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geodesyGeodäsie {f}
geodesy Vermessungskunde {f}
geodesy satelliteGeodäsie-Satellit {m}
geodesy satellite <Geosat, GeoSat> geodätischer Satellit {m}
geodetic astronomyAstrogeodäsie {f}
geodetic boundary value problem geodätisches Randwertproblem {n} <GRWP>
geodetic satellite <Geosat, GeoSat> geodätischer Satellit {m}
geodetical geodätisch
geodetics Geodäsie {f}
geodimeter [Geodimeter ®]Geodimeter ® {n} [Vermessungsgerät]
geodiversityGeodiversität {f}
geoduck [Am.] [Panopea abrupta, also: Panope generosa] Elefantenrüsselmuschel {f}
geodynamic geodynamisch
geodynamics [treated as sg.]Geodynamik {f}
geodynamoGeodynamo {m}
geo-ecological geoökologisch
geoecologically geoökologisch
geoecologistGeoökologe {m}
geoecologist [female] Geoökologin {f}
geoecologyGeoökologie {f}
geo-economic [also: geoeconomic]geowirtschaftlich [geoökonomisch]
geoeconomically [also: geo-economically] geoökonomisch
geoelectric geoelektrisch
geoelectrical geoelektrisch
geoelectricityGeoelektrizität {f}
geoelectricity Erdelektrizität {f}
geoelectrics [treated as sg.] Geoelektrik {f}
geoelement Geoelement {n}
geoelement Florenelement {n}
geoengineering [also: geo-engineering] Geoengineering {n} [auch: Geo-Engineering]
geofence Geofence {m}
Geoffrey Gottfried {m}
Geoffroy's bat [Myotis emarginatus] Wimperfledermaus {f}
Geoffroy's black-and-white colobus [Colobus vellerosus]Geoffroy-Stummelaffe {m}
Geoffroy's cat [Leopardus geoffroyi, syn.: Oncifelis geoffroyi]Kleinfleckkatze {f}
Geoffroy's cat [Leopardus geoffroyi, syn.: Oncifelis geoffroyi]Salzkatze {f}
Geoffroy's cat [Leopardus geoffroyi, syn.: Oncifelis geoffroyi] Geoffroy-Katze {f} [selten] [Kleinfleckkatze]
Geoffroy's dwarf lemur [Cheirogaleus major]Brauner Fettschwanzmaki {m}
Geoffroy's dwarf lemur [Cheirogaleus major]Großer Fettschwanzmaki {m}
Geoffroy's dwarf lemur [Cheirogaleus major]Großer Katzenmaki {m}
Geoffroy's marmoset [Callithrix geoffroyi] Weißkopf-Büscheläffchen {n}
Geoffroy's marmoset [Callithrix geoffroyi] Weißkopf-Büschelaffe {m}
Geoffroy's monk saki [Pithecia monachus]Mönchsaffe {m}
Geoffroy's myotis [Myotis emarginatus]Wimperfledermaus {f}
Geoffroy's racer [Platyceps florulentus, syn.: Coluber florulentus] Ägyptische Zornnatter {f}
Geoffroy's rousette [Rousettus amplexicaudatus] Geoffroys Flughund {m}
Geoffroy's saddle-back tamarin [Leontocebus nigrifrons, syn.: Hapale nigrifrons, Saguinus nigrifrons] Schwarzstirntamarin {m}
Geoffroy's spider monkey [Ateles geoffroyi] Geoffroy-Klammeraffe {m}
Geoffroy's tailless bat [Anoura geoffroyi]Geoffroys Schwanzlose Fledermaus {f}
Geoffroy's tamarin [Saguinus geoffroyi] Geoffroy-Perückenaffe {m}
Geoffroy's tamarin [Saguinus geoffroyi] Panamaperückenaffe {m}
Geoffroy's (tufted-ear) marmoset [Callithrix geoffroyi] Geoffroy-Pinselaffe {m}
(Geoffroy's) tufted-ear marmoset [Callithrix geoffroyi] Weißkopf-Büschelaffe {m}
(Geoffroy's) tufted-ear marmoset [Callithrix geoffroyi] Weißkopf-Büscheläffchen {n}
Geoffry Gottfried {m}
geofractureErdnaht {f} [Geofraktur]
geogenin [pyrone pigment from Hydnellum geogenium] Geogenin {n} [Pyronfarbstoff aus Hydnellum geogenium]
geoglyphGeoglyph {m} [großflächige Erdzeichnung]
geognosis [rare] [geognosy]Wissen {n} über die Erde
geognosis [rare] [geognosy] Geognosie {f} [veraltet]
geognostic [archaic] geognostisch [veraltet]
geographerGeograph {m}
geographerGeograf {m}
geographer [female] Geografin {f}
geographer [female] Geographin {f}
geographer cone [Conus geographus, syn.: Gastridium geographus] Landkarten-Kegelschnecke / Landkartenkegelschnecke {f}
geographer cone [Conus geographus, syn.: Gastridium geographus] Geographenkegel {m} [Landkarten-Kegelschnecke]
geographer cone [Conus geographus, syn.: Gastridium geographus] Landkartenkegel {m} [Landkarten-Kegelschnecke]
geographer cone [Conus geographus, syn.: Gastridium geographus] Geographische Kegelschnecke {f}
geographers Geographen {pl}
geographic geographisch
geographic erdkundlich
geographic area geografisches Gebiet {n}
geographic cone (snail) [Conus geographus, syn.: Gastridium geographus] [also: geographic cone shell] Landkartenkegel {m} [Landkarten-Kegelschnecke]
geographic cone (snail) [Conus geographus, syn.: Gastridium geographus] [also: geographic cone shell]Landkarten-Kegelschnecke / Landkartenkegelschnecke {f}
geographic cone (snail) [Conus geographus, syn.: Gastridium geographus] [also: geographic cone shell]Geographenkegel {m} [Landkarten-Kegelschnecke]
geographic cone (snail) [Conus geographus, syn.: Gastridium geographus] [also: geographic cone shell]Geographische Kegelschnecke {f}
geographic coordinate systemgeographisches Koordinatensystem {n}
geographic coordinates geographische Koordinaten {pl}
geographic gradient geographischer Gradient {m}
geographic information system <GIS>Geo-Informationssystem {n} <GIS>
geographic information system <GIS> Geoinformationssystem {n} <GIS>
geographic information system <GIS>geographisches Informationssystem {n} <GIS>
geographic locationgeographische Lage {f}
geographic locationgeografische Lage {f}
geographic mobility räumliche Mobilität {f}
geographic mobility territoriale Mobilität {f}
geographic name geographischer Name {m}
geographic position geografische Lage {f}
geographic positiongeographische Lage {f}
geographic rangeVerbreitungsgebiet {n}
geographic speciationallopatrische Artbildung {f}
geographic speciationallopatrische Artentstehung {f}
geographic speciation Artbildung {f} durch räumliche Trennung
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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