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headwaters {pl}Oberlauf {m} [eines Flusses]
headwayFortschritt {m}
headwaylichte Höhe {f}
headway Vorwärtsfahrt {f}
headway Abstand {m} (zwischen Fahrzeugen)
headway [interval between trains / buses etc.]Taktzeit {f}
headway [time interval between vehicles traveling in the same direction on a route]Takt {m} [Zeittakt, z. B. bei Zugabfahrten]
headway [time interval between vehicles traveling in the same direction on a route] Zeittakt {m} [z. B. bei Zugabfahrten]
headway haulageAbbaustreckenförderung {f}
headwear Kopfbekleidung {f}
headwind [also fig.]Gegenwind {m} [auch fig.]
headwoman [of a tribe]Stammesführerin {f}
headword Schlagwort {n} [Stichwort]
headword Stichpunkt {m}
headwordStichwort {n}
headwork [mental work]Kopfarbeit {f}
headworker geistiger Arbeiter {m}
head-worn aidKopfgerät {n} [Hörgerät]
head-worn hearing aid Kopfhörgerät {n}
head-worn instrument Kopfgerät {n} [Hörgerät]
head-worn loupe Kopflupe {f}
head-worn loupe systemLupenbrillensystem {n}
headwrapHeadwrap {m} {n} [Kopftuch]
headwriter leitender TV-Autor {m}
heady verwegen
heady [impetuous]impulsiv
heady [scheme, tactics etc.] klug [Plan, Taktik etc.]
heady [success, atmosphere]berauschend [aufregend, wunderbar]
heady [thrilling]aufregend
heady [wine, sauce] feurig
heady aroma berauschender Duft {m}
heady days {pl} Zeit {f} der Unbesonnenheit
heady heights schwindelerregende Höhen {pl}
heady heightstrallala schwindelerregende Höhen {pl}
heady wine schwerer Wein {m}
heady with victory [postpos.]siegestrunken
heal [obs.] [entire, whole] ganz [komplett]
healable heilbar
heal-all [genus Stachys] Ziest {m}
heal-all [Prunella vulgaris]Kleine Braunelle {f}
heal-all [Prunella vulgaris] Kleine Brunelle {f}
heal-all [Prunella vulgaris] Gewöhnliche Braunelle {f}
heal-alls [genus Prunella]Braunellen {pl}
heald [heddle] Helfe {f}
Heald Island Heald-Insel {f}
healed abgeheilt
healed geheilt
healed gesundet
healed upausgeheilt
healer Heiler {m}
healerHeilpraktiker {m}
healer [female] Heilerin {f}
healer [herb etc.] Heilmittel {n}
healer [physician] Heilkundiger {m}
healersHeiler {pl}
healing Abheilung {f}
healingHeilen {n}
healing Heilung {f}
healing [attr.] [e.g. arts, power, ointment, plant, sleep] Heil- [z. B. Kunst, Kraft, Salbe, Pflanze, Schlaf]
healing [wound]abheilend
healing [wound] verheilend
healing abutmentEinheilpfosten {m}
healing account Heilungsgeschichte {f}
healing activityHeiltätigkeit {f}
healing art Heilkunst {f}
healing arts {pl}Heilkunde {f}
healing arts {pl} Heilkunst {f}
healing bath Heilbad {n} [als Heilmittel oder Institution]
healing by first / primary intention Heilung {f} per primam intentionem
healing by first / primary intentionprimäre Wundheilung {f}
healing by second / secondary intention Heilung {f} per secundam intentionem
healing by second / secondary intention sekundäre Wundheilung {f}
healing by second / secondary intention [sanatio per secundam intentionem]Sekundärheilung {f}
healing by third intention Heilung {f} per tertiam intentionem
healing chants {pl} [healing mantras etc.] Heilgesang {m}
healing clayHeilerde {f}
healing crisisHeilungskrise {f}
healing cult Heilkult {m}
healing earthHeilerde {f}
healing effect heilende Wirkung {f}
healing effect Heilungseffekt {m}
healing evangelistHeilungsevangelist {m}
healing experienceHeilungserfahrung {f}
healing godHeilgott {m}
healing graceHeilsgnade {f}
healing herb [Plantago media] [hoary plantain] Mittlerer Wegerich {m}
healing herb / healingherb [Symphytum officinale] Gewöhnlicher Beinwell {m}
healing herbs Heilkräuter {pl}
healing methodHeilmethode {f}
healing methodHeilverfahren {n}
healing method Heilungsmethode {f}
healing miracle Heilungswunder {n}
healing (of the sick)Krankenheilung {f}
healing ointmentHeilsalbe {f}
healing periodHeilphase {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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