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health care interpreting Fachdolmetschen {n} im Gesundheitsbereich
health care management Versorgungsmanagement {n} [Gesundheitswirtschaft]
health care management assistant [female]Kauffrau {f} im Gesundheitswesen [Deutschland]
health care management assistant [male] Kaufmann {m} im Gesundheitswesen [Deutschland]
health care of sheep and goats Schaf- und Ziegengesundheitsdienst {m}
health care professionalTherapeut {m}
health care professional [female]Therapeutin {f}
health care provider Leistungserbringer {m} medizinischer Dienstleistungen
health care provider <HCP>Gesundheitsdienstleister {m}
health care provider <HCP>Gesundheitsversorger {m}
health care proxy Vorsorgevollmacht {f}
health care proxyBetreuungsverfügung {f}
health care proxyVorsorgeauftrag {m} [schweiz.] [Vorsorgevollmacht]
health care reformGesundheitsreform {f}
Health Care Reform ActGesundheitsreformgesetz {n} <GRG>
health care sector Gesundheitssektor {m}
health care servicesGesundheitsdienstleistungen {pl}
health care servicesgesundheitliche Versorgungsleistungen {pl}
Health Care Structure Act Gesundheitsstrukturgesetz {n} <GSG>
Health Care Structure Reform Act [of 1996, Germany] Gesundheitsstrukturgesetz {n} <GSG> [von 1996]
health care systemGesundheitssystem {n}
health care system Gesundheitswesen {n}
health care tax [Am.]Gesundheitssteuer {f}
health care worker im Gesundheitswesen Tätiger {m}
health center [Am.]Gesundheitszentrum {n}
health center [Am.] Ärztezentrum {n}
health center [Am.]Praxiszentrum {n}
health center [Am.] Gesundheitsstation {f}
health centre [Br.] Gesundheitszentrum {n}
health centre [Br.] Ärztezentrum {n}
health centre [Br.] Wellnesscenter {n}
health certificate Gesundheitszertifikat {n}
health certificate Gesundheitszeugnis {n}
health chances Gesundheits-Chancen {pl}
health check Gesundheitscheck {m}
health check Gesundheitsprüfung {f}
health claims [on food labels and in food marketing]nährwert- und gesundheitsbezogene Angaben {pl} über Lebensmittel
health classGesundheitskurs {m}
health clinic Gesundheitsklinik {f}
health clinic [esp. Am.] Krankenstation {f}
health clinic [wellness clinic]Kurklinik {f}
health clubFitnesscenter {n}
health clubFitnessklub {m}
health club Sport- und Fitnesscenter {n}
health club Sport- und Fitnessstudio {n}
health club [Am.]Fitnessstudio {n}
health commission Gesundheitskommission {f}
health committee Gesundheitsausschuss {m} <GA, G>
health compliance requirements Gesundheitsbestimmungen {pl}
health condition Gesundheitsstatus {m}
health conditionGesundheitszustand {m}
health consciousnessGesundheitsbewusstsein {n}
health controlGesundheitsüberwachung {f}
health crazeGesundheitswahn {m}
health crisisGesundheitskrise {f}
health culture Gesundheitskultur {f}
health damage Gesundheitsschädigung {f}
health dataGesundheitsdaten {pl}
health declaration Gesundheitserklärung {f}
health detriment Gesundheitsschädigung {f}
health detriment [EUR 17538] gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigung {f} [EUR 17538]
health disorder Gesundheitsstörung {f}
health disorders Gesundheitsstörungen {pl}
health economics [treated as sg. or pl.]Gesundheitsökonomie {f}
health economistGesundheitsökonom {m}
health economist [female]Gesundheitsökonomin {f}
health economy Gesundheitswirtschaft {f}
health education Gesundheitsbildung {f}
health educationGesundheitserziehung {f}
health effectGesundheitseffekt {m}
health effectWirkung {f} auf die Gesundheit
health effect gesundheitliche Wirkung {f}
health effects gesundheitliche Auswirkungen {pl}
health enhancing gesundheitsfördernd
health examination Überprüfung {f} der Gesundheit
health examination Gesundheitsuntersuchung {f}
health examinationGesundheitsprüfung {f}
health expenditure Gesundheitsausgabe {f}
health expert Gesundheitsexperte {m}
health expert [female]Gesundheitsexpertin {f}
health facility Gesundheitseinrichtung {f}
health factorGesundheitsfaktor {m}
health fad Gesundheitsfimmel {m} [ugs.]
health farm Gesundheitsfarm {f}
health farm Gesundheitshof {m}
health fieldGesundheitsbereich {m}
health fiend Gesundheitsfanatiker {m}
health file Gesundheitsakte {f}
health food Reformkost {f}
health foodGesundheitskost {f}
health foodgesunde Kost {f}
health foodundsoo gesunde Kost {f}
health food freak [coll.] [pej.]Müslifresser {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
health food shop Reformhaus {n}
health food shop [Br.] Naturkostladen {m}
health food store Bioladen {m}
health food store [Am.] Naturkostladen {m}
health food store [Am.] Reformhaus {n}
health freak [coll.] Gesundheitsapostel {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
health fundGesundheitsfonds {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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