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guavasteen [Acca sellowiana]Brasilianische Guave {f}
guavasteen [Acca sellowiana] Ananas-Guave {f}
Guayaquil caecilian [Caecilia tentaculata] Wurmwühle {f}
Guayaquil lizard eater [Mastigodryas reticulatus] Guayaquil-Echsennatter {f}
Guayaquil spindle snake [Atractus microrhynchus]Guayaquil-Spindelnatter {f}
Guayaquil squirrel [Sciurus stramineus]Guayaquil-Hörnchen {n}
Guayaquil woodpecker [Campephilus gayaquilensis] Guayaquilspecht {m}
Guaycuru [also: Guaicuru, Guaicurus, Guaycurú, Guaycurús]Guaycurú {pl}
gubbins [Br.] [coll.] Zeug {n} [ugs.]
gubbins [coll.] Dingsbums {n} [ugs.]
gubernaculumGubernaculum {n}
gubernaculum testisHunter-Band {n}
gubernation Gubernative {f}
gubernator [archaic] Gubernator {m} [Österreich im 17. Jh.]
gubernator [rare]Statthalter {m}
gubernatorial Gouverneurs-
gubernatorial [Am.]für das Gouverneursamt [nachgestellt]
gubernatorial candidateGouverneurskandidat {m}
gubernatorial electionGouverneurswahl {f}
gubernatorial electionsGouverneurswahlen {pl}
gubernatrix [obs.] Gouverneurin {f}
guberniya Gouvernement {n}
gucci [sl.] [Am.] cool [ugs.]
guck [Am.] [coll.]Glibber {m}
guck [Am.] [coll.] klebriges Zeug {n}
Gudaur snow vole [Chionomys gud] Kaukasus-Schneemaus {f}
gudgeonZapfen {m}
gudgeon [archaic] [pej.] Leichtgläubiger {m}
gudgeon [Gobio gobio]Gründling {m}
gudgeon pinKolbenbolzen {m}
gudmundite [FeSbS] Gudmundit {m}
gudok [also: hudok]Gudok {m}
Gudou mountain stream keelback [Opisthotropis laui] Gudou-Gebirgsflussnatter {f}
Guedel pattern airway [oropharyngeal airway] Oropharyngealtubus {m}
Guedel (pattern) airwaysGuedeltuben {pl} [Oropharyngealtuben]
guelder rose [Viburnum opulus] Schneeball {m}
guelder rose [Viburnum opulus] Herzbeer {m}
guelder rose [Viburnum opulus]Gewöhnlicher Schneeball {m}
guelder rose [Viburnum opulus] Gemeiner Schneeball {m}
guelder rose [Viburnum opulus] Blutbeer {f}
guelder rose [Viburnum opulus] Drosselbeerstrauch {m}
guelder rose [Viburnum opulus] Geißenball {m}
guelder rose [Viburnum opulus] Glasbeere {f}
guelder rose [Viburnum opulus]Schlangenbeere {f}
guelder rose [Viburnum opulus]Wasserholder {m}
guelder rose [Viburnum opulus] Wasser-Schneeball {m}
Guelders Geldern {n}
Guelf [female] [spv.]Welfin {f}
Guelf [spv.] Welfe {m}
GuelffGelf {n}
Guelfic [spv.] welfisch
GuelphWelfe {m}
Guelph [female] Welfin {f}
Guelph king Welfenkönig {m}
Guelph Treasure Welfenschatz {m}
Guelphs Guelfen {pl}
GuelphsWelfen {pl}
Guennol LionessGuennol-Löwin {f}
guenon [genus Cercopithecus](Eigentliche) Meerkatze {f}
guenons [genus Cercopithecus]Meerkatzen {pl}
Guenther's black snake [Bothrolycus ater]Schwarze Zügelgrubennatter {f}
Guenther's dik-dik / dikdik [Madoqua guentheri] Günther-Dikdik {n}
Guenther's island racer [Arrhyton taeniatum]Breitstreifen-Erdnatter {f}
Guenther's mouthbrooder [Chromidotilapia guentheri]Günthers Prachtbarsch {m}
Guenther's Philippine shrub snake [Oxyrhabdium leporinum] Philippinische Gebänderte Wühlnatter {f}
guep [Tae Kwon Do: rank]Kup {n} [Tae Kwon Do: Graduierung]
guerdon [archaic or rare]Entschädigung {f}
guerdon [archaic]Belohnung {f}
guerdonless [archaic] unbelohnt
gueridon Nipptisch {m}
guerilla [spv.]Guerilla {f}
guerilla [spv.]Guerillero {m}
guerilla [spv.]Guerillakämpfer {m}
guerilla [spv.] Guerilla {m} [veraltend] [Angehöriger einer Guerilla; Partisan; Guerillakämpfer]
guerilla activityGuerillatätigkeit {f}
guerilla fighterGuerillakämpfer {m}
guerilla fighterGuerillero {m} [in Lateinamerika]
guerilla (fighter) Untergrundkämpfer {m}
guerilla filmmaker [spv.] Guerilla-Filmemacher {m}
guerilla film-making Guerillafilm {m}
guerilla filmmaking Guerilla-Filmemachen {n}
guerilla gardener Guerilla-Gärtner {m}
guerilla gardeningGuerillagärtnerei {f}
guerilla gardeningGuerilla Gardening {n} [auch: Guerilla-Gardening]
guerilla group [spv.] Guerillagruppe {f} [auch: Guerilla-Gruppe]
guerilla groups Guerillagruppierungen {pl} [auch: Guerilla-Gruppierungen]
guerilla groupsGuerillagruppen {pl} [auch: Guerilla-Gruppen]
guerilla marketingGuerilla-Marketing {n}
guerilla marketing Guerilla-Vermarktung {f}
guerilla organisation [Br.] [spv.]Guerillaorganisation {f} [auch: Guerilla-Organisation]
guerilla organization [spv.] Guerillaorganisation {f} [auch: Guerilla-Organisation]
guerilla tactics {pl} Guerillataktik {f}
guerilla troops [spv.]Guerillatruppen {pl} [auch: Guerilla-Truppen]
guerilla unit [spv.] Guerillaeinheit {f} [auch: Guerilla-Einheit]
guerilla warGuerillakrieg {m}
guerilla warfareGuerillakrieg {m}
guerilla warfareGuerillakampf {m}
guerilla warfare [spv.] Guerillakriegsführung {f} [auch: Guerilla-Kriegsführung]
guerilla-wise [rare] [cf. guerilla-style] guerillaartig [selten auch: Guerilla-artig] [vgl. guerillamäßig]
« Guadguanguarguarguarguavguerguesguesguidguid »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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