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gas compression springGasfeder {f}
gas compressor Gaskompressor {m}
gas compressorGasverdichter {m}
gas concentrationGaskonzentration {f}
gas concrete Gasbeton {m}
gas concrete blocksGasbetonblöcke {pl}
gas conduit Gasrohrleitung {f}
gas connectionGasanschluss {m}
gas constantGaskonstante {f}
gas consumptionGasverbrauch {m}
gas consumption [Am.]Benzinverbrauch {m}
gas control Gasregelung {f}
gas controlGassteuerung {f}
gas control valveGasregelventil {n}
gas converted into electricity verstromtes Gas {n}
gas cookerGaskocher {m}
gas cooker [Br.] Gasherd {m}
gas cooker [esp. Br.] Gasofen {m} [Gasherd]
gas coolingKühlung {f} mit Gas
gas cooling system Gaskühlung {f}
gas corrosion Gaskorrosion {f}
gas costs [Am.] Benzinkosten {pl}
gas couplingGaskupplung {f}
gas coupon [Am.] Benzingutschein {m}
gas crisis Gaskrise {f}
gas cutting Brennschneiden {n}
gas cutting Autogenschneiden {n}
gas cycleGaskreislauf {m}
gas cylinder Gasflasche {f}
gas cylinder Gaszylinder {m}
gas cylinder cart Gasflaschenwagen {m}
gas cylinder dolly Gasflaschenwagen {m}
gas cylinder valveGasflaschenventil {n}
gas demand [e.g. propane, but not gasoline]Gasbedarf {m}
gas demand [propane, etc., but not gasoline]Gasnachfrage {f}
gas densityGasdichte {f}
gas depositErdgasvorkommen {n}
gas detection Gasdetektion {f}
gas detection device Gaswarneinrichtung {f}
gas detection system <GDS>Gaswarnanlage {f} <GWA>
gas detectorGasmelder {m}
gas detectorGasspürgerät {n}
gas devices Gasgeräte {pl}
gas diffusion electrode Gasdiffusionselektrode {f}
gas diffusion layer <GDL> Gasdiffusionsschicht {f} <GDS> [auch engl. GDL]
gas diffusion system <GDS> Gasdiffusionssystem {n}
gas discharge Gasentladung {f}
gas discharge lampGasentladungslampe {f}
gas discharge valve Gasableiter {m}
gas distribution [e.g. blast furnace] Durchgasung {f} [z. B. Hochofen]
gas distribution systemGasverteilungssystem {n}
gas dividerGasteiler {m}
gas drainage Gasabsaugung {f} [Entgasung]
gas drainage Entgasung {f}
gas drillingGasbohrung {f}
gas dryerGastrockner {m}
gas drying unit Gastrocknungseinheit {f}
gas duct plateGaskanalplatte {f}
gas dynamics [treated as sg.] Gasdynamik {f}
gas economyGaswirtschaft {f}
gas edema [Am.] Gasödem {n}
gas electrificationGasverstromung {f}
gas embolism Gasembolie {f}
gas engine Gasmotor {m}
gas engineering Gastechnik {f} [Studienfach]
gas envelope Gashülle {f}
gas equipment {sg} Gasgeräte {pl}
gas exchange Gasaustausch {m}
gas exchange process Gasaustauschprozess {m}
gas expansion factor Gasausdehnungsfaktor {m}
gas expansion turbine Gasentspannungsturbine {f}
gas explosion Gasexplosion {f}
gas exporter Gasexporteur {m}
Gas Exporting Countries Forum <GECF> Forum {n} Gas exportierender Länder <GECF>
gas exportsGasexporte {pl}
gas extraction method Gasfördermethode {f}
gas fieldErdgasvorkommen {n}
gas fieldGasfeld {n}
gas fire [esp. Br.] Gasofen {m} [Kaminofen]
gas fired condensing technologyGas-Brennwerttechnik {f}
gas fired heat pump Gas-Wärmepumpe {f}
gas fired heat pump Gaswärmepumpe {f}
gas firingGasfeuerung {f}
gas fitter Gasinstallateur {m}
gas fittings {pl}Gasarmatur {f}
gas flameGasflamme {f}
gas flare Gasfackel {f} [Erdölförderanlage, Klärwerk]
gas flaring Abfackeln {n} von Gas
gas flow Gasfluss {m}
gas flow Gasströmung {f}
gas flow Gasstrom {m} [Gasströmung]
gas flushingGasspülung {f}
gas flushing device Gasspüleinrichtung {f}
gas fractionGasfraktion {f}
gas from purification plants Klärgas {n}
gas fuelGasbrennstoff {m} [auch: Gas-Brennstoff]
gas fuel Gaskraftstoff {m} [auch: Gas-Kraftstoff]
gas gangrene Gasgangrän {f} {n}
gas gangrene Gasbrand {m} [Gasgangrän]
gas gauge [Am.] Tankuhr {f}
« gardgarlgarlgarpGarugascgasggasogassgas-gask »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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