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gasp tiefer Atemzug {m}
gasp for airLuftschnappen {n}
gasp of breath Japser {m} [ugs.]
gasp of relief Aufatmen {n}
Gasp! Huch!
Gaspar Strait Gaspar-Straße {f}
gasparite-(Ce) [Ce(AsO4)]Gasparit-(Ce) {m}
gasper [Br.] [coll.] Glimmstängel {m} [ugs.]
gas-permeable gasdurchlässig
gas-phase oxidationGasphasenoxidation {f}
gas-phase reaction Gasphasenreaktion {f}
gasping schnaufend
gasping (breathing) Schnappatmung {f}
gasping (breathing)Fischmaulatmung {f}
gasping (for breath) nach Luft ringend
gasping respiration Fischmaulatmung {f}
gaspingly atemlos
gaspipe pliers {pl} [one pair] Rohrzange {f}
gas-plant [Dictamnus albus] Aschwurz {f}
gas-plant [Dictamnus albus]Brennender Busch {m}
gas-powered soldering torch Gaslötbrenner {m}
gas-pressurized spring Gasdruckfeder {f}
gas-price brake Gaspreisbremse {f}
gas-proof gasdicht
gasps Keuchen {n}
gas-saving car [Am.] Spritsparmobil {n} [ugs.]
gassed [Am.] [sl.] [drunken]besoffen [ugs.]
Gasserian ganglion <GG> [Ganglion trigeminale, Ganglion semilunare] Gasser-Ganglion {n} <GG>
Gasser's ganglion <GG> [ Ganglion trigeminale, Ganglion semilunare] [also: Gasser ganglion]Ganglion Gasseri {n} <GG>
gasses [spv.]Gase {pl}
gas-shielded welding Schutzgasschweißen {n}
gassing Gasieren {n}
gassing spaceGasungsraum {m}
gassing stirrerBegasungsrührer {m}
gassy gasartig
gassy gasförmig
gassy [drink] kohlensäurehaltig
gassy [coll.] [talkative]geschwätzig [pej.]
gassy knight [Tricholoma inamoenum]Lästiger Ritterling {m}
gassy knight [Tricholoma inamoenum] Nadelwald-Gasritterling {m} [auch: Nadelwald-Gas-Ritterling]
gassy stuff [coll.] Rülpswasser {n} [ugs.]
gastarbeiter [an immigrant worker, especially one who came to the former West Germany in the 1960s and 1970s] Gastarbeiter {m}
gasterGaster {f}
gasterHinterleib {m}
gasterosteid species Stichlingsart {f}
gasterosteids [family Gasterosteidae] Stichlinge {pl}
gasterosteids [family Gasterosteidae]Gasterosteiden {pl}
gasterosteiforms [order Gasterosteiformes]Stichlingsartige {pl}
gasterothecium Gasterothecium {n}
gastight [gasproof] gasdicht
(gas-tight) sealed cell verschlossene Zelle {f}
gas-tightness Gasdichtigkeit {f}
gas-to-liquid process <GtL, GTL process> [gas to liquids] GtL-Verfahren {n} [Gas to Liquids]
gas-to-liquid technology Gasverflüssigungstechnik {f}
Gaston Leroux's The Phantom of the Opera [Dwight H. Little, 1989] Das Phantom der Oper
gastraea theoryGastraea-Theorie {f} [auch: Gastraeatheorie]
gastral cortex Gastralcortex {m}
gastral filament Gastralfilament {n}
gastralgiaGastralgie {f}
gastrectomy Gastrektomie {f}
gastric zum Magen gehörend
gastric Magen-
gastric gastral
gastric acidMagensäure {f}
gastric acid determination Magensäurebestimmung {f}
gastric acid production Magensäureproduktion {f}
gastric acid secretion Magensäuresekretion {f}
gastric antral vascular ectasia <GAVE> gastral-antrale vaskuläre Ektasie {f} <GAVE> [auch: gastrale antrale vaskuläre Ektasie]
gastric antral vascular ectasia <GAVE>GAVE-Syndrom {n} [Wassermelonenmagen]
gastric atonyMagenatonie {f}
gastric balloon Magenballon {m}
gastric band Magenband {n}
gastric bandingMagenbandoperation {f}
gastric bleeding Magenblutung {f}
gastric bubble Magenblase {f}
gastric bypass Magenbypass {m}
gastric bypass operationMagenbypass-Operation {f}
gastric bypass procedure <GBP>Magenbypass-Verfahren {n}
gastric bypass surgeryMagenbypass-Operation {f}
gastric canal [Canalis gastricus] Magenstraße {f}
gastric cancer <GC> Magenkarzinom {n}
gastric cancer <GC>Magenkrebs {m}
gastric carcinoma Magenkarzinom {n}
gastric dilatation-volvulus <GDV> Magendrehung {f}
gastric distress {sg} Magenbeschwerden {pl}
gastric diverticula Magendivertikel {pl}
gastric diverticulum Magendivertikel {n}
gastric dumping syndrome Dumping-Syndrom {n}
gastric emptying Magenentleerung {f}
gastric emptying rate Magenentleerungszeit {f}
gastric emptying time Magenentleerungszeit {f}
gastric erosionMagenerosion {f}
« gasggasogassgas-gaskgaspgastgastgastgategate »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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