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guardsman Wache {f}
guardsmanWachtposten {m}
guardsmanWächter {m}
guardsman [United States National Guard] Nationalgardist {m} [Nationalgarde der Vereinigten Staaten]
guardsmen Gardisten {pl}
guardstone [archaic]Prellstein {m}
guarinoite [(Zn,Co,Ni)6(SO4)(OH,Cl)10·5H2O]Guarinoit {m}
guatapana [Caesalpinia coriaria] Divi-Divi-Baum {m}
Guatemala <.gt> Guatemala {n}
Guatemala barred owl [Strix fulvescens] Gelbkauz {m}
Guatemala CityGuatemala-Stadt {n}
Guatemala fir [Abies guatemalensis] Guatemala-Tanne {f}
Guatemala grass [Tripsacum laxum] Guatemala-Gras {n}
Guatemala grass [Tripsacum laxum]Gemeines Sesamgras {n}
Guatemala neckband snake [Scaphiodontophis annulatus] Guatemala-Halsbandnatter {f}
Guatemalan guatemaltekisch
Guatemalan Guatemalteke {m}
Guatemalanaus Guatemala [nachgestellt]
Guatemalan [female] Guatemaltekin {f}
Guatemalan antpitta [Grallaria guatimalensis] Schuppenkopf-Ameisenpitta {f}
Guatemalan antpitta [Grallaria guatimalensis] Kleine Bartameisenpitta {f}
Guatemalan arboreal lizard [Abronia vasconcelosii] Guatemala-Baumschleiche {f}
Guatemalan black howler [Alouatta pigra, syn.: Alouatta villosa] Guatemala-Brüllaffe {m}
Guatemalan deer mouse [Peromyscus guatemalensis] Guatemala-Hirschmaus {f}
Guatemalan deermouse [Peromyscus guatemalensis]Guatemala-Hirschmaus {f}
Guatemalan dwarf short-tailed snake [Tantillita lintoni] Guatemaltekische Kurzschwanznatter {f}
Guatemalan fir [Abies guatemalensis] Guatemala-Tanne {f}
Guatemalan gamagrass [Tripsacum laxum]Gemeines Sesamgras {n}
Guatemalan gamagrass [Tripsacum laxum]Guatemala-Gras {n}
Guatemalan garter snake [Thamnophis fulvus] Guatemala-Strumpfbandnatter {f}
Guatemalan glass characin [Am.] [Roeboides guatemalensis] Guatemala-Glassalmler {m}
Guatemalan glass characin [Am.] [Roeboides guatemalensis]Glassalmler {m}
Guatemalan headstander [Am.] [Roeboides guatemalensis] Guatemala-Glassalmler {m}
Guatemalan helmeted basilisk [Corytophanes percarinatus] Guatemala-Helmleguan {m}
Guatemalan ivorybill [Campephilus guatemalensis, syn.: Phloeoceastes guatemalensis]Königsspecht {m}
Guatemalan ivory-billed woodpecker [Campephilus guatemalensis, syn.: Phloeoceastes guatemalensis] Königsspecht {m}
Guatemalan lizard eater [Mastigodryas laevis]Guatemaltekische Echsennatter {f}
Guatemalan long-tailed partridge [Dendrortyx leucophrys]Guatemalawachtel {f}
Guatemalan long-tailed partridge [Dendrortyx leucophrys] Schwarzschnabel-Langschwanzwachtel {f}
Guatemalan milk snake [Lampropeltis abnorma]Honduras-Dreiecksnatter {f}
Guatemalan milk snake [Lampropeltis abnorma]Pazifik-Dreiecksnatter {f}
Guatemalan myotis [Myotis cobanensis, syn.: Myotis velifer cobanensis] Guatemala-Mausohr {n}
Guatemalan palm viper [Bothriechis aurifer] Gelbgefleckte Palmlanzenotter {f}
Guatemalan palm-pitviper [Bothriechis bicolor] Zweifarbige Palmlanzenotter {f}
Guatemalan pygmy owl [Glaucidium cobanense, syn.: Glaucidium gnoma cobanense] Guatemala-Sperlingskauz {m}
