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Heaviside layer Heaviside-Schicht {f}
Heaviside (step) functionHeaviside-Funktion {f}
Heaviside's dolphin [Cephalorhynchus heavisidii] Heaviside-Delfin {m}
Heaviside's dolphin [Cephalorhynchus heavisidii] Kapdelfin {m} [selten] [Heaviside-Delfin]
Heaviside's dolphin [Cephalorhynchus heavisidii]Heaviside-Delphin {m}
heavy heftig
heavyschwer [auch fig.]
heavy bedeutsam
heavy schwer an Gewicht
heavy schwerwiegend
heavy schwierig
heavy dick
heavy bleiern [fig.] [Schlaf, Augenlider usw.]
heavy [literally: weighing a kilo or so]kiloschwer [auch fig.]
heavy [character] Schurke {m} [als Figur]
heavy [coll. strict]streng
heavy [coll.] [quality newspaper] Qualitätszeitung {f}
heavy [dense]dicht [z. B. Bart]
heavy [e.g. rain, accent, scent, smoker]stark [z. B. Regen, Akzent, Geruch, Raucher]
heavy [food] mächtig [Essen]
Heavy [House season 1]Schönheitsirreale
heavy [massive, big] wuchtig
heavy [Scot.] [thick, dark ale]Starkbier {n}
heavy [silence] bedrückend
heavy [sky] bedeckt
heavy [sl.] Heroin {n}
heavy [sl.] [thug]Schläger {m} [brutaler Kerl]
heavy [weather, air] schwül
heavy [weather, air]drückend
heavy airGewitterluft {f}
heavy armaments schwere Waffen {pl}
heavy armor deck [Am.]Schwerpanzerdeck {n}
heavy arms {pl}schwere Waffen {pl}
heavy artillery schwere Artillerie {f}
heavy artillery schweres Geschütz {n}
heavy as lead [also fig.] bleischwer [auch fig.]
heavy assault mortarSturmmörser {m}
heavy athlete Schwerathlet {m}
heavy athletes Schwerathleten {pl}
heavy athletics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.] Schwerathletik {f}
heavy bag Sandsack {m}
heavy bethohe Wette {f}
heavy bill hohe Rechnung {f}
heavy bill gesalzene Rechnung {f} [ugs.] [fig.] [hohe Rechnung]
heavy bill [due to exorbitant prices]gepfefferte Rechnung {f} [ugs.] [fig.]
heavy bleeding [hypermenorrhea]starke Blutung {f} [Hypermenorrhoe]
heavy bomberschwerer Bomber {m}
heavy bomber formation Pulk {m} [Luftwaffe]
heavy bonnet [Casmaria ponderosa, syn.: C. ponderosa atlantica, Phalium torquata] Casmaria ponderosa {f} [Meeresschneckenart] [Helmschnecke]
heavy book to read schwer lesbares Buch {n}
heavy breathing heftiger Atem {m}
heavy breathing schweres Atmen {n}
heavy breathingStoßatmung {f}
heavy bulletproof vest kugelsichere Weste {f} mit Vorder- und Rückenschutz [ugs.]
heavy burden Zentnerlast {f}
heavy burden drückende Last {f}
heavy burden schwere Last {f}
heavy burdenschwere Belastung {f}
heavy burden [fig.] schwere Bürde {f} [geh.] [fig.]
heavy buyerGroßabnehmer {m}
heavy cargo Schwergut {n}
heavy casualties schwere Verluste {pl} [an Menschenleben]
heavy cavalry [e.g. cuirassiers, dragoons]schwere Kavallerie {f} <SKav> [z. B. Kürassiere, Dragoner]
heavy cavalry swordKürassierdegen {m}
heavy chain schwere Kette {f}
heavy clashesschwere Kampfhandlungen {pl}
heavy clay ceramicsGrobkeramik {f}
heavy cloud cover dichte Wolkendecke {f}
heavy coat schwerer Mantel {m}
heavy cold bittere Kälte {f}
heavy concrete Schwerbeton {m}
heavy constant rain Schnürlregen {m} [österr.] [ugs.]
heavy constant rainBindfadenregen {m} [ugs.]
heavy cream Schlagobers {n} [österr.] [bayer.] [Schlagsahne]
heavy cream [Am.]Crème double {f}
heavy crop reichliche Ernte {f}
heavy crop [high yield]hoher Ertrag {m}
heavy cruiser schwerer Kreuzer {m}
heavy current Starkstrom {m}
heavy currentHochstrom {m}
heavy current engineering Starkstromtechnik {f}
heavy debts große Schuldenlast {f}
heavy debts hohe Schulden {pl}
heavy decline bedeutsamer Rückgang {m}
heavy demand rege Nachfrage {f}
heavy discolouration [Br.]starke Verfärbung {f}
heavy dose große Dosis {f}
heavy drinker schwerer Trinker {m}
heavy drinkerSäufer {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
heavy drinker [female]Säuferin {f} [derb]
heavy drop in prices starkes Nachlassen {n} der Preise
heavy dutySchwereinsatz {m}
heavy duty schwere Pflicht {f}
heavy duty harte Beanspruchung {f}
heavy duty hochbeanspruchbar
heavy duty castorsSchwerlastrollen {pl}
heavy duty firecrackerBöller {m} [ugs.]
heavy duty gas turbine industrielle Gasturbine {f}
heavy duty handle Schwerlastgriff {m}
heavy duty (laundry) detergent [Am.]Vollwaschmittel {n} [Grob-, Schwerwaschmittel]
« heatheatheatheatheavHeavheavheavheavhebehect »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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