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English-German Dictionary

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gauging ausmessend
gaugingEichung {f}
gaugingMessen {n} [Dicken, Kaliber]
gauging [e.g. of a profile]Abtasten {n} [z. B. eines Profiles]
gauging contact Messberührung {f}
gauging cylinder Messsäule {f}
gauging head Messkopf {m}
gauging office Eichamt {n}
gauging pin Messbolzen {m}
gauging section Messquerschnitt {m}
gauging setProzessvorrichtung {f}
gauging sitePegelstandort {m}
gauging stationAbflussmessstelle {f}
gaugino [hypothetical elementary particle] Gaugino {n} [hypothetisches Elementarteilchen]
Gauja RiverLivländische Aa {f} [Gauja]
Gauja (River)Gauja {f} [Livländische Aa]
Gauja ValleyGauja-Tal {n}
Gaul Gallien {n}
Gaul [female]Gallierin {f}
Gaul [hum.] [Frenchman]Franzmann {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [leicht pej.]
Gaul [male] Gallier {m}
Gauleiter Gauleiter {m}
Gauleiters Gauleiter {pl}
Gaulish gallisch
Gaullism Gaullismus {m}
GaullistGaullist {m}
Gaullist [female] Gaullistin {f}
GaulsGallier {pl}
gaultite [Na4Zn2Si7O18·5H2O] Gaultit {m}
Gaume Gaume {f}
gaunt hager
gaunt mager [hager, karg, ausgemergelt]
gaunt ausgemergelt
gaunt [of a place] öde
gaunt [emaciated] abgemagert
[gaunt old woman] Reff {n} [ugs.] [pej.] [hagere alte Frau]
gaunt-headed [rare] mit hagerem Kopf [nachgestellt]
gauntlet Fehdehandschuh {m}
gauntlet Schutzhandschuh {m}
gauntletStulpe {f}
gauntletPanzerhandschuh {m}
gauntlet Stulpenhandschuh {m}
gauntlet Kampfhandschuh {m} [italienische Variante eines Panzerhandschuhs]
gauntlet [fig.]Herausforderung {f}
gauntlet glove Stulpenhandschuh {m}
gauntlet gloves Stulpenhandschuhe {pl}
gauntlet track [railway, tramway] Gleisverschlingung {f}
gauntleted trackGleisverschlingung {f}
gauntletsStulpen {pl}
gauntly finster
gauntness Dünnheit {f}
gauntnessHagerkeit {f}
gaur [Bos gaurus, syn.: Bibos gaurus] Gaur {m}
gaur bull Gaurbulle {m}
gauss <G> [unit of magnetic flux density] Gauß {n} <Gs, G> [Einheit der magnetischen Flussdichte]
Gauss curvature <GC> gaußsche Krümmung {f}
Gauss curvature <GC> gaußsches Krümmungsmaß {n}
Gauss' Easter formula [also: Gauss's Easter formula]Gaußsche Osterformel {f} [alt]
Gauss' Easter formula [also: Gauss's Easter formula] Gauß'sche Osterformel {f}
Gauss' Easter formula [also: Gauss's Easter formula]gaußsche Osterformel {f}
Gauss gun Gaußgewehr {n}
Gauss map Gauß-Abbildung {f}
Gauss' principle of least constraintGauß'sches Prinzip {n} des kleinsten Zwanges
Gauss' principle of least constraint gaußsches Prinzip {n} des kleinsten Zwanges
Gauss' principle of least constraintPrinzip {n} des kleinsten Zwanges
gauss rifle Gaußgewehr {n}
Gauss' theorem Gauß'scher Integralsatz {m}
(Gauss') Theorema Egregium [direct transl.: egregius theorem]Theorema egregium {n} (von Gauß)
(Gauss') Theorema Elegantissimum Theorema elegantissimum {n} (von Gauß)
Gauss-Bonnet formula Gauß-Bonnet-Formel {f} [Satz von Gauß-Bonnet]
Gauss-Bonnet theorem [also: theorem of Gauss and Bonnet] Satz {m} von Gauß-Bonnet
Gaussian beamGauß-Strahl {m}
Gaussian bell Gaußglocke {f}
Gaussian bell curve Gaußsche Glockenkurve {f} [alt]
Gaussian bell curve gaußsche Glockenkurve {f}
Gaussian bell curveGauß'sche Glockenkurve {f}
Gaussian blur [image processing] Gaußscher Weichzeichner {m} [alt]
Gaussian blur [image processing]Gauß'scher Weichzeichner {m}
Gaussian blur [image processing] gaußscher Weichzeichner {m}
Gaussian curvatureGaußkrümmung {f}
Gaussian curvature gaußsches Krümmungsmaß {n}
Gaussian curvature <GC> Gauß'sche Krümmung {f}
Gaussian curvature <GC>gaußsche Krümmung {f}
Gaussian distribution Normalverteilung {f}
Gaussian distribution Gaußsche Verteilung {f} [alt]
Gaussian distributionGaußsche Normalverteilung {f} [alt]
Gaussian distribution gaußsche Normalverteilung {f}
Gaussian distribution Gauß'sche Normalverteilung {f}
Gaussian distribution gaußsche Verteilung {f}
Gaussian distribution Gauß'sche Verteilung {f}
Gaussian distribution Gauß-Verteilung {f}
Gaussian eliminationGauß-Verfahren {n} [gaußsches Eliminationsverfahren]
Gaussian elimination gaußsche Elimination {f}
Gaussian eliminationGauß'sche Elimination {f}
Gaussian elimination method gaußsches Eliminationsverfahren {n}
Gaussian elimination method Gauß'sches Eliminationsverfahren {n}
« gastgastgategategaucgaugGausgay[gazegeargear »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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