Guatemalan rhubarb [Jatropha podagrica] Rhabarber {m} von Guatemala
Guatemalan rhubarb [Jatropha podagrica] Guatemala-Rhabarber {m}
Guatemalan rhubarb [Jatropha podagrica]Pagodenpflanze {f}
Guatemalan rhubarb [Jatropha podagrica]Flaschenpflanze {f}
Guatemalan screech owl [Megascops guatemalae] Guatemala-Kreischeule {f}
Guatemalan screech-owl [Otus guatemalae] Rotgesichteule {f}
Guatemalan siskin [Carduelis atriceps, syn.: Spinus atriceps] Guatemalazeisig {m}
Guatemalan snail eater [Tropidodipsas fischeri] Guatemaltekische Schneckennatter {f}
Guatemalan spiny-tailed iguana [Ctenosaura palearis] Guatemala-Schwarzleguan {m}
Guatemalan tree viper [Bothriechis bicolor] Zweifarbige Palmlanzenotter {f}
Guatemalan vole [Microtus guatemalensis]Guatemala-Wühlmaus {f}
(Guatemalan) emerald spiny lizard [Sceloporus taeniocnemis]Smaragdgrüner Stachelleguan {m}
(Guatemalan) emerald spiny lizard [Sceloporus taeniocnemis] Chiapas-Stachelleguan {m}
Guatemalans Guatemalteken {pl}
guava Guavenbaum {m}
guava [Psidium guajava] Guave {f}
guava juiceGuavensaft {m} [auch: Guaven-Saft]
guavasteen [Acca sellowiana] Brasilianische Guave {f}
guavasteen [Acca sellowiana]Ananas-Guave {f}
Guayaquil caecilian [Caecilia tentaculata] Wurmwühle {f}
Guayaquil lizard eater [Mastigodryas reticulatus] Guayaquil-Echsennatter {f}
Guayaquil spindle snake [Atractus microrhynchus] Guayaquil-Spindelnatter {f}
Guayaquil squirrel [Sciurus stramineus] Guayaquil-Hörnchen {n}
Guayaquil woodpecker [Campephilus gayaquilensis] Guayaquilspecht {m}
Guaycuru [also: Guaicuru, Guaicurus, Guaycurú, Guaycurús]Guaycurú {pl}
gubbins [Br.] [coll.] Zeug {n} [ugs.]
gubbins [coll.] Dingsbums {n} [ugs.]
gubernaculumGubernaculum {n}
gubernaculum testis Hunter-Band {n}
gubernation Gubernative {f}
gubernator [archaic]Gubernator {m} [Österreich im 17. Jh.]
gubernator [rare]Statthalter {m}
gubernatorial [Am.] für das Gouverneursamt [nachgestellt]
gubernatorial candidate Gouverneurskandidat {m}
gubernatorial electionGouverneurswahl {f}
gubernatorial elections Gouverneurswahlen {pl}
gubernatrix [obs.] Gouverneurin {f}
guberniyaGouvernement {n}
gucci [sl.] [Am.] cool [ugs.]
guck [Am.] [coll.] Glibber {m}
guck [Am.] [coll.] klebriges Zeug {n}
Gudaur snow vole [Chionomys gud] Kaukasus-Schneemaus {f}
gudgeonZapfen {m}
gudgeon [archaic] [pej.] Leichtgläubiger {m}
gudgeon [Gobio gobio]Gründling {m}
gudgeon pinKolbenbolzen {m}
gudmundite [FeSbS]Gudmundit {m}
gudok [also: hudok]Gudok {m}
Gudou mountain stream keelback [Opisthotropis laui]Gudou-Gebirgsflussnatter {f}
Guedel pattern airway [oropharyngeal airway] Oropharyngealtubus {m}
Guedel (pattern) airwaysGuedeltuben {pl} [Oropharyngealtuben]
guelder rose [Viburnum opulus]Schneeball {m}
guelder rose [Viburnum opulus]Herzbeer {m}
guelder rose [Viburnum opulus] Gewöhnlicher Schneeball {m}
« GSteguanguarguarguarguarguelguerguesguffguid »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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