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English-German Dictionary

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gynecic [Am.]Gynäko-
gynecic [Am.]Gyno-
gynecium [Am.] Gynäzeum {n}
gynecocracy Gynaikokratie {f}
gynecoid [Am.] gynoid
gynecoid [Am.]gynäkoid
gynecologic [Am.]gynäkologisch
gynecologic oncology <GO> [Am.] gynäkologische Onkologie {f}
gynecological [Am.]gynäkologisch
gynecological cancer [Am.] gynäkologischer Krebs {m}
gynecological chair [Am.] Gynäkologiestuhl {m}
gynecological clinic [Am.] Frauenklinik {f}
gynecological disorder [Am.]Frauenleiden {n}
gynecological disorder [Am.]Frauenkrankheit {f}
gynecological endocrinology [Am.] gynäkologische Endokrinologie {f}
gynecological examination [Am.] gynäkologische Untersuchung {f}
gynecological examination [Am.] frauenärztliche Untersuchung {f}
gynecological examination chair [Am.]gynäkologischer Untersuchungsstuhl {m}
gynecological hospital [Am.]Frauenklinik {f}
gynecological speculum [Am.] Scheidenspekulum {n}
gynecologically [Am.]gynäkologisch
gynecologicals Gynäkologika {pl}
gynecologist [Am.] Gynäkologe {m}
gynecologist [Am.]Frauenarzt {m}
gynecologist [Am.] Frauenheilkundler {m}
gynecologist [female] [Am.]Gynäkologin {f}
gynecologist [female] [Am.]Frauenärztin {f}
gynecologist [female] [Am.]Frauenheilkundlerin {f}
gynecologist's assistant [female] [Am.] Frauenarzthelferin {f}
gynecologist's receptionist [female] [Am.]Frauenarzthelferin {f}
gynecology [Am.]Gynäkologie {f}
gynecology [Am.] Frauenheilkunde {f} [Gynäkologie]
gynecology clinic [Am.] Frauenklinik {f}
gynecomastia <GM> [Am.] Gynäkomastie {f} <GM>
gynecomastia <GM> [Am.] Männerbrüste {pl} [ugs.] [Gynäkomastie]
gynecophobia Gynäkophobie {f}
gynecotropism [Am.] Gynäkotropie {f}
gynecotropism [Am.] Gynäkotropismus {m}
gynecotropism [Am.] Frauenwendigkeit {f} [Gynäkotropie]
gynecotropism [Am.] Mädchenwendigkeit {f} [Gynäkotropie]
gynephiliaGynäkophilie {f}
gynephilia Gynäphilie {f}
gynephobia Gynäkophobie {f}
gynephobiaWeiberscheu {f}
gynobaseGynobasis {f}
gynobasic gynobasisch
gynocentric gynozentrisch
gynocentrism Gynozentrismus {m}
gynocentrism Frauenzentrierung {f}
gynocracy Gynaikokratie {f}
gynocracy Weiberherrschaft {f}
gynodioecyGynodiözie {f}
gynoeciaGynäzeen {pl}
gynoecium Gynäzeum {n}
gynoeciumGynoecium {n}
gynoecium Gynaeceum {n}
gynoecium Gynoeceum {n}
gynoecium Gynözeum {n}
gynogameteGynogamet {m}
gynogenesis Gynogenese {f}
gynogenetic gynogenetisch
gynogenetical gynogenetisch
gynoid Gynoide {f} [weiblicher Roboter]
gynoid lipodystrophy [cellulite] Cellulite {f}
gynomerogonyGynomerogonie {f}
gynomonoecy Gynomonözie {f}
gynophobiaGynophobie {f}
gynophore Gynophor {n}
gynosomeGynosom {n}
gynostegium Gynostegium {n}
gynostemium Gynostemium {n}
Győr Raab {n} [deutscher Name von Győr]
gyoza Gyoza {pl}
gyp [Am.] [female dog, esp. one that has not yet had puppies]Hündin {f} [bes. eine solche, die noch keine Welpen hatte]
gyp [Br.] [coll.] [Univ.] [obs.] Kammerdiener {m} im College
gyp [coll.]Gaunerei {f}
gyp [coll.] Gauner {m}
gyp [sl.] [cheating, overcharging]Nepp {m} [ugs.]
gypcrete [gypsum concrete]Gipsbeton {m}
gypit [Scot.] doof [ugs.]
gypo [Am.] [sl.] [itinerant logger] Wanderholzfäller {m}
gypping [coll.]schwindelnd
gyppo [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] Zigeuner {m} [pej.] [Roma und Sinti, Fahrende]
Gyprock® [also: gyprock] [Br.] [Aus.] [Can.] [plaster / drywall]Rigips® [Rigipsplatte® (Gipskartonplatte)]
gyps schwindelt
gypseous alabaster Alabastergips {m}
gypsian [Br.]zigeunerisch [pej.]
Gypsid Gypsid {m}
gypsies Zigeuner {pl} [diskriminierend]
gypsies Rotationseuropäer {pl} [pej.] [Zigeuner; Sinti und Roma]
gypsificationVergipsung {f} [Zu-Gips-Werden / -Machen]
gypsogenin [C30H46O4] Gypsogenin {n}
gypsum Fraueneis {n}
gypsum [CaSO4·2H2O]Gips {m}
« gustgutkguttGwengymngynegypsgyrah[lehabihabi »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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