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English-German Dictionary

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geographic tongue [Lingua geographica, Glossitis areata exfoliativa, Glossitis areata exsudativa] Landkartenzunge {f}
geographic wrasse [Anampses geographicus] Brauner Perljunker {m}
geographic zone geografische Zone {f}
geographical geographisch
geographical geografisch
geographical [spatial] räumlich [geographisch]
geographical classification geografische Anordnung {f}
geographical classificationgeographische Anordnung {f}
geographical determinismGeodeterminismus {m}
geographical distributiongeografische Verteilung {f}
geographical distribution geographische Verteilung {f}
geographical extensiongeographische Verbreitung {f}
geographical information system <GIS>Geo-Informationssystem {n} <GIS>
geographical knowledge {sg} Geografiekenntnisse {pl}
geographical locationgeographische Lage {f}
geographical locationgeografische Lage {f}
geographical name geographischer Name {m}
geographical phenomenageographische Phänomene {pl}
geographical position geografische Lage {f}
geographical positiongeographische Lage {f}
geographies Erdkunden {pl}
geographies [regions] Regionen {pl} [geografische Gebiete]
geography Erdbeschreibung {f}
geographyErdkunde {f}
geography Geografie {f}
geography Geographie {f}
geography book Erdkundebuch {n}
geography cone [Conus geographus, syn.: Gastridium geographus] Geographenkegel {m} [Landkarten-Kegelschnecke]
geography cone [Conus geographus, syn.: Gastridium geographus] Landkarten-Kegelschnecke / Landkartenkegelschnecke {f}
geography cone [Conus geographus, syn.: Gastridium geographus] Landkartenkegel {m} [Landkarten-Kegelschnecke]
geography cone [Conus geographus, syn.: Gastridium geographus] Geographische Kegelschnecke {f}
geography lessons {pl} Erdkunde {f} [ugs.] [Erdkundeunterricht]
geography teacher Geographielehrer {m}
geography teacher Geografielehrer {m}
geography teacher Erdkundelehrer {m}
geography teacher [female]Geographielehrerin {f}
geography teacher [female] Geografielehrerin {f}
geography teacher [female] Erdkundelehrerin {f}
[geography, geology, biology, social science and history of a province]Landeskunde {f}
geohazard Georisiko {n}
geohydrology [hydrogeology]Geohydrologie {f} [Hydrogeologie]
geoidGeoid {n}
geoid model Geoidmodell {n}
geoid surfaceGeoidoberfläche {f}
geo-image dataGeobilddaten {pl} <GBDI>
geoinformatics [treated as sg.] <GI> Geoinformatik {f} <GI>
geo-information Geoinformation {f}
geoisotherm Isogeotherme {f}
geolinguistics {pl} [treated as sg.]Geolinguistik {f}
geolocation Ortung {f}
geolocationGeolokalisierung {f}
geologic geologisch
geologic age geologisches Alter {n}
geologic eraErdzeitalter {pl}
geologic setting geologische Beschaffenheit {f}
geologic time scale geologische Zeitskala {f}
geological geologisch
geological erdgeschichtlich
geological age geologisches Alter {n}
geological agegeologisches Zeitalter {n}
geological conditiongeologische Beschaffenheit {f}
geological dataGeodaten {pl}
geological disposalgeologische Tiefenlagerung {f}
geological eraErdzeitalter {n}
geological excursions geologische Exkursionen {pl}
geological explorationgeologische Erkundung {f}
geological exploration geologische Erforschung {f}
geological formation Geländeformation {f}
geological formation Bodenformation {f}
geological hazardsgeologische Gefahren {pl}
geological oceanographyMeeresgeologie {f}
geological processgeologischer Vorgang {m}
geological processgeologischer Prozess {m}
geological reconnaissance work {sg}geologische Erkundungsarbeiten {pl}
geological researchgeologische Erforschung {f}
geological researches geologische Forschungen {pl}
geological structure geologische Beschaffenheit {f}
geological survey geologische Aufnahme {f} [eines Geländes]
geological survey [organization] geologischer Dienst {m}
geological time (period) geologisches Zeitalter {n}
geological time scale geologische Zeitskala {f}
geologically geologisch
geologically youngerdgeschichtlich jung
geologist Geologe {m}
geologist Geolog {m} [veraltet für: Geologe]
geologist [female] Geologin {f}
geologistsGeologen {pl}
geologist's hammer Geologenhammer {m}
Geologists RangeGeologists Range {f}
geologyGeologie {f}
geology of the QuaternaryQuartärgeologie {f} [Geologie des Quartärs]
geology researcher Geoforscher {m}
geomagnetic geomagnetisch
geomagnetic fieldgeomagnetisches Feld {n}
geomagnetic latitude <gm. lat., GM LAT>geomagnetische Breite {f}
geomagnetic polegeomagnetischer Pol {m}
« genrgentgentgenugeodgeoggeomgeomGeorgeotgerd »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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