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« backPage 136 for words starting with H in the English-German dictionarynext page »
heating blanketHeizdecke {f}
heating block Heizblock {m}
heating boiler Heizkessel {m}
heating bush Heizbuchse {f}
heating by stove Ofenheizung {f}
heating cabinet Wärmeschrank {m}
heating cable Heizkabel {n}
heating calculation Erwärmungsberechnung {f}
heating capacity Heizleistung {f}
heating capacity Heizfähigkeit {f}
heating capacity Wärmeleistung {f}
heating cartridge Heizpatrone {f}
heating chap [Br.] [coll.] Heizungsfritze {m} [ugs.]
heating characteristicHeizkennlinie {f}
heating characteristic Heizungskennlinie {f}
heating circuitHeizkreis {m}
heating circuitHeizkreislauf {m}
heating circuit waterHeizwasserkreislauf {m}
heating circulating pumpHeizungsumwälzpumpe {f}
heating coil Heizwicklung {f}
heating coilHeizspule {f}
heating coil Heizwendel {f}
heating coil Heizschlange {f}
heating companyHeizungsfirma {f}
heating conditionsHeizbedingungen {pl}
heating conductorHeizleiter {m}
heating contractorHeizungsbauer {m} [Firma]
heating contractorHeizungsmonteur {m} [Firma]
heating contractorHeizungsinstallateur {m} [Firma]
heating control system Heizungssteuerung {f}
heating control valveHeizungsregelventil {n}
heating cordHeizschnur {f}
heating costs Heizkosten {pl}
heating curve Erwärmungskurve {f}
heating curve Wärmekurve {f}
heating curveAufheizlinie {f}
heating cycleHeizzyklus {m}
heating daysHeiztage {pl}
heating demand Heizbedarf {m}
heating device Heizvorrichtung {f}
heating duct Heizkanal {m}
heating elementHeizstab {m}
heating element Heizspirale {f}
heating element Heizer {m}
heating element [electric kettle etc.] Heizelement {n}
heating energy Heizenergie {f}
heating energy demandHeizwärmebedarf {m}
heating energy requirementsHeizenergiebedarf {m}
heating engineerHeizungsmonteur {m}
heating engineer Heizungsbauer {m}
heating engineer Heizungsinstallateur {m}
heating engineering Heizungstechnik {f}
heating equipment Heizanlage {f}
heating equipment Heizeinrichtung {f}
heating equipment {sg} Heizanlagen {pl}
heating expenses subsidy Heizkostenbeihilfe {f}
heating film Heizfolie {f}
heating flue Feuerungszug {m}
heating fuel Heizmaterial {n}
heating fuelHeizbrennstoff {m}
heating furnaceHeizofen {m}
heating furnace Wärmofen {m}
heating gas Heizgas {n}
heating hood Heizhaube {f}
heating house Heizhaus {n}
heating in a microwave (oven)Erhitzen {n} im Mikrowellenofen
heating indicator Heizanzeige {f}
heating industry Heizungsindustrie {f}
heating installationHeizungseinrichtung {f} [Heizungsinstallation]
heating installation [heating equipment]Heizungsanlage {f}
heating installer Heizungsmonteur {m}
heating installer Heizungsinstallateur {m}
heating jacket Heizmantel {m}
heating limit temperatureHeizgrenztemperatur {f}
heating load Heizlast {f}
heating loop recirculation pump Heizungsumwälzpumpe {f}
heating mantle Heizpilz {m}
heating mantle Heizhaube {f}
heating market Wärmemarkt {m}
heating marketHeizungsmarkt {m}
heating mat Wärmematte {f}
Heating may cause an explosion. [risk phrase R5]Beim Erwärmen explosionsfähig. [Risikosatz R5]
heating medium wärmeabgebendes Medium {n}
heating medium Heizmedium {n}
heating method Heizverfahren {n}
heating method Heizmethode {f}
heating mode Heizmodus {m}
heating mould [Br.] Heizform {f}
heating muffle Heizmuffel {f}
heating of the windshield [Am.]Frontscheibenheizung {f}
heating (of) the airLufterwärmung {f}
heating oil Heizöl {n}
heating oil billHeizölrechnung {f}
heating pad Heizkissen {n}
heating pad Heizmatte {f}
heating period Heizperiode {f}
heating period [warm-up period] Aufwärmzeit {f}
heating phase Erwärmungsphase {f} [beim Erhitzen, Aufheizen von Gegenständen oder Räumen]
heating pipe Heizungsrohr {n}
heating plant Heizwerk {n}
« heatheatheatheatheatheatheatheatheavheavheav »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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