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genital mucosa Genitalschleimhaut {f}
genital mutilationGenitalverstümmelung {f}
genital operculumGenitaloperculum {n}
genital organ Zeugungsorgan {n}
genital organ Sexualorgan {n}
genital papilla Genitalpapille {f}
genital phase genitale Phase {f}
genital piercing Intimpiercing {n}
genital piercingGenitalpiercing {n}
genital plate Genitalplatte {f}
genital poreGenitalporus {m}
genital pore Genitalpore {f}
genital region [Regio genitalis] Genitalregion {f}
genital region [Regio genitalis]Genitalbereich {m}
genital retraction syndrome <GRS>genitales Retraktionssyndrom {n}
genital ridge [Crista gonadalis] Genitalleiste {f}
genital sex genitales Geschlecht {n}
genital somiteGenitalsomit {m}
genital stage genitale Phase {f}
genital tractGenitaltrakt {m}
genital tract disease Genitaltrakterkrankung {f}
genital (tract) bleeding Genitalblutung {f}
genital wart Feigwarze {f}
genital wart [Condyloma acuminatum, Verruca acuminata] Feuchtwarze {f}
genital wart [Condyloma acuminatum]Genitalwarze {f}
genital warts Genitalwarzen {pl}
genital warts [Condylomata acuminata]Feuchtwarzen {pl}
genitalia {pl} Genitalien {pl}
genitalia {pl}Geschlechtsorgane {pl}
genitalia {pl} Geschlechtsteile {pl}
genitals Genitalien {pl}
genitals Geschlechtsteile {pl}
genitalsGeschlechtsorgane {pl}
genitalsGeburtsglieder {pl} [veraltet] [Genitalien]
genitalsSchamteile {pl} [selten]
genitals {pl} Genitale {n}
genitals {pl} Geschlechtsteil {m} {n}
genitival Genitiv-
genitive Genitiv {m} <Gen.>
genitive Genetiv {m} [veraltet]
genitive [attr.] [e.g. object] Genitiv- [z. B. Objekt]
genitive absolute [genitivus absolutus]absoluter Genitiv {m}
genitive case Genitivfall {m}
genitive caseGenitiv {m}
genitive case Wessenfall {m}
genitive caseWesfall {m}
genitive ending Genitivendung {f}
genitive object Genitivobjekt {n}
genitivesGenitive {pl}
genitofemoral genitofemoral
genitofemoral Genitalien-Oberschenkel-
genitofemoral nerve [Nervus genitofemoralis] Nervus genitofemoralis {m}
genitographic genitographisch
genitographic genitografisch
genitography Genitographie {f}
genitography Genitografie {f}
genitoplasty Genitoplastik {f} [plastische Chirurgie der Genitalorgane]
genitor Erzeuger {m}
genitorGenitor {m}
genitospinal center [Am.] [Centrum genitospinale]genitospinales Zentrum {n}
genitospinal centre [Br.] [Centrum genitospinale]genitospinales Zentrum {n}
genitourinary <GU>urogenital
genitourinary system Urogenitaltrakt {m}
genito-urinary system Urogenitalsystem {n}
genitourinary system <GUS> Urogenitalsystem {n} <UGS>
genito-urinary tractUrogenitaltrakt {m}
genitourinary tuberculosis <GUTB> Urogenitaltuberkulose {f} <UGT>
geniture [archaic] Abstammung {f}
Geniu$: The Tech Tycoon GameGenius Unternehmen Physik
geniusGenie {n}
geniusBegabung {f}
genius Genialität {f}
geniusGenius {m} [geh.]
genius [also sarcastic] Geistesgröße {f} [Person] [auch ironisch]
genius [coll.]genial
genius [prevalent spirit of the age] Zeitgeist {m}
genius cultGeniekult {m}
genius kid [coll.] Wunderkind {n}
genius of the first waterGenie {n} ersten Ranges
Genius partakes of something divine. Das Genie hat etwas Göttliches an sich.
geniusesgeniale Menschen {pl}
geniusesGenies {pl}
geniuses Genien {pl}
geniusness [coll.]Genialität {f}
genizah Genisa {f}
genizahs Genisot {pl}
genkinite [(Pt,Pd)4Sb3]Genkinit {m}
genkwanin [C16H12O5]Genkwanin {n}
Gennady Ivanovich Nevelskoy Gennadi Iwanowitsch Newelskoi {m}
genny [coll.] [generator] Generator {m}
GenoaGenua {n}
genoa [sail] Genua {f} [Segel]
genocidal völkermörderisch
genocidal rassenmörderisch
genocideVölkermord {m}
genocideGenozid {m} [auch {n}]
genocide of the Jews Judenmord {m}
genocides Völkermorde {pl}
« genegenegenegeneGenegenigenogenrgentgentgenu »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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