. nitidibaccatum, S. sarrachoides] Glanzfrüchtiger Nachtschatten {m}
ground-cherry nightshade [Solanum physalifolium, syn.: S. nitidibaccatum, S. sarrachoides]Argentinischer Nachtschatten {m}
ground-cherry nightshade [Solanum physalifolium, syn.: S. nitidibaccatum, S. sarrachoides]Glanzbeeren-Nachtschatten {m}
ground-coupled heat pump Erdreichwärmepumpe {f}
ground-cover plant Bodendecker {m}
ground-covering roseBodendeckerrose {f}
ground-dwelling bodenlebend
ground-dwelling auf dem Boden lebend
ground-dwelling organisms Bodenlebewesen {pl}
grounded niedergelegt
grounded grundiert
grounded fixiert
grounded verankert
grounded bodenverhaftet
grounded [Am.] geerdet
grounded [aircraft, pilot] mit einem Startverbot belegt [Flugzeug, Pilot]
grounded [Am.] masseführend [geerdet]
grounded [punished] unter Hausarrest [nachgestellt] [Kinder von ihren Eltern]
grounded [sensible] [coll.] vernünftig
grounded [substantiated] fundiert
grounded circuitgeerdeter Stromkreis {m}
grounded emitter circuit Emitterschaltung {f}
Grounded for Life Keine Gnade für Dad
grounded systemgeerdetes System {n}
grounded theory Grounded Theory {f}
groundedly begründetermaßen
ground-effect craftBodeneffektfahrzeug {n}
ground-effect machineBodeneffektfluggerät {n}
grounder [Am.] [a hit baseball that rolls or bounces on ground] Bodenball {m} [Baseball]
grounder [ground ball] Grounder {m} [im Baseball]
ground-fault monitoring [Am.] Erdschlussüberwachung {f}
groundfishGrundfisch {m}
ground-floor [attr.] Erdgeschoss-
ground-floor apartment [Am.]Parterrewohnung {f}
ground-floor plan Erdgeschossgrundriss {m}
ground-glass [attr.] milchglasartig
ground-glass [attr.] milchglasähnlich
ground-glass [attr.]mattglasartig
ground-glass jointSchliffverbindung {f}
ground-glass joint Glasschliffverbindung {f}
ground-glass opacity <GGO>milchglasartige Dichteanhebung {f}
groundglass viewfinderMattscheibensucher {m}
ground-hemlock [Taxus canadensis]Kanadische Eibe {f}
groundhog Mankei {n} [bayer.] [österr.]
groundhog [Am.] [Marmota monax]Murmeltier {n}
groundhog [Am.] [Marmota monax] Waldmurmeltier {n}
Groundhog Day [Am.] Murmeltiertag {m} [2. Februar]
Groundhog Day [Harold Ramis] Und täglich grüßt das Murmeltier
groundhogs [Am.] [Marmota monax]Waldmurmeltiere {pl}
« grougrougrougrougrougrougrougrougrougrougrou »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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