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English-German Dictionary

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head of fibula [Caput fibulae]Fibulaköpfchen {n}
head of finance Leiter {m} der Finanzen
head of flight operationsFlugbetriebsleiter {m}
head of garlic Knoblauchknolle {f}
head of governmentRegierungschef {m}
head of hair Haarschopf {m}
head of hospital administration Krankenhausverwaltungschef {m} [selten]
Head of HR [female] [title] Personalverantwortliche {f}
head of institute [esp. as official title] Institutsleiter {m}
head of institute [esp. as official title] Institutsleitung {f}
Head of Investor Relations IR-Verantwortlicher {m}
Head of Investor RelationsIR-Leiter {m}
Head of Investor Relations Leiter {m} Investor Relations
head of John the Baptist on a platter Johannesschüssel {f}
head of laboratory Laborleiter {m}
head of lettuceSalatkopf {m}
head of liquid Flüssigkeitssäule {f}
Head of Ludwig Schames Kopf Ludwig Schames [Ernst Ludwig Kirchner]
head of malleus [Caput mallei] Hammerkopf {m}
head of marketing Marketingchef {m}
head of media affairs Mediendirektor {m}
head of Medusa Medusenhaupt {n}
head of missionMissionschef {m}
head of mission [female] <HOM, HoM>Leiterin {f} einer diplomatischen Vertretung
head of mission [female] <HOM, HoM> Botschafterin {f}
head of mission [female] <HOM, HoM> Generalkonsulin {f}
Head of Mission [Olympics]Chef {m} de Mission
head of mission <HOM, HoM> Leiter {m} einer diplomatischen Vertretung
head of mission <HOM, HoM> Botschafter {m}
head of mission <HOM, HoM> Generalkonsul {m}
head of nurses <HON>(leitende) Oberschwester {f}
head of office Amtsleitung {f}
head of operationsEinsatzchef {m} [Luftwaffe]
head of operations Einsatzleiter {m}
head of page Kopf {m} der Seite
head of pancreas [Caput pancreatis]Pankreaskopf {m}
head of personnel departmentPersonalleiter {m}
head of propaganda Propagandachef {m}
head of purchasing department Leiter {m} der Einkaufsabteilung
head of record Beginn {m} des Datensatzes
head of reservoirStauwurzel {f}
head of rib [Caput costae] Rippenkopf {m}
head of rib [Caput costae] Rippenköpfchen {n}
head of routine Kopf {m} der Routine
head of routine Anfang {m} der Routine
head of section Fachbereichsleiter {m}
head of sectionSektionsleiter {m}
head of section [female] Fachbereichsleiterin {f}
head of section (in a ministry) Ministerialdirigent {m}
head of securitySicherheitschef {m}
head of ski patrol [Am.] [Can.]Pistenrettungschef {m}
head of St. George [relic] Georgshaupt {n} [Reliquie]
head of stapes [Caput stapedis]Steigbügelkopf {m}
head of state Staatschef {m}
head of state Staatsoberhaupt {n}
head of stateStaatsspitze {f}
head of stateStaatslenker {m} [selten] [Staatsmann, Staatenlenker]
head of state [female]Staatschefin {f}
head of strategy Chefstratege {m}
head of the / a household Hausherr {m}
head of the / a household Hausvorstand {m} [Person]
head of the aisleRegalkopfseite {f}
head of the armyChef {m} der Armee <CdA>
head of the audit group Chef {m} der Prüfungsgruppe
head of the audit group [female]Chefin {f} der Prüfungsgruppe
head (of the bed) Kopfende {n}
head of the bolt Schraubenkopf {m} [Kopf der Schraube]
head of the breeding board Zuchtleiter {m}
head of the business Chef {m} des Unternehmens
head of the canteen Kantinenchef {m}
head of the cemetery Friedhofsdirektor {m}
head of the chancelleryKanzleramtschef {m}
head of the chancellery [female] Kanzleramtschefin {f}
head of the chancellory [female] [spv.] Kanzleramtschefin {f}
head of the chancellory [spv.]Kanzleramtschef {m}
head of the church Kirchenoberhaupt {n}
Head of the CommonwealthOberhaupt {n} des Commonwealth
head of the companyFirmenleiter {m} [Leiter der Firma]
head of the company [female]Firmenleiterin {f}
head of the delegationLeiter {m} der Delegation
head of the delegation Leiter {m} der Abordnung [seltener] [Leiter der Delegation]
head of the departmentAbteilungsleiter {m}
head of the directorate Abteilungsleiter {m} im Ministerium
head of the district authority Landrat {m} [oberster Beamter eines Landkreises]
head of the dogHundekopf {m}
head of the empireReichsoberhaupt {n}
head of the export department Leiter {m} der Exportabteilung
head of the familyFamilienvorstand {m}
head of the family Familienoberhaupt {n}
head of the FBIFBI-Chef {m}
Head of the Federal Chancellery Bundeskanzler {m} [schweiz.]
head of the Federal Network Agency Bundesnetzagenturchef {m} [ugs. für: Chef der Bundesnetzagentur]
head of the firm [corporate CEO] Konzernchef {m} [Chef des Konzerns]
head of the group [football / soccer] gesetzte Mannschaft {f}
head of the household Haushaltungsvorstand {m}
head of the household Familienvorstand {m}
head of the household Haushaltsvorstand {m}
head of the household Haushalter {m} [veraltet] [Haushälter]
head of the householdHaushälter {m} [veraltet] [Familienvorstand]
head of the humerus [Caput humeri]Oberarmkopf {m} [Kopf / Caput des Oberarmknochens]
« HetoHewaHewhheadheadheadheadheadheadheadhead »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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