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English-German Dictionary

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garpike [Belone belone] Hornhecht {m}
garpikes [family Lepisosteidae]Knochenhechte {pl}
garpikes [family Lepisosteidae]Kaimanfische {pl}
garpikes [family Lepisosteidae] Alligatorfische {pl}
Garra rufa fish {pl} Kangalfische {pl}
Garrard Glacier Garrard-Gletscher {m}
garrelsite [Ba3NaSi2B7O16(OH)4] Garrelsit {m}
garret Dachkammer {f}
garretDachstube {f}
garret Mansarde {f}
garretDachboden {m}
garret Bodenraum {m} [Dachkammer]
garret [room]Bodenkammer {f} [regional]
garret roomDachkammer {f}
garret stairs {pl} [literary]Bodentreppe {f}
garret window Dachfenster {n}
garrets Bodenkammern {pl}
garrets Dachzimmer {pl}
garrets Mansarden {pl}
Garrick coatGarrick {m}
Garrido's hutia [Mysateles garridoi] Garrido-Langschwanzhutia {f}
Garrido's hutia [Mysateles garridoi] Garrido-Baumratte {f}
garrigue [also: garigue]Strauchheide {f}
garrison Besatzung {f} [zur Verteidigung]
garrisonGarnison {f}
garrisonStandort {m}
garrison [location]Truppenstandort {m}
garrison cap Feldmütze {f}
garrison cap [Am.] Schiffchen {n} [Kopfbedeckung]
garrison chaplainGarnisonprediger {m} [veraltet]
garrison chaplain Garnisonsprediger {m} [veraltet]
garrison chaplainStandortpfarrer {m} <StOPf>
garrison church Garnisonskirche {f}
garrison church Garnisonkirche {f}
garrison churchStandortkirche {f}
garrison commander Standortkommandant {m} [Bundeswehr bis 1972, seither: Standortältester]
garrison commander Standortältester {m} [Bundeswehr seit 1972, vorher: Standortkommandant]
garrison cover [Am.] [coll.]Schiffchen {n}
garrison headquarters Kommandantur {f} einer Garnison
garrison townGarnisonsstadt {f}
garrison troops Garnisonstruppen {pl}
garrisonsBesatzungen {pl}
garrisons Garnisonen {pl}
Garrod's node Garrod-Knoten {m}
Garrod's pad [knuckle pad]Knöchelpolster {n} [Garrod-Knoten]
Garrod's pad [knuckle pad] Fingerknöchelpolster {n} [Garrod-Knoten]
garron(Schottisches) Hochlandpony {n}
garronite [NaCa2.5(Si10Al6)O32·13 H2O]Garronit {m}
garrote [Am.] Garrotte {f}
garrote [Am.]Würgeisen {n}
garrote [Am.] Würgschraube {f}
garrote [Am.] [instrument] spanische Schlinge {f}
garrotes erdrosselt
garroting [Am.]erdrosselnd
garrotteGarrotte {f}
garrotte [Br.] Würgschraube {f}
garrotte [Br.]Garotte {f}
garrotte [Br.] Würgeisen {n}
garrotte [Br.] [murder weapon] spanische Schlinge {f}
garrulityGeschwätzigkeit {f}
garrulity Schwatzhaftigkeit {f}
garrulity [of a speech] Weitschweifigkeit {f} [einer Rede]
garrulous geschwätzig [pej.]
garrulous schwatzhaft
garrulous [person]redselig
garrulous [speech] langatmig [Rede]
garrulously plätschernd
garrulousness Geschwätzigkeit {f}
garrulousness [of a speech]Langatmigkeit {f} [einer Rede]
Garry oak [Quercus garryana] [Can.] [Oregon oak] Oregon-Eiche {f}
gars [family Lepisosteidae]Knochenhechte {pl}
gars [family Lepisosteidae] Kaimanfische {pl}
gars [family Lepisosteidae] Alligatorfische {pl}
garter [Am.] Strumpfband {n}
garter [Am.]Strumpfhalter {m}
garter [Am.]Sockenhalter {m}
garter belt [Am.]Strumpfhaltergürtel {m}
garter belt [Am.] Straps {m} [Strumpfgürtel]
garter belt [Am.] Strumpfgürtel {m}
garter belt [Am.] Strumpfbandgürtel {m} [bes. österr.]
garter belts [Am.]Strapse {pl} [Strumpfgürtel]
garter bustier [Am.] Straps-Bustier {n}
garter bustier [Am.]Strapsbustier {n}
garter corset [Am.] Strapskorsett {n}
garter corset [Am.] Straps-Korsett {n}
garter girdle [Am.]Straps-Mieder {n} [Korsage]
garter girdle [Am.] Strapsmieder {n} [Korsage]
Garter Principal King of Arms [Br.] Wappenkönig {m} des Hosenbandordens
garter selvedge [knitting] Perlrand {m} [Stricken]
garter snapper [sl.] [dated] [womanizer] Weiberheld {m} [salopp] [oft pej.]
garter stitch [knitting] Krausgestrick {n}
(garter) selvage (edge) [Am.] [knitting]Perlrand {m} [Stricken]
gartered trogon [Trogon caligatus] Nördlicher Veilchentrogon {m}
garteringbefestigend [mit Strumpfband]
gartersStrumpfbänder {pl}
garters Kniebänder {pl}
garters [Am.]Strumpfhalter {pl}
garth [archaic] Garten {m}
Garth and Gus [TaleSpin] Garth und Gus [Käpt'n Balu und seine tollkühne Crew]
« gardgardgardgarlgarlgarpGarugascgasggasogass »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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