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English-German Dictionary

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gastroenteropancreatic system <GEP system>gastroenteropankreatisches System {n} <GEP-System>
gastroenteropathy Gastroenteropathie {f}
gastroenteroptosis Gastroenteroptose {f}
gastroenterostomy <GE>Gastroenterostomie {f} <GE>
gastroesophageal [Am.] gastroösophageal
gastroesophageal junction <GE junction> [Am.] ösophagogastraler Übergang {m} [Kardia]
gastroesophageal reflux <GER> [Am.]gastroösophagealer Reflux {m} <GÖR>
gastroesophageal reflux disease [Am.] <GERD> gastroösophageale Refluxkrankheit {f} <GERD, GORD>
gastroesophageal sphincter <GES> [Am.]unterer Ösophagussphinkter {m} <uÖS, UÖS>
gastroesophagitis [Am.] Gastroösophagitis {f}
gastroesophagitis [Am.]Magen- und Speiseröhrenentzündung {f}
gastrogavageMagensondenernährung {f}
gastrohepatic omentum [Omentum minus] kleines Netz {n}
gastro-intestinal gastrointestinal
gastro-intestinal Magen und Darm betreffend
gastrointestinal Magen und Darm betreffend
gastrointestinal biopsyMagen-Darm-Biopsie {f}
gastrointestinal bleeding <GI bleeding, GIB> gastrointestinale Blutung {f} <GI-Blutung, GIB>
gastrointestinal cancer <GIC> gastrointestinaler Krebs {m}
gastrointestinal carcinomagastrointestinales Karzinom {n}
gastro-intestinal disease Magen-Darm-Erkrankung {f}
gastro-intestinal diseases Magen-Darm-Erkrankungen {pl}
gastrointestinal disorder Magen-Darm-Störung {f}
gastrointestinal haemorrhage [Br.]Magen-Darm-Blutung {f}
gastrointestinal haemorrhage <GIH> [Br.] gastrointestinale Hämorrhagie {f}
gastrointestinal haemorrhage <GIH> [Br.] gastrointestinale Blutung {f} <GIB>
gastrointestinal helminths gastrointestinale Helminthen {pl}
gastrointestinal hemorrhage [Am.] Magen-Darm-Blutung {f}
gastrointestinal hemorrhage <GIH> [Am.]gastrointestinale Hämorrhagie {f}
gastrointestinal hemorrhage <GIH> [Am.]gastrointestinale Blutung {f} <GIB>
gastrointestinal hormonegastrointestinales Hormon {n}
gastrointestinal hormones gastrointestinale Hormone {pl}
gastrointestinal infection gastrointestinale Infektion {f}
gastrointestinal infectionsgastrointestinale Infektionen {pl}
gastrointestinal lavage gastrointestinale Lavage {f}
gastrointestinal passage [Am.]Magen-Darm-Passage {f} [z. B. Nahrung]
gastro-intestinal passage [Br.] Magen-Darm-Passage {f} [z. B. Nahrung]
gastrointestinal range gastrointestinaler Bereich {m}
gastrointestinal stromal tumor <GIST> [Am.] gastrointestinaler Stromatumor {m} <GIST>
gastrointestinal stromal tumour <GIST> [Br.] gastrointestinaler Stromatumor {m} <GIST>
gastro-intestinal system Magen-Darm-Trakt {m}
gastrointestinal system <GIS>Magen-Darm-System {n}
gastro-intestinal tract Magen-Darm-Trakt {m}
gastrointestinal tract <GI tract> Magen-Darm-Trakt {m} <MDT>
gastrointestinal tract <GI tract> Gastrointestinaltrakt {m} <GIT>
gastrointestinal tract <GI tract> Magen-Darm-Kanal {m} [seltener] [Magen-Darm-Trakt]
gastrointestinal virus Magen-Darm-Virus {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
gastrojejunostomy Gastrojejunostomie {f}
gastrolavage Magenspülung {f}
gastrolithMagenstein {m}
gastrolithGastrolith {m}
gastrolithsGastrolithen {pl}
gastrology Gastrologie {f}
gastrolysisGastrolyse {f}
gastromancyGastromantie {f}
gastromegalyGastromegalie {f}
gastromegalyMagenvergrößerung {f}
gastronomeFeinschmecker {m}
gastronomer Feinschmecker {m}
gastronomer Gourmet {m}
gastronomic gastronomisch
gastronomic kulinarisch
gastronomic specialties gastronomische Spezialitäten {pl}
gastronomic wasteland [coll.] Gastronomiewüste {f} [ugs.]
gastronomical feinschmeckerisch
gastronomically feinschmeckerisch
gastronomist Feinschmecker {m}
gastronomy [art of cooking]Gastronomie {f} [Kochkunst]
gastronomy dictionaryGastronomiewörterbuch {n} [über Kochkunst]
gastronorm <GN>Gastro-Norm {f} <GN>
gastronorm size <GN size> Gastronorm-Größe {f} <GN-Größe>
gastrooesophageal [Br.]gastroösophageal
gastro-oesophageal junction <GE junction> [Br.]ösophagogastraler Übergang {m} [Kardia]
gastrooesophageal reflux <GOR> [Br.]gastroösophagealer Reflux {m} <GÖR>
gastro-oesophageal reflux disease <GORD> [Br.] gastroösophageale Refluxkrankheit {f} <GERD, GORD>
gastro-oesophagitis [Br.]Magen- und Speiseröhrenentzündung {f}
gastro-oesophagitis [Br.]Gastroösophagitis {f}
gastroparalysisGastroparalyse {f}
gastroparesis Gastroparese {f}
gastroparietal bandGastroparietalband {n}
gastropathyGastropathie {f}
gastropexyGastropexie {f}
gastropexy Magenfixation {f}
gastrophrenic gastrophrenisch
gastroplastyGastroplastik {f}
gastroplastyMagenplastik {f}
gastropneumonic pneumogastrisch
gastropod [class Gastropoda] Gastropode {m}
gastropod [class Gastropoda]Bauchfüßler {m}
gastropod [class Gastropoda] Bauchfüßer {m}
gastropod communityGastropodengemeinschaft {f} [auch: Gastropoden-Gemeinschaft]
gastropod egg Gastropodenei {n}
gastropod family Gastropodenfamilie {f}
gastropod fauna Gastropodenfauna {f}
« gassgas-gaskgaspgastgastgastgategategaucgaug »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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