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English-German Dictionary

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gypsum block Gipsblockstein {m}
gypsum blocksGipswandbauplatten {pl} [auch: Gips-Wandbauplatten]
gypsum blocks Gipsdielen {pl} [auch: Gips-Dielen] [früher für: Gipswandbauplatten]
gypsum board Gipskarton {m}
gypsum deposit Gipslagerstätte {f}
gypsum depositGipsvorkommen {n}
gypsum flower [selenite] [CaSO4·2H2O] Selenit {m}
gypsum karst Gipskarst {m}
gypsum millGipsmühle {f}
gypsum mine Gipsgrube {f}
gypsum mining Gipsabbau {m}
gypsum mortarGipsmörtel {m}
gypsum nodules Gipsknollen {pl}
gypsum partition Gipstrennwand {f}
gypsum plaster boardGipskartonplatte {f}
gypsum plasterboardGipsplatte {f}
gypsum quarry Gipsgrube {f}
gypsum quarrying Gipsabbau {m}
gypsum rose Gipsrose {f} [Sandrose]
Gypsum Spring FormationGypsum-Spring-Formation {f}
gypsum stamp millGipsstampfe {f}
gypsum stone Gipsgestein {n}
gypsum tileGipsblockstein {m}
gypsum wall Gipswand {f}
gypsum works Gipswerk {n}
gypsum-lime plaster Gips-Kalkputz {m}
gypsy Zigeuner {m} [diskriminierend]
gypsy zigeunerhaft
gypsy [female] Zigeunerin {f}
gypsy [Phaeolepiota aurea] (Goldfarbener) Glimmerschüppling {m}
gypsy [Phaeolepiota aurea] Gemeiner Glimmerschüppling {m}
gypsy blouse Carmenbluse {f}
gypsy boy Zigeunerjunge {m}
gypsy campZigeunerlager {n}
gypsy caravan Zigeunerwagen {m}
gypsy children Zigeunerkinder {pl}
gypsy cuckoo bee [Bombus bohemicus] Angebundene Kuckuckshummel {f}
gypsy cuckoo bumblebee [Bombus bohemicus] Angebundene Kuckuckshummel {f}
gypsy family camp [concentration camp]Zigeuner-Familienlager {n} [in Auschwitz]
Gypsy family camp [concentration camp] Zigeunerfamilienlager {n} [KZ]
gypsy flower [Cynoglossum officinale] Gewöhnliche Hundszunge {f}
gypsy girlZigeunermädchen {n}
gypsy girljunge Zigeunerin {f}
Gypsy in Amber [Martin Cruz Smith as Martin Smith] Sing, Zigeuner, Sing ... [Alternativtitel: Das Ritual]
gypsy jazz Zigeunerjazz {m}
gypsy jazz Gypsy-Jazz {m}
gypsy lifeZigeunerleben {n}
gypsy moth [Lymantria dispar, syn.: Porthetria dispar](Großer) Schwammspinner {m} [Falter]
gypsy music Zigeunermusik {f}
gypsy rose [Knautia arvensis] Ackerskabiose {f}
gypsy rose [Knautia arvensis]Wiesen-Knautie / Wiesenknautie {f}
gypsy rose [Knautia arvensis] Acker-Knautie / Ackerknautie {f}
gypsy rose [Knautia arvensis]Acker-Witwenblume / Ackerwitwenblume {f}
gypsy rose [Knautia arvensis] Nähkisselchen {n} [regional] [Acker-Witwenblume]
gypsy rose [Knautia arvensis] Wiesen-Witwenblume / Wiesenwitwenblume {f}
gypsy rose [Knautia arvensis]Wiesenskabiose {f}
gypsy sauce Zigeunersoße {f}
gypsy scaleZigeunertonleiter {f}
gypsy toasts [eggy breads] Arme Ritter {pl}
gypsy tonalityZigeunertonalität {f}
gypsy vardo [also: Gypsy vardo] Vardo {m} [Zigeunerwagen]
Gypsy Wildcat [Roy William Neill] Zigeuner-Wildkatze
gypsy woman Zigeunerin {f}
(Gypsy) vardaZigeunerwagen {m} [Vardo]
gypsyflower / gypsy flower [Cynoglossum officinale, syn.: Cynoglossum clandestinum] Echte Hundszunge {f}
gypsyish [also gipsyish] Zigeuner- [diskriminierend]
gypsy-like [also: gipsy-like, gypsylike, gipsylike] zigeunerhaft [veraltend] [meist pej.]
gypsy-like [also: gipsy-like, gypsylike, gipsylike]wie ein Zigeuner [nachgestellt] [fig.] [ugs.]
gypsy's rose [Knautia arvensis] Wiesenskabiose {f}
gypsy's rose [Knautia arvensis]Acker-Witwenblume / Ackerwitwenblume {f}
gypsy's rose [Knautia arvensis] Wiesen-Witwenblume / Wiesenwitwenblume {f}
gypsy's rose [Knautia arvensis]Nähkisselchen {n} [Acker-Witwenblume]
gypsy's rose [Knautia arvensis]Wiesen-Knautie / Wiesenknautie {f}
gypsy's rose [Knautia arvensis] Ackerskabiose {f}
gypsy's rose [Knautia arvensis] Acker-Knautie / Ackerknautie {f}
gypsyweed [genus Veronica] Ehrenpreis {m}
gypsywort [Lycopus europaeus] Ufer-Wolfstrapp {m}
gyr falcon [Falco rusticolus] Gerfalke {m}
gyral gyral
gyraseGyrase {f}
gyrase inhibitor Gyrasehemmer {m}
gyrate gewunden
gyrategyratus [nachgestellt] [lat.] [gewunden]
gyrating kreisend
gyrating gewunden
gyration Drehung {f}
gyrationDrehbewegung {f}
gyrationRotation {f}
gyrationWirbeln {n}
gyration Kreisen {n}
gyration Kreisbewegung {f}
gyrationGyrierung {f}
gyration frequency Gyrationsfrequenz {f}
gyration radiusGyrationsradius {m}
gyrational Gyrations-
gyratory kreisend
« gutkguttGwengymngynegypsgyrah[lehabihabiHabs »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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