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English-German Dictionary

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hellhound Höllenhund {m} [auch Schimpfwort]
hellhoundsHöllenhunde {pl}
Hellinger distance Hellinger-Distanz {f}
Hellinger transformationHellinger-Transformation {f}
Hellinger-Toeplitz theorem [also: theorem of Hellinger and Toeplitz]Satz {m} von Hellinger-Toeplitz
Hellin's ruleHellin-Regel {f}
hellionTeufelsbraten {m}
hellish heat Höllenglut {f} [fig.]
hellish noise [coll.] Höllenlärm {m} [ugs.]
hellish noise [coll.] Mordslärm {m} [ugs.]
hellish noise [coll.] Wahnsinnslärm {m} [ugs.]
hellish noise [coll.] Riesenlärm {m} [ugs.]
hellish stuff [coll.]Teufelszeug {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
hellish temperaturesHöllentemperaturen {pl}
hellishness Abscheulichkeit {f}
hellkiteUnmensch {m}
Hellmayr's pipit [Anthus hellmayri]Hellmayrpieper {m}
hell-mouth [also: hellmouth] [often capitalized] [entrance to Hell] Höllenschlund {m}
hello Hallo {n}
Hello America [J. G. Ballard]Hallo Amerika!
Hello, Darkness [Sandra Brown]Rage - Zorn
Hello, Dolly! [Jerry Herman]Hallo, Dolly!
Hello everybody!Hallo allerseits!
Hello everybody! Hallo miteinander!
Hello everybody! Hallo zusammen!
Hello, is someone there? Hallo, ist da jemand?
Hello, is someone there?Hallo, ist jemand da?
hello kiss Begrüßungskuss {m}
Hello, love. [esp. Br.]Na, Süßer! [ugs.] [Prostituierte zu einem Passanten]
Hello there!Tagchen! [ugs.]
Hello there!Hallöchen! [ugs.]
Hello!Guten Tag!
Hello! Hallo!
Hello!Grüezi! [schweiz.]
Hello!Moin! [nordd.]
Hello! Grüß dich! [südd.] [österr.]
Hello!Servus! [bayer.] [österr.]
Hello! Moin moin! [nordd.]
Hello!Habidere! [österr.] [Habe die Ehre!]
Hello! Allegra! [schweiz.] [regional]
Hello! Salü! [schweiz.]
Hello!d'Ehre! [österr.] [bayer.] [kurz für: Habe die Ehre!]
Hello!Gude! [ugs.] [Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz] [Hallo!]
Hello