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hair in braids [fixed around the head]Gretchenfrisur {f}
hair jelly [Cyanea capillata, syn.: C. arctica] [lion's mane jellyfish] Gelbe Feuerqualle {f}
hair jelly [Cyanea capillata] Feuerqualle {f}
hair jelly [jellyfish] [Cyanea capillata] Gelbe Haarqualle {f}
hair jewellery [esp. Br.] Haarschmuck {m}
hair jewelry [Am.]Haarschmuck {m}
hair lacquer Haarlack {m}
hair lacquer Haarspray {m} {n}
hair length Haarlänge {f}
hair lightener Haaraufheller {m}
hair line [spv.] Haaransatz {m}
hair loopiesAffenschaukeln {pl}
hair loss Haarausfall {m}
hair lossHaarverlust {m}
hair mask Haarmaske {f}
hair medulla Haarmark {n}
hair milkHaarmilch {f}
hair mold sprout [Am.]Haarpilzstippe {f}
hair mortar Haarmörtel {m}
hair mortar Haarkalkmörtel {m}
hair mosses [genus Polytrichum] Widertonmoose {pl}
hair mosses [genus Polytrichum] Bürstenmoose {pl}
hair mousse Haarschaum {m}
hair mousseHaarfestiger {m}
hair muscleHaarmuskel {m}
hair nest disease [pilonidal sinus disease]Motorrad-Krankheit {f} [ugs.]
hair nest (disease) [pilonidal sinus disease]Haarnest {n} [Steißbeinfistel]
hair netHaarnetz {n}
hair of the beardBarthaar {n}
hair of the dog [coll.] Konterbier {n}
hair of the dog [coll.] Katerbier {n} [ugs.]
hair of the dog [coll.]Reparaturseidl {n} [österr.] [ugs.]
hair of the dog [coll.] [wine] Reparaturachterl {n} [österr.]
hair of the furFellhaare {pl}
hair oil Haaröl {n}
hair ornaments {pl}Haarschmuck {m}
hair papillaHaarpapille {f}
hair pick Kamm {m} [für Afro-Frisuren]
hair pie [vulg.]Muschi {f} [vulg.] [Vagina]
hair pieceHaarteil {n}
hair pin [such as bodkin, kanzashi; not a bobby pin] Haarpfeil {m}
hair pins [Am.] [fig.] Crescendo- / Decrescendozeichen {pl}
hair pomade Haarpomade {f}
hair pore Haarpore {f}
hair relaxer [conditioner] Haarglätter {m}
hair removal Haarentfernung {f}
hair removal cream Enthaarungscreme {f}
hair removal systemDepilier-System {n}
hair removerHaarentferner {m} [Haarentfernungsmittel]
hair remover Haarentfernungsmittel {n}
hair repair kit [damaged hair]Kurpackung {f} [strapaziertes Haar]
hair replacementHaarersatz {m}
hair restorer Haarwuchsmittel {n}
hair restorer Haarmittel {n}
hair rinse Haarspülung {f}
hair rollerLockenwickler {m}
hair rootHaarwurzel {f}
hair root epitheliumHaarwurzelepithel {n}
hair rootsHaarwurzeln {pl}
hair salon Friseur {m} [Friseursalon]
hair salon Friseursalon {m}
hair sample Haarprobe {f}
hair scissors {pl} [pair of hair scissors]Haarschere {f}
hair sedge [Br.] [Carex capillaris] Haarstielige Segge {f}
hair sensillum Haarsensille {f}
hair shaft [Scapus] Haarschaft {m}
hair sheep Haarschaf {n}
hair shirt Büßerhemd {n}
hair shirt härenes Gewand {n}
hair shirt [coll.] [fig.] Plage {f} [Ärgernis]
hair side Haarseite {f} [von Pelz]
hair sieve Haarsieb {n}
hair slide [Br.]Haarspange {f}
hair slip Haarlässigkeit {f} [Gerberei]
hair space Haarspatium {n}
hair spray Haarspray {m} {n}
hair spring [Am.] Unruhfeder {f}
hair stickHaarstab {m} [Haarschmuck]
hair stick Haarstäbchen {n}
hair straightenerHaarglätter {m}
hair straightenerGlätteisen {n} [Haarglätter]
hair streaked with grey [Br.]Haar {n} mit grauen Strähnchen
hair strokeHaarstrich {m} [feiner Strich]
hair structureHaarstruktur {f}
hair styleFrisur {f}
hair stylist Haarkünstler {m}
hair stylistCoiffeur {m} [schweiz., sonst geh.]
hair stylist [female] Haarkünstlerin {f}
hair stylist [female] Coiffeuse {f} [schweiz., sonst geh.]
hair stylist [female] Coiffeurin {f} [selten] [Friseurin]
hair stylist'sHaarstudio {n}
hair test [hair follicle drug test] Haartest {m} [Haarfollikeltest]
hair texture Haarstruktur {f}
hair tieHaargummi {m} {n}
hair tieZopfgummi {m} {n}
hair tintHaartönung {f}
hair tips Haarspitzen {pl}
hair tonic Haarwasser {n}
hair tower [as the one of Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire]Haarturm {m} [Frisur]
hair transplant Haartransplantation {f}
« haemhaemHageHAHOhairhairhairhairhairhairhair »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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