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English-German Dictionary

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Georgia Strait Straße {f} von Georgia
Georgia Strait Georgiastraße {f}
Georgia thumper [Romalea microptera] Kleinflügel-Tölpelschrecke {f}
georgiadesite [Pb4 [Cl4|OH|AsO3]] Georgiadesit {m}
Georgian georgisch
Georgian Georgier {m}
Georgian Georgisch {n}
Georgian grusinisch
Georgian[Mensch aus Georgia (USA)]
Georgian [architecture, house, style, period]georgianisch
Georgian [female] [Frau / Mädchen aus Georgia (USA)]
Georgian [female]Georgierin {f}
Georgian architecture georgianische Architektur {f}
Georgian Bay [Ontario, Canada] Georgian Bay {f}
Georgian Bay [Ontario, Canada]Georgsbucht {f}
Georgian Bay Formation [Michigan (U.S.), Ontario (Canada)] Georgian-Bay-Formation {f}
Georgian bellflower [Campanula sarmatica, syn.: C. albiflora, C. betonicifolia] Sarmatische Glockenblume {f}
Georgian black grouse [Lyrurus mlokosiewiczi, syn.: Tetrao mlokosiewiczi] Kaukasusbirkhuhn {n} [auch: Kaukasus-Birkhuhn]
Georgian box [Buxus colchica] Kolchischer Buchsbaum {m}
Georgian cross [grapevine cross]Georgisches Kreuz {n}
Georgian cuisine georgische Küche {f}
Georgian diving petrel [Pelecanoides georgicus]Breitschnabel-Sturmvogel {m}
Georgian hamster [Mesocricetus raddei]Schwarzbrusthamster {m}
Georgian (language)Grusinisch {n}
Georgian lari <GEL> Georgischer Lari {m} <GEL>
Georgian Legion [WW II, German Armed Forces] Georgische Legion {f} [2. WK, dt. Wehrmacht]
Georgian Military Road Georgische Heerstraße {f}
Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic <GSSR>Georgische Sozialistische Sowjetrepublik {f} <GSSR>
Georgian teal [Anas georgica] Spitzschwanzente {f}
Georgians Georgier {pl}
Georgians [female]Georgierinnen {pl}
Georgian-speaking georgischsprachig
GeorgismGeorgismus {m}
Georgy Feodosevich Voronoy Georgi Feodosjewitsch Woronoi {m}
Georgy Girl [novel: Margaret Forster, film: Silvio Narizzano] Georgy Girl
Georgy Maximovich Adelson-Velsky [sometimes transliterated as Georgii Adelson-Velskii] Georgi Maximowitsch Adelson-Welski {m} [auch: Adelson-Velsky und Adelson-Velski]
geoscienceGeowissenschaft {f}
geosciences Erdwissenschaften {pl}
geosciences Geowissenschaften {pl}
geoscientific geowissenschaftlich
geoscientistGeowissenschaftler {m}
geoscientist [female] Geowissenschaftlerin {f}
geosmin [C12H22O]Geosmin {n}
geospatial raumbezogen
geospatial geospatial
geospatiality Geospatialität {f}
geosphereGeosphäre {f}
geostationary geostationär
geostationary orbit geostationäre Umlaufbahn {f}
geostationary satellite geostationärer Satellit {m}
geostatistical geostatistisch
geostatisticianGeostatistiker {m}
geostatistics [treated as sg] Geostatistik {f}
geostrategic geostrategisch
geostrategically geostrategisch
geostrategyGeostrategie {f}
geostrophic geostrophisch
geostrophic windgeostrophischer Wind {m}
geostrophically geostrophisch
geosutureErdnaht {f}
geosynchronous geosynchron
geosynchronous orbitgeosynchrone Umlaufbahn {f}
geosynclinal depositsGeosynklinalsedimente {pl}
geosynclinal sediments Geosynklinalsedimente {pl}
geosynclinal theory Geosynklinaltheorie {f}
geosyncline Geosynklinale {f}
geosyncline theory Geosynklinaltheorie {f}
geosynthetic Geokunststoff {m}
geotaxis Geotaxis {f}
geotechnical calculation [statical calculation of the underground] erdstatische Berechnung {f}
geotechnical engineerGeotechniker {m}
geotechnical engineer [female]Geotechnikerin {f}
geotechnical engineering Geotechnik {f}
geotechnical expert Bodengutachter {m}
geotechnical expert [female] Bodengutachterin {f}
geotechnics Geotechnik {f}
geotechnologyGeotechnologie {f}
geotectonic geotektonisch
geotectonic <strike>easter egg</strike> geotektonisch
geotextile [attr.] Geotextil-
geotextilesGeotextilien {pl}
geothermal geothermal
geothermal areaGeothermalgebiet {n}
geothermal energyGeothermalenergie {f}
geothermal energy Geothermie {f}
geothermal energyErdwärme {f}
geothermal energy geothermale Energie {f}
geothermal fieldGeothermalfeld {n}
geothermal gradientgeothermische Tiefenstufe {f}
geothermal gradientgeothermischer Gradient {m}
geothermal heatErdwärme {f}
geothermal heatgeothermische Wärme {f}
geo-thermal heat pump Erdwärmepumpe {f}
geothermal heat pump system <GHP> Wärmepumpenheizung {f}
geothermal heating Erdwärmeheizung {f}
geothermal heating Geothermieheizung / Geothermie-Heizung {f}
« genugeodgeoggeomgeomGeorgeotgerdGermGermGerm »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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