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English-German Dictionary

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gas station [Am.] Tankstelle {f}
gas station [Am.] Tanke {f} [ugs.] [Tankstelle]
gas station attendant [Am.]Tankwart {m}
gas station employee [Am.]Tankstellenangestellter {m}
gas station employee [female] [Am.] Tankstellenangestellte {f}
gas station modelTankstellenmodell {n}
gas station operator [Am.]Tankstellenbetreiber {m}
gas station owner [Am.] Tankstellenbesitzer {m}
gas station store [Am.] Tankstellenshop {m}
gas station tenant [Am.]Tankstellenpächter {m}
gas sterilisation [Br.] Gassterilisation {f}
gas sterilization Gassterilisation {f}
gas storage Gasspeicher {m}
gas stores Gasspeicher {pl}
gas stoveGasherd {m}
gas stove [Br.] Gasofen {m} [zum Heizen]
gas stovesGasherde {pl}
gas stream Gasstrom {m}
gas strutGasdruckfeder {f}
gas supplierGaslieferer {m}
gas supplierGaslieferant {m}
gas supply Gasversorgung {f}
gas supply Gaszufuhr {f}
gas supply Gaslieferung {f} [Belieferung mit Gas]
gas supply company Gasversorgungsunternehmen {n} <GVU>
gas (supply) monopolyGasmonopol {n}
gas tail Gasschweif {m}
gas tank Gasbehälter {m}
gas tank [Am.]Tank {m} [Benzintank]
gas tank [Am.]Benzintank {m}
gas tapGashahn {m}
gas tapsGashähne {pl}
gas tariff Gastarif {m}
gas tax [Am.] Benzinsteuer {f}
gas technicianGastechniker {m}
gas technique Gastechnik {f} [Arbeitsweise, Verfahren]
gas technology Gastechnik {f} [Technologie]
gas temperature Gastemperatur {f}
gas ticket [sl.] [Irish]komischer Kerl {m}
gas time [e.g. in diving with an air tank] Gaszeit {f}
gas to liquid plantGasverflüssigungsanlage {f}
gas to liquids <GTL> [fuel] GtL-Kraftstoff {m}
gas to liquids <GTL> [process] GtL-Verfahren {n}
gas tongs {pl} Gasrohrzange {f}
gas torch Gasfackel {f}
gas tourism [Am.] Tanktourismus {m}
gas tourist [Am.] Tanktourist {m}
gas trading Gashandel {m}
gas trading company Gashandelsunternehmen {n}
gas trading product Gashandelsprodukt {n}
gas transfer factor Gastransferfaktor {m}
gas transport Gastransport {m}
gas transport capacityGastransportkapazität {f}
gas transport mechanism Gastransportmechanismus {m}
gas trappingAirtrapping {n} [auch: Air-Trapping]
gas triodeGastriode {f} [auch: Gas-Triode]
gas truck [Am.] Tanklastwagen {m}
gas tube Elektronenröhre {f}
gas tube Ionenröhre {f}
gas tungsten arc welding <GTAW> [tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding]Argonarc-Schweißen {n}
gas turbine Gasturbine {f}
gas turbine driveGasturbinenantrieb {m}
gas uptake Gasaufnahme {f}
gas usage Gasverwendung {f}
gas utilisation [Br.]Gasverwendung {f}
gas utilization Gasnutzung {f}
gas utilizationGasverwendung {f}
gas vacuoleGasvakuole {f}
gas valveGasventil {n}
gas vent [volcanic fumarole]Gasschlot {m}
gas victimGasopfer {n}
gas volume <GV>Gasvolumen {n} <GV>
gas washer Gaswäscher {m}
gas washerGaswascher {m}
gas washing bottleGaswaschflasche {f}
gas water heater Gasbadeofen {m}
gas water heater Gaswarmwasserbereiter {m}
gas water heater Gaswasserheizer {m}
gas water heaterGaswassererhitzer {m}
gas welder Autogenschweißer {m}
gas welder [female]Autogenschweißerin {f}
gas welding [Am.]Autogenschweißen {n}
gas welding equipment {sg}Gasschweißgeräte {pl}
gas wellGasbrunnen {m}
gas worksGaswerk {n}
gas yield Gasausbeute {f}
(gas) leak detection specialist Gasspürer {m}
(gas) mantleGlühstrumpf {m}
(gas) plumeAbgasfahne {f}
(gas) ring [esp. Br.] [burner] Ring {m} [Kochstelle, Kochbrennstelle]
(gas) scrubber Gaswäscher {m}
(gas) turbine inlets Turbineneinläufe {pl}
gas-air mixtureGas-Luftgemisch {n}
gasbag Gassack {m}
gasbag [coll.] Plaudertasche {f} [hum.] [pej.]
gasbag [coll.] [derog] Schwafler {m} [ugs.] [abwertend]
gasbag [coll.] [derog.]Schwätzer {m} [pej.]
gasbag [female] [coll.] [derog] Schwaflerin {f} [ugs.] [abwertend]
gasbag [female] [coll.] [pej.] Schwätzerin {f} [pej.]
« garpGarugascgasggasogassgas-gaskgaspgastgast »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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