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Gaussian filterGauß-Filter {m}
Gaussian frequency shift keying <GFSK>Gauß'sche Frequenzumtastung {f}
Gaussian function Gaußfunktion {f} [auch: Gauß-Funktion]
Gaussian functionGaußsche Funktion {f} [alt]
Gaussian functiongaußsche Funktion {f}
Gaussian function Gauß'sche Funktion {f}
Gaussian gravitational constantGaußsche Gravitationskonstante {f} [alt]
Gaussian gravitational constant gaußsche Gravitationskonstante {f}
Gaussian gravitational constantGauß'sche Gravitationskonstante {f}
Gaussian minimum shift keying <GMSK> gaußsches Minimum-Shift-Keying {n} <GMSK>
Gaussian noise Gauß'sches Rauschen {n}
Gaussian number planegaußsche Zahlenebene {f}
Gaussian optics [treated as sg.]gaußsche Optik {f}
Gaussian process <GP> Gauß-Prozess {m}
Gaussian pulse gaußförmiger Impuls {m}
Gaussian smoothing Gauß-Glättung {f} [auch: gaußsche Glättung]
Gaussian window Gauß-Fenster {n}
Gaussian-shaped impulsegaußförmiger Impuls {m}
Gaussian-shaped pulse gaußförmiger Impuls {m}
Gaussiran Glacier Gaussiran-Gletscher {m}
Gauss-Lucas theorem [also: theorem of Gauss and Lucas]Satz {m} von Gauß-Lucas
Gauss-Markov theorem [also: theorem of Gauss and Markov] Satz {m} von Gauß-Markow
gaussmeterGaußmeter {n}
Gauss-Poisson distribution Gauß-Poisson-Verteilung {f}
Gauss's lemma Lemma {n} von Gauß
Gauss's theoremSatz {m} von Gauß
Gauteng [South African province] Gauteng {n} [südafrikanische Provinz]
gauze Gaze {f}
gauzeVerbandsmull {m}
gauze Flor {m} [dünnes Gewebe]
gauze bandageGazebinde {f}
gauze bandage Mullbinde {f}
gauze bandageMullverband {m}
gauze compress Mullkompresse {f}
gauze packer Tamponstopfer {m}
gauze padKompresse {f}
gauze pad Gazetupfer {m}
gauze pad Mulltupfer {m}
gauze strainer Seihtuch {n}
gauze strip Mullstreifen {m}
gauze (structured) packing Gewebepackung {f}
gauze swabMullkompresse {f}
gauze veil Florschleier {m}
gauzily hauchdünn
gauzyhauchdünn [durchsichtig; Stoff, Schleier, Wolken etc.]
gauzy durchscheinend
gauzy [similar to gauze]gazeartig
gavage künstliche Ernährung {f} [mittels einer Sonde]
gavage Sondenernährung {f}
gavage Zwangsernährung {f} mittels Magensonde
gavage [force-feeding of animals]Stopfmast {f}
gavage [force-feeding] Stopfen {n} [Zwangsmästung]
gavage [force-feeding] Nudeln {n} [Zwangsmästung]
gavage feeding [of newborn children]Sondenfütterung {f}
Gavar [also Gavarr] Gawar {n}
gavel Auktionshammer {m}
gavel [hammer used by judges, auctioneers, etc.] Hammer {m} [Richterhammer, z. B. in den USA; Auktionshammer]
gavelkind Realerbteilungsrecht {n}
gavelkind [divided inheritance of land equally among all male heirs] Realteilung {f}
gavelock [crowbar]Kuhfuß {m} [ugs.] [Kisteneisen, Nageleisen]
gavialids [family Gavialidae] Gaviale {pl}
gavotte Gavotte {f}
Gavrinis passage tomb Ganggrab {n} von Gavrinis
Gawd knows! [coll.]Weiß Gott!
gawk [coll.] [pej.] Tölpel {m} [pej.] [dummer, ungeschickter Mensch]
gawker Glotzer {m} [ugs.]
gawker (bird) [coll.] [Colaptes auratus] [northern flicker] Goldspecht {m}
gawkers Glotzer {pl} [ugs.]
gawkers Gaffer {pl}
gawker's video Gaffervideo {n}
gawkier schlaksiger
gawking glotzend [ugs.]
gawky einfältig
gawky schlaksig [ugs.] [pej.] [ungeschickt]
gawky unbeholfen
gawky [ungainly] linkisch [körperlich ungeschickt]
gawky gestures schlaksige Bewegungen {pl} [Handbewegungen]
gawped [Br.] [coll.] gegafft [ugs.]
gawper [Br.] [coll.] Gaffer {m}
gawpers Gaffer {pl}
gawping [Br.] [coll.] Gegaffe {n} [ugs.]
gay homosexuell
gay belustigend
gay warm [ugs.] [pej.] [veraltend] [homosexuell]
gayHomosexueller {m}
gay [coll.] [offensive] [foolish, stupid] arschblöd [vulg.]
gay [colours etc.] munter [Farben etc.]
gay [dated] [brightly coloured]farbenfroh
gay [dated] [brightly coloured] knallbunt [ugs.]
gay [dated] [gaily coloured] bunt
gay [dated] [licentious] ausschweifend
gay [dated] [light-hearted]heiter
gay [dated] [light-hearted] fröhlich
gay [dated] [merry]vergnügt
gay [dated] [merry] lustig
gay [homosexual man] Schwuler {m} [ugs.]
gay [homosexual] schwul [ugs.]
« gastgategategaucgaugGausgay[gazegeargearGee! »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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