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geraniums [genus Geranium]Storchschnäbel {pl}
geraniums [genus Pelargonium]Pelargonien {pl}
geranium-scented russula [Russula fellea] Gallen-Täubling {m}
geranyl acetate [C12H20O2] Geranylacetat {n}
geranyl diphosphate [geranyl pyrophosphate] [C10H20O7P2]Geranyldiphosphat {n} [Geranylpyrophosphat]
geranyl pyrophosphate <GPP>Geranylpyrophosphat {n} <Geranyl-PP, GPP>
geranylgeranyl group Geranylgeranylgruppe {f}
geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate <GGP> Geranylgeranylpyrophosphat {n} <GGP>
geranylgeranylated geranylgeranyliert
geranylgeranylationGeranylgeranylierung {f}
geranylgeranyltransferase Geranylgeranyltransferase {f}
Gerard's black-and-yellow burrowing snake [Chilorhinophis gerardi] Kongolesische Wühlnatter {f}
Gerard's pine [Pinus gerardiana] Gerards Kiefer {f}
Gerard's rush [Juncus gerardii, syn.: J. bulbosus var. salinus, J. compressus subsp. gerardii, J. gerardii sub. / var. gerardii] Salz-Simse / Salzsimse {f}
Gerard's rush [Juncus gerardii, syn.: J. bulbosus var. salinus, J. compressus subsp. gerardii, J. gerardii sub. / var. gerardii] Salz-Binse / Salzbinse {f}
Gerard's water snake [Gerarda prevostiana] Katzenaugen-Wassertrugnatter {f}
Geras Geras {m}
Gerasimou Glacier Gerasimou-Gletscher {m}
gerasimovskite [(Mn,Ca)(Nb,Ti)5O12·9H2O] Gerasimovskit {m}
geratology Untersuchung {f} des Verfalls des Lebens
geratology Alternsforschung {f}
geratologyGeratologie {f}
Gerber data Gerberdaten {pl}
gerberaGerbera {f}
gerbil Wüstenrennmaus {f}
gerbilRennmaus {f}
gerbilGerbil {m} [Rennmaus]
gerbil leaf-eared mouse [Paralomys gerbillus, syn.: Phyllotis gerbillus] Peru-Blattohrmaus {f}
gerbil mice [genus Eligmodontia] Hochland-Wüstenmäuse {pl}
gerbil mouse [Malacothrix typica, syn.: M. egeria]Afrikanische Langohrmaus {f}
gerbil stuffing [cf. gerbilling or gerbil shooting]Gerbilling {n} [angebliche Sexualpraktik]
gerbil tube [coll.] [glass-enclosed pedestrian bridge between buildings]gläserne Fußgängerröhre {f}
gerbilariumGerbilarium {n}
gerbilline pericote [Paralomys gerbillus, syn.: Phyllotis gerbillus] Peru-Blattohrmaus {f}
gerbilling [cf. gerbil stuffing or gerbil shooting]Gerbilling {n} [angebliche Sexualpraktik]
gerbils [subfamily Gerbillinae] Rennmäuse {pl}
gerdtremmelite [(Zn,Fe2+)(Al,Fe3+)2(AsO4)(OH)5] Gerdtremmelit {m}
gerenite-(Y) [(Ca,Na)2(Y,Ce)3 [Si6O18]·2H2O] Gerenit-(Y) {m}
gerent [rare] Lenker {m} [geh.] [Anführer, Manager]
gerenuk [Litocranius walleri]Giraffengazelle {f}
gerenuk [Litocranius walleri] Gerenuk {m}
gerfalcon [Falco rusticolus] Gerfalke {m}
Gergonne pointGergonne-Punkt {m}
Gergovie Gergovia {n}
Gerhard the Good Der guote Gerhart [Rudolf von Ems] [Schreibweise mit Diakritika: Der guote Gêrhart]
gerhardtite [Cu2(NO3)(OH)3]Gerhardtit {m}
Gerhardt's sign [also: Gerhardt sign] Gerhardt-Zeichen {n}
geriatric altersheilkundlich
geriatric[das Alter betreffend]
geriatric geriatrisch
geriatric greis [geh.]
geriatric Greis {m}
geriatric [coll.] [hum.] [decrepit, outdated] betagt [geh.] [hum.] [uralt, ausgedient (Sache)]
geriatric [coll.] [hum.] [machine etc.: decrepit] altersschwach [Maschine etc.]
geriatric careAltenpflege {f}
geriatric care facility Altenpflegeeinrichtung {f}
geriatric care workerAltenpflegekraft {f}
geriatric center [Am.] Geriatriezentrum {n}
geriatric centre [Br.] Geriatriezentrum {n}
geriatric dentistry Alterszahnheilkunde {f}
geriatric depression Altersdepression {f}
geriatric depression scale <GDS> geriatrische Depressionsskala {f} <GDS>
geriatric diseaseAlterskrankheit {f}
geriatric disorder [also fig.]Alterskrankheit {f} [auch fig.]
geriatric hospital geriatrische Klinik {f} [klinische Geriatrie]
geriatric medicine Altersheilkunde {f}
geriatric medicine Geriatrie {f}
geriatric nurse [female] Altenpflegerin {f}
geriatric nurse [male] Altenpfleger {m}
geriatric nursing Altenpflege {f}
geriatric oral health assessment index <GOHAI> GOHAI {m} [ein MLQ-Instrument]
geriatric psychiatric gerontopsychiatrisch
geriatric psychiatry Alterspsychiatrie {f}
geriatric psychiatry Gerontopsychiatrie {f}
geriatric psychology Gerontopsychologie {f}
geriatric rehabilitation geriatrische Rehabilitation {f}
geriatric unit [geriatric ward]geriatrische Abteilung {f} [geriatrische Station]
(geriatric) personal care aide [female] Altenbetreuerin {f}
geriatrician Geriater {m}
geriatrician [female]Geriaterin {f}
geriatrics Geriatrie {f}
geriatrics Altersheilkunde {f}
(geriatrics) nostologyGerontologie {f}
GeriatrixMethusalix {m}
Gerlos PassGerlospass / Gerlos Pass {m}
germ Keim {m}
germ Krankheitserreger {m}
germBazillus {m}
germ budKeimling {m}
germ budsKeimlinge {pl}
germ carrierKeimträger {m}
germ carriers Keimträger {pl}
germ cellKeimzelle {f}
germ cell damage Keimschädigung {f}
germ cell development Keimzellentwicklung {f}
germ cell donation Gametenspende {f}
germ cell tumor [Am.]Keimzelltumor {m}
germ cell tumour [esp. Br.]Keimzelltumor {m}
germ cells Keimzellen {pl}
germ colonizationKeimbesiedlung {f}
« geoggeolgeomgeorgeosgeragermGermGermGermGerm »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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