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English-German Dictionary

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health guide Gesundheitsratgeber {m}
health guru Gesundheitsguru {m}
health hazard Gesundheitsrisiko {n}
health hazardGesundheitsgefährdung {f}
health hazardGesundheitsgefahr {f}
health hazardsGesundheitsgefahren {pl}
health historyKrankengeschichte {f}
health impact assessment <HIA>Health Impact Assessment {n} <HIA>
health impairment Gesundheitsschädigung {f}
health implications gesundheitliche Folgeerscheinungen {pl}
health indicator Gesundheitsindikator {m}
health inequalities Unterschiede {pl} im Gesundheitszustand
health inequitysoziale Ungleichheit {f} der Gesundheitschancen
health informatics medizinische Informatik {f}
health informatics [treated as sg.]Gesundheitsinformatik {f}
health information Gesundheitsinformation {f}
health information {sg} <HI> Gesundheitsinformationen {pl}
health information system <HIS>Gesundheitsinformationssystem {n}
health insurance Krankheitsversicherung {f} [Krankenversicherung]
health insurance [private, non-statutory] Krankenversicherung {f}
health insurance [statutory] Krankenkasse {f}
health insurance and statutory necessities (§1578 (2) German Civil Code) Krankenvorsorgeunterhalt {m} (§1578 (2) BGB)
health insurance cardKrankenversicherungskarte {f}
health insurance cardKrankenversichertenkarte {f}
health insurance certificate Krankenschein {m} [veraltetend] [Versicherungsnachweis]
health insurance certificateKrankenversicherungsnachweis {m}
health insurance contribution Krankenversicherungsbeitrag {m}
health insurance contributions Krankenkassenbeiträge {pl}
health insurance coverageKrankenversicherungsschutz {m}
health insurance document for abroad Auslandskrankenschein {m}
health insurance fund [Germany, Austria, Switzerland]Kasse {f} [ugs.] [Krankenkasse]
health insurance fundsKrankenkassen {pl}
health insurance management Krankenversicherungsmanagement {n} <KM>
health insurance policy Krankenversicherungspolice {f}
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (of 1996) <HIPAA> [Am.] HIPAA / HIPAA-Gesetz {n}
health insurance premium Krankenkassenbeitrag {m} [Krankenversicherungsbeitrag]
health insurance premiumsKrankenkassenprämien {pl}
health intervention Gesundheitsintervention {f}
Health is above wealth. Gesundheit geht vor Reichtum.
Health is better than wealth. Lieber arm und gesund als reich und krank.
health issue Gesundheitsproblem {n}
health issues Gesundheitsfragen {pl}
health issues Gesundheitsprobleme {pl}
health journalism Gesundheitsjournalismus {m}
health legislation Gesundheitsrecht {n}
health lessons {pl} [classes, school] Gesundheitsunterricht {m}
Health Level 7 / Health Level Seven <HL7> [standard]Health Level 7 {m} {n} [Standard, Norm]
health literacy Gesundheitskompetenz {f}
health maintenanceGesunderhaltung {f}
health maintenance organization <HMO> Health Maintenance Organisation {f} <HMO>
health management Gesundheitsmanagement {n}
health managementGesundheitswirtschaft {f}
health managerGesundheitsmanager {m}
health markGenusstauglichkeitskennzeichen {n}
health market Gesundheitsmarkt {m}
health massage practitioner Gesundheitsmasseur {m}
health massage practitioner [female]Gesundheitsmasseurin {f}
health measurementGesundheitsmessung {f}
health measures Gesundheitsmaßnahmen {pl}
health ministerGesundheitsminister {m}
health ministryGesundheitsministerium {n}
health nazi [Am.] [pej.] Gesundheitsfanatiker {m}
health needs assessment <HNA>Bewertung {f} der Gesundheitsbedürfnisse
health nut [coll.] Gesundheitsfreak {m} [ugs.]
health nut [coll.]Gesundheitsfanatiker {m}
health nut [coll.] Gesundheitsapostel {m} [ugs.]
health orientationGesundheitsorientierung {f}
health passport Gesundheitspass {m}
health philanthropist Gesundheits-Mäzen {m}
health phobia Hypochondrie {f}
health physics [treated as sg.] Gesundheitsphysik {f}
health plan [Am.]Krankenkasse {f}
health point <HP> [in computer games or role-playing games] Lebenspunkt {m} [in Computerspielen oder Rollenspielen]
health point <HP> [in computer games or role-playing games]Trefferpunkt {m} [in Computerspielen oder Rollenspielen]
health policyGesundheitspolitik {f}
health policy expert Gesundheitsexperte {m}
health politician Gesundheitspolitiker {m}
health portal Gesundheitsportal {n}
health potentialGesundheitspotenzial {n}
health potential Gesundheitspotential {n}
health problem Gesundheitsproblem {n}
health problems Beschwerden {pl}
health problemsgesundheitliche Beschwerden {pl}
health problems Gesundheitsbeschwerden {pl}
health productGesundheitsprodukt {n}
health productsGesundheitsprodukte {pl}
health professionalGesundheitsfachperson {f} [schweiz.]
health professionalHeilberufler {m} [Oberbegriff]
health professional Gesundheitsexperte {m}
health professional [female] Gesundheitsexpertin {f}
health professionals Fachleute {pl} im Gesundheitswesen
health professionalsGesundheitsfachkräfte {pl}
health professions Gesundheitsberufe {pl}
health program [Am.] Gesundheitsprogramm {n}
health programme [Br.] Gesundheitsprogramm {n}
health promotion Gesundheitsförderung {f}
health protecting gesundheitsschützend
health protectionGesundheitsschutz {m}
health protection Gesundheitsvorsorge {f}
Health Protection Agency <HPA> [UK] Amt {n} für Gesundheitsschutz
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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