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Gulag Gulag {m}
gular Kehl-
gular membrane Gularmembran {f}
gular pouch Kehlsack {m}
gular sac Kehlsack {m}
Gulash [beef stew with paprika]Pörkölt {n}
Gulating Gulathingslov {n}
gulch [Am.]Bergschlucht {f}
gulch [Am.] Schlucht {f}
gulchesSchluchten {pl}
gulches [Am.]Bergschluchten {pl}
Güldenstädt's redstart [Phoenicurus erythrogastrus, syn.: Phoenicurus erythrogaster]Riesenrotschwanz {m}
Guldenstadt's redstart [Phoenicurus erythrogastrus, syn.: Phoenicurus erythrogaster] Riesenrotschwanz {m}
guldiner Guldiner {m} [Guldengroschen]
Guldin's rule [also: Guldin rule, rule of Guldin] guldinsche Regel {f}
Guldin's rule [also: Guldin rule, rule of Guldin]Guldin-Regel {f}
Gülen movement [also: Fethullah Gülen movement]Gülen-Bewegung {f} [auch: Fethullah-Gülen-Bewegung]
gules Rot {n}
gulfGolf {m}
gulf Meerbusen {m} [veraltend] [Golf]
gulf [deep chasm, abyss] [also fig.] [wide gap, large difference]Kluft {f} [auch fig.]
Gulf catshark [Asymbolus vincenti]Golf-Katzenhai {m}
Gulf chimaera [esp. Br.] [Hydrolagus alberti] Alberts Seeratte {f}
Gulf Coast Golfküste {f}
Gulf Coast box turtle [Terrapene carolina major]Golfküsten-Dosenschildkröte {f}
Gulf Coast kangaroo rat [Dipodomys compactus] Golfküsten-Kängururatte {f}
Gulf Coast region Golfküstenregion {f}
Gulf Coast spiny softshell (turtle) [Apalone spinifera aspera] Golfküsten-Dornrand-Weichschildkröte {f}
Gulf Coast toad [Bufo valliceps] Golfkröte {f}
Gulf Cooperation Council <GCC>Golfkooperationsrat {m}
Gulf crisis [1990-91] Golfkrise {f}
Gulf cypress [Taxodium ascendens, syn.: Taxodium distichum var. imbricarium] Sumpfzeder {f}
Gulf cypress [Taxodium ascendens, syn.: Taxodium distichum var. imbricarium] Eibenzypresse {f}
Gulf cypress [Taxodium ascendens, syn.: Taxodium distichum var. imbricarium]Taxodie {f} [Sumpfzypresse]
Gulf cypress [Taxodium distichum] Sumpfzypresse {f}
gulf fritillary [Agraulis vanillae] [butterfly] Vanillefalter {m}
Gulf houseGulfhaus {n}
Gulf menhaden [Brevoortia patronus]Golf-Menhaden {m} [auch: Golfmenhaden]
Gulf monarchy Golfmonarchie {f}
gulf nation Golfstaat {m}
Gulf of Aden Golf {m} von Aden
Gulf of Alaska Golf {m} von Alaska
Gulf of Antalya Golf {m} von Antalya
Gulf of Aqaba Golf {m} von Aqaba
Gulf of Aqaba Golf {m} von Akaba
Gulf of AsinaraGolf {m} von Asinara
Gulf of Batabanó Golf {m} von Batabanó
Gulf of Boni Golf {m} von Bone
Gulf of Boothia Golf {m} von Boothia
Gulf of Bothnia Bottnischer Meerbusen {m}
Gulf of BurgasBucht {f} von Burgas
Gulf of Burgas Golf {m} von Burgas
Gulf of CagliariGolf {m} von Cagliari
Gulf of California Golf {m} von Kalifornien
Gulf of California harbor porpoise [Am.] [Phocoena sinus] Kalifornischer Schweinswal {m}
Gulf of California harbor porpoise [Am.] [Phocoena sinus] Golftümmler {m}
Gulf of California harbor porpoise [Am.] [Phocoena sinus]Vaquita {m}
Gulf of California porpoise [Phocoena sinus] Kalifornischer Schweinswal {m}
Gulf of California porpoise [Phocoena sinus] Golftümmler {m}
Gulf of California porpoise [Phocoena sinus] Vaquita {m}
Gulf of Cambay [dated] [Gulf of Khambhat] Golf {m} von Khambhat
Gulf of Carpentaria Carpentariagolf {m}
Gulf of Carpentaria Golf {m} von Carpentaria
Gulf of CorinthGolf {m} von Korinth
Gulf of Danzig Danziger Bucht {f}
Gulf of Darién Golf {m} von Darién
Gulf of Drin Drin-Golf {m}
Gulf of Dulce Golfo Dulce {m} [auch Golf von Dulce]
Gulf of Finland Finnischer Meerbusen {m}
Gulf of Gabès Golf {m} von Gabès
Gulf of Genoa Golf {m} von Genua
Gulf of Guinea Golf {m} von Guinea
Gulf of Guinea Meerbusen {m} von Guinea [früher für: Golf von Guinea]
Gulf of Guinea thrush [Turdus olivaceofuscus]Sao-Tomé-Drossel {f}
Gulf of Hammamet Golf {m} von Hammamet
Gulf of Honduras Golf {m} von Honduras
Gulf of KhambhatGolf {m} von Khambhat
Gulf of LepantoGolf {m} von Lepanto
Gulf of Lions Golfe du Lion {m}
Gulf of MartabanGolf {m} von Martaban
Gulf of Mexico Golf {m} von Mexiko
Gulf of Morbihan Golf {m} von Morbihan
Gulf of Ob Obbusen {m}
Gulf of OmanGolf {m} von Oman
Gulf of Papua Golf {m} von Papua
Gulf of Papua Papua-Golf {m} [auch: Papuagolf]
Gulf of Patras Golf {m} von Patras
Gulf of Pechihli / Pechili [obs.] [Bohai Sea, Bohai Gulf] Golf {m} von Petschili / Tschili [veraltet] [Golf von Bohai]
Gulf of Riga Rigaischer Meerbusen {m}
Gulf of RigaRigaer Meerbusen {m}
Gulf of Saint Lawrence Sankt-Lorenz-Golf {m}
Gulf of Salerno Golf {m} von Salerno
Gulf of Saros Golf {m} von Saros
Gulf of Siam [former name for the Gulf of Thailand]Golf {m} von Siam [veraltet] [Golf von Thailand]
Gulf of Sidra [also: Gulf of Sirte]Golf {m} von Sidra [Große Syrte]
Gulf of Sirte [Libya]Große Syrte {f} [Libyen]
Gulf of SuezGolf {m} von Sues / Suez
Gulf of TarantoGolf {m} von Tarent
Gulf of ThailandGolf {m} von Thailand
Gulf of TominiGolf {m} von Tomini
« guidguidguilguilguirGulaGulfgulpgumdguncgund »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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