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English-German Dictionary

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gawky schlaksig [ugs.] [pej.] [ungeschickt]
gawky [ungainly]linkisch [körperlich ungeschickt]
gawky gesturesschlaksige Bewegungen {pl} [Handbewegungen]
gawped [Br.] [coll.]gegafft [ugs.]
gawper [Br.] [coll.] Gaffer {m}
gawpers Gaffer {pl}
gawping [Br.] [coll.] Gegaffe {n} [ugs.]
gawping [Br.] [coll.] Gegaffe {n} [ugs.]dingsda
gay warm [ugs.] [pej.] [veraltend] [homosexuell]
gayHomosexueller {m}
gay [coll.] [offensive] [foolish, stupid] arschblöd [vulg.]
gay [colours etc.] munter [Farben etc.]
gay [dated] [brightly coloured] farbenfroh
gay [dated] [brightly coloured]knallbunt [ugs.]
gay [dated] [gaily coloured] bunt
gay [dated] [licentious] ausschweifend
gay [dated] [light-hearted]heiter
gay [dated] [light-hearted] fröhlich
gay [dated] [merry] vergnügt
gay [dated] [merry]lustig
gay [homosexual man] Schwuler {m} [ugs.]
gay [homosexual] schwul [ugs.]
gay [homosexual] Schwulen-
gay [homosexual] halbseiden [fig.] [veraltet] [schwul]
gay [male homosexual]Gay {m} [Jargon]
gay [male homosexual] gay [Jargon]
gay agendaGay Agenda {f}
gay as a lark [idiom]munter wie eine Schwalbe [Redewendung]
gay bar Schwulenkneipe {f}
gay bar Schwulenbar {f}
gay bathhouse [gay sauna] Schwulensauna {f}
gay bathhouse [gay sauna] schwule Sauna {f}
gay beat [Aus.]Schwulenstrich {m} [ugs.]
gay brothelSchwulenpuff {m} [ugs.]
gay butterflies [Asclepias tuberosa]Orange Seidenpflanzen {pl}
gay butterflies [Asclepias tuberosa] Knollige Seidenpflanzen {pl}
gay colours [Br.] bunte Farben {pl}
gay couple Regenbogenpaar {n} [ugs.] [gleichgeschlechtliches Paar]
gay dog [Br.] [dated] lockerer Vogel {m} [ugs.] [veraltend]
gay emancipation Schwulenemanzipation {f}
Gay glands [Glandulae circumanales] [circumanal glands] Zirkumanaldrüsen {pl}
gay history Schwulengeschichte {f}
gay house [dated]Freudenhaus {n}
gay icon Schwulenikone {f}
gay marriage Schwulenehe {f}
gay marriage gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe {f}
gay marriageHomo-Ehe {f} [ugs.]
gay marriage Homoehe {f} [ugs.]
gay men and women Schwule und Lesben
gay people [homosexuals] Schwule {pl} [ugs.]
gay pornSchwulenporno {m}
gay pride flag [LGBT movement] Regenbogenfahne {f} [Symbol der Lesben- und Schwulenbewegung]
gay pride parade Schwulenparade {f}
gay rights Schwulenrechte {pl}
gay rights activistSchwulenrechtler {m}
gay rights campaigner Schwulenrechtler {m}
gay rights movement Schwulenbewegung {f}
gay sauna [esp. Aus., NZ]Schwulensauna {f}
gay sauna [esp. Aus., NZ] schwule Sauna {f} [Schwulensauna]
gay sceneSchwulenszene {f}
gay union Homoehe {f} [ugs.]
gay woman Lesbe {f}
(gay) beat [Aus.] [sl.] [area where gay men meet or cruise for sexual encounters]Schwulentreff {m} [ugs.]
gay/lesbian schwullesbisch
gayageum [가야금]Gayageum {f}
gayal [species: B. gaurus]Gayal {m} [domestizierter Gaur]
gaybie [sl.] [Kind eines homosexuellen Paares]
gaydar [sl.] Schwulenradar {m} {n} [ugs.]
gayer lustiger
gayest lustigste
gayety [esp. Am.] [gaiety] Fröhlichkeit {f}
gayite [NaMnFe5(PO4)4(OH)6·2H2O] Gayit {m}
gaylord [coll.] [hum.]Homofürst {m} [ugs.] [hum.]
gaylord [sl.] [pej.] [male homosexual]Schwuchtel {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
Gay-Lussac law Gesetz {n} von Gay-Lussac
gaylussite [Na2Ca(CO3)2·5H2O] Gaylussit {m}
gayly [spv.] heiter
gaynessSchwulheit {f}
gaynessSchwulsein {n}
gay-related immune deficiency syndrome <GRID syndrome> [obs.] [AIDS] GRID-Syndrom {n} [veraltet für: AIDS]
gays Schwule {pl} [ugs.]
Gaza Gasa {n} [seltener für: Gaza]
GazaGaza {n}
Gaza City Gaza-Stadt {n}
Gaza conflict Gazakonflikt {m}
Gaza StripGazastreifen {m}
Gaza StripGaza-Streifen {m}
Gaza War [capitalization varies]Gazakrieg {m}
GazaeanGazäer {m}
Gazaean [female]Gazäerin {f}
gazal Ghasel {f}
gazami crab [Portunus trituberculatus, syn.: Neptunus trituberculatus]Gazami-Krabbe {f}
Gazan Gazaner {m}
GazanGazäer {m}
Gazan [female] Gazanerin {f}
Gazan [female]Gazäerin {f}
« gategategathgaugGausgawkGazageargeargeckgekk »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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