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general store proprietress [Am.]Krämerin {f}
general strike Generalstreik {m}
general strike allgemeiner Streik {m}
general strike Massenstreik {m}
general structural steels {pl} allgemeine Baustähle {pl}
General Stud Book <GSB> [Ahnennachweis Englischer Vollblüter]
General Students' Committee [legal institution of student participation in German Universities] Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss {m} <AStA>
General Students' Committee [legal institution of student participation in German Universities] Allgemeiner Studentenausschuss {m} <AStA>
general studies {pl} [Br.] [school subject] Sachkunde {f} [Unterrichtsfach]
general studies [subject in primary school]Sachunterricht {m} [auch Sachkunde] [Unterrichtsfach, bes. in den Schulstufen 1 - 4]
general summation principle allgemeines Additionsprinzip {n}
general superintendent [church administrator]Generalsuperintendent {m}
General SuperiorGeneralsuperior {m}
General Superior [female] Generaloberin {f}
general supply [of energy]allgemeine Versorgung {f} [mit Energie]
general supply agreementRahmenliefervertrag {m}
general support artillery Artillerie {f} für den allgemeinen Feuerkampf
general surgery <GS> Allgemeinchirurgie {f} <AC>
general survey Gesamtübersicht {f}
general suspicionGeneralverdacht {m}
general symptoms [disease]Allgemeinerscheinungen {pl} [Krankheit]
general symptoms [disease] Allgemeinsymptome {pl} [Krankheit]
general synodGeneralsynode {f}
general synod allgemeine Kirchenversammlung {f}
general synopsis [of weather] Großwetterlage {f}
general systems / system theory allgemeine Systemtheorie {f}
general tasks allgemeine Aufgaben {pl}
general technical approval allgemeine bauaufsichtliche Zulassung {f}
general technical regulations Allgemeine Technische Vorschriften {pl} <ATV>
general tendencyallgemeine Tendenz {f}
general tendency allgemeiner Trend {m}
general termSammelbegriff {m}
general term Allgemeinbegriff {m}
general terms and conditions <GTC, GTCs> allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen {pl} <AGB, AGBs> [die Abk. AGBs ist seltener]
general terms and conditions for servicesallgemeine Leistungsbedingungen {pl}
general terms and conditions of business allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen {pl} <AGB>
general terms and conditions of contract Allgemeine Vertragsbedingungen {pl}
general terms and conditions of purchase allgemeine Einkaufsbedingungen {pl}
general terms and conditions of saleallgemeine Verkaufsbedingungen {pl}
general terms and conditions of trade <GTCT>allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen {pl} <AGB>
general theoremallgemeiner Satz {m}
general theory of objectsallgemeine Gegenstandstheorie {f}
general theory of relativity <GTR> allgemeine Relativitätstheorie {f} <ART>
general therapyAllgemeinbehandlung {f}
general thrust [theme]Grundtenor {m}
general tolerance Freimaßtoleranz {f}
general tolerance Allgemeintoleranz {f}
general treatmentAllgemeinbehandlung {f}
General Treaty for the Renunciation of War Briand-Kellogg-Pakt / Kellogg-Pakt {m}
general undertaking by employerGesamtzusage {f}
general university entrance qualification allgemeine Hochschulzugangsberechtigung {f}
general university entrance qualifications Abiture {pl} [selten]
general validity Allgemeingültigkeit {f}
general vicariate Generalvikariat {n}
general viewGesamtansicht {f}
general view Gesamtbild {n}
general viewÜberblick {m}
general viewÜbersicht {f}
general vocabularyAllgemeinwortschatz {m}
General War Commissariat [Prussia] Generalkriegskommissariat {n}
general ward [Br.] Normalstation {f}
general wasteRestmüll {m}
general weal Wohl {n} der Allgemeinheit
general weather situation Großwetterlage {f}
general welfareAllgemeinwohl {n}
general wholesaler Sortimentsgroßhändler {m}
general works councilGesamtbetriebsrat {m}
[general higher education entrance qualification in Europe] allgemeine Hochschulreife {f} [Abitur; österr., schweiz: Matura]
[general of the fighter arm - a position rather than a rank]General {m} der Jagdflieger [Luftwaffe]
[general tax form and additional tax forms] [for income tax return] Mantelbogen und Anlagen [Steuererklärung]
[General Terms and Conditions for the Supply of Gas]Allgemeine Bedingungen {pl} für die Gasversorgung <AVBGas>
[General Treaty for the Renunciation of War; signed on August 27, 1928]Kriegächtungspakt {m} [vom 27. August 1928]
(general) conduct [grade] Verhaltensnote {f}
(general) conduct [grade] Kopfnote {f} [Verhaltensnote]
(general) dogsbody [Br.] [coll.]Mädchen {n} für alles
(general) fatigue {sg} Erschöpfungszustände {pl}
(general) midwife services (allgemeine) Hebammenleistungen {pl}
(general) practitioner-centred model <GP-centred model> [Br.] Hausarztmodell {n}
generalate [of a religious order] Generalat {n} [eines Ordens]
general-average clause Havarie-Klausel {f}
general-average statementDispache {f}
generalisability [Br.] Verallgemeinerbarkeit {f}
generalisability [Br.] Generalisierbarkeit {f}
generalisability theory [Br.] Generalisierbarkeitstheorie {f}
generalisable [Br.]verallgemeinerbar
generalisation [Br.] Verallgemeinerung {f}
generalisation [Br.] Generalisierung {f} [geh.]
generalised [Br.]verallgemeinert
generalised [Br.] pauschalisiert
generalised continuum hypothesis <GCH> [Br.] verallgemeinerte Kontinuumshypothese {f}
generalised estimating equations <GEE> [Br.]verallgemeinerte Schätzgleichungen {f} {pl}
generalised linear model <GLM> [Br.] verallgemeinertes lineares Modell {n}
generalised other [Br.] verallgemeinerte Andere {m} {n}
generalising [Br.]verallgemeinernd
generalising [Br.] pauschalisierend [stark verallgemeinernd]
generalising [Br.] generalisierend
generalism Allgemeinplatz {m}
generalissimoGeneralissimus {m}
generalissimo Oberbefehlshaber {m}
generalissimos Generalitäten {pl}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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