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English-German Dictionary

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Guadelupe Island pine [Pinus radiata, syn.: P. insignis, P. muricata] Monterey-Kiefer {f}
guadil [Convolvulus floridus] Blütenreiche Winde {f}
guaiabero [Bolbopsittacus lunulatus]Stummelschwanzpapagei {m}
guaiac [guaiacum resin] Guajak-Harz {n}
guaiac dye Guajak-Farbstoff {m}
guaiac testGuajak-Test {m}
guaiac-based faecal occult blood test <G-FOBT, gFOBT, guaiac-based FOBT> [Br.] guajakbasierter Stuhlbluttest {m} [auch engl. Abk.: gFOBT]
guaiac-based fecal occult blood test <G-FOBT, gFOBT> [Am.] guajakbasierter Stuhlbluttest {m} [auch engl. Abk.: gFOBT]
guaiac-based FOBT <G-FOBT, gFOBT>guajakbasierter FOBT {m} [auch engl. Abk.: gFOBT]
guaiacol [C7H8O2] Guajakol {n}
guaiacol [C7H8O2] Guajacol {n}
guaiacum Pockholz {n}
guaiacum [genus Guaiacum]Guajak {m}
guaiacum [genus Guajacum] Guajak-Baum {m}
Guaíba Lake Guaíba-See {m}
Guaíba (River)Guaíba-Fluss {m} [Rio Guaíba]
guaifenesin Guaifenesin {n}
Guaiquinima bush racer [Philodryas cordata]Guaiquinima-Strauchnatter {f}
Guaiquinima redstart [Myioborus cardonai] Cardonawaldsänger {m} [auch: Cardona-Waldsänger]
Guaiquinima tepui smooth snake [Erythrolamprus torrenicola]Guaiquinima-Glattnatter {f}
Guaiquinima whitestart [Myioborus cardonai]Cardonawaldsänger {m} [auch: Cardona-Waldsänger]
guajacum [spv.] [guaiacum] [genus Guaiacum]Guajak {m}
Guajira stubfoot toad [Atelopus carrikeri] Carrikeri-Harlekinfrosch {m}
Gualtieri's moon snail [Notocochlis gualteriana, syn.: N. antonii, N. vafer, Cochlis migratoria, C. vafer, Natica antoni, N. asellus, N. balteata, N. gualteriana, N. locellus, N. nemo, N. tessellata] Gualtieris Mondschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
Guam <.gu>Guam {n}
Guam broadbill [Myiagra freycineti] [extinct] Guam-Monarch {m} [ausgestorben]
Guam broadbill [Myiagra freycineti] [extinct] Guam-Fliegenschnäpper {m} [ausgestorben]
Guam flycatcher [Myiagra freycineti] Guam-Monarch / Guammonarch {m}
Guam flycatcher [Myiagra freycineti] [extinct] Guam-Fliegenschnäpper {m} [ausgestorben]
Guam flying fox [Pteropus tokudae] [extinct] Guam-Flughund {m} [ausgestorben]
Guam kingfisher [Todiramphus cinnamominus, syn.: Todirhamphus cinnamominus, Halcyon cinnamomina]Zimtkopfliest {m}
Guam rail [Gallirallus owstoni, syn.: Hypotaenidia owstoni] Guamralle {f}
Guam wiftlet [Collocalia bartschi / Aerodramus bartschi]Marianensalangane {f}
Guamá River spindle snake [Atractus albuquerquei] Guamá-Spindelnatter {f}
Guamanian guamisch
Guamanian Guamer {m}
Guamanian [female]Guamerin {f}
GuamaniansGuamer {pl}
guanabana [Annona muricata] Guanabana {f} [Stachelannone]
guanabana family {sg} [family Annonaceae] Annonaceen {pl}
guanabana family {sg} [family Annonaceae] Annonengewächse {pl}
guanabana family {sg} [family Annonaceae]Cherimoyagewächse {pl} [selten]
guanabana family {sg} [family Annonaceae]Flaschenbaumgewächse {pl}
guanabana family {sg} [family Annonaceae]Sauersackgewächse {pl} [selten]
guanabana family {sg} [family Annonaceae] Rahmapfelgewächse {pl}
guanabana family {sg} [family Annonaceae]Schuppenapfelgewächse {pl}
Guanabara Bay Bucht {f} von Guanabara
guanacaste [Enterolobium cyclocarpum] Guanacaste {m}
guanaco [Lama guanicoe]Guanako {n}
guanaco [Lama guanicoe] Huanako {n}
guanacoite [Cu2Mg2(Mg0.5Cu0.5)(OH)4(H2O)4(AsO4)2] Guanacoit {m}
Guanaja centipede snake [Tantilla tritaeniata] Dreiband-Tausendfüßlernatter {f}
Guanaja centipede snake [Tantilla tritaeniata] Guanaja-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
Guanaja long-tailed snake [Enulius bifoveatus]Guanaja-Langschwanznatter {f}
guanajuatite [Bi2Se3] Guanajuatit {m}
Guanajuato centipede snake [Tantilla bocourti] Guanajuato-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
Guanajuato mud turtle [Kinosternon integrum]Mexikanische Klappschildkröte {f}
guanase Guanase {f}
guanay cormorant [Phalacrocorax bougainvillii, syn: Leucocarbo bougainvillii] Guanokormoran {m}
guanay cormorant [Phalacrocorax bougainvillii] Guanoscharbe {f}
guanay shag [Phalacrocorax bougainvillii, syn.: Leucocarbo bougainvillii] Guanokormoran {f}
guancha sponge [Guancha lacunosa, syn.: Ascaltis lacunosa, Ascandra angulata, Ascortis lacunosa, Clathrina lacunosa, Grantia lacunosa, Leucosolenia lacunosa] Gestielter Gitter-Kalkschwamm {m}
guancha sponge [Guancha lacunosa, syn.: Ascaltis lacunosa, Ascandra angulata, Ascortis lacunosa, Clathrina lacunosa, Grantia lacunosa, Leucosolenia lacunosa] Gestielter Kalkgitterschwamm {m}
guanethidine Guanethidin {n}
guanfacine Guanfacin {n}
Guang languages Guang-Sprachen {pl}
Guangdong [Guǎngdōng Shěng] [romanized as Canton Province or Kwangtung]Guangdong {n} [chinesische Provinz]
Guangdong mountain stream keelback [Opisthotropis cheni]Guangdong-Gebirgsflussnatter {f}
Guangxi [autonomous region of China] Guangxi {n} [autonomes Gebiet in China]
Guangxi firebelly toad [Bombina maxima; syn.: Bombina fortinuptialis, B. microdeladigitora, Bombinator maximus] Guangxi-Rotbauchunke {f}
Guangxi mountain keelback [Opisthotropis guangxiensis]Guangxi-Gebirgsflussnatter {f}
Guangxi mountain stream keelback [Opisthotropis guangxiensis] Guangxi-Gebirgsflussnatter {f}
Guangzhou Guangzhou {n} [Kanton]
Guangzhou Kanton {n} [Guangzhou]
guanidine [CH5N3] Guanidin {n}
guanidinesGuanidine {pl}
guanidiniumGuanidinium {n}
guanidinium chloride Guanidiniumchlorid {n}
guanidinium thiocyanate Guanidiniumthiocyanat {n}
guanidinoacetate <GA> Guanidinoacetat {n} <GA>
guanidinoacetate methyltransferase <GAMT>Guanidinoacetatmethyltransferase {f} <GAMT>
guanidinoacetate methyltransferase deficiency <GAMTD>Guanidinoacetat-Methyltransferase-Mangel {m} <GAMT>
Guaniguanico ground snake [Arrhyton tanyplectum] Guaniguanico-Erdnatter {f}
Guaniguanico racerlet [Arrhyton tanyplectum] Guaniguanico-Erdnatter {f}
guanine <G, Gua> [C5H5N5O, C5H3(NH2)N4O] Guanin {n} <G, Gua>
guanine base Guaninbase {f}
guanine monophosphate <GMP> Guaninmonophosphat {n} <GMP>
guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor <GDI> Guaninnukleotid-Dissoziations-Inhibitor {m} <GDI>
guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitors <GDIs>Guaninnukleotid-Dissoziations-Inhibitoren {pl} <GDI>
guanine nucleotide exchange factor <GNEF>Guanin-Nukleotid-Austauschfaktor {m}
guanine nucleotide exchange factors <GNEFs>Guanin-Nukleotid-Austauschfaktoren {pl}
guanine nucleotide-binding protein <GNBP>Guaninnukleotid-bindendes Protein {n} <GNBP>
guanine nucleotide-binding proteins <GNBPs> Guaninnukleotid-bindende Proteine {pl} <GNBP>
guanine-cytosine content <GC-content> Guanin-Cytosin-Gehalt {m} <GC-Gehalt>
guanine-cytosine pairGuanin-Cytosin-Paar {n}
guanoGuano {m}
guano accumulation Guanoansammlung {f}
guano exploitation Guanoausbeutung {f}
guano export Guanoexport {m}
guano fertilizerGuanodünger {m}
« growgrowgrubgruggrunGuadguanguarguarguarguav »
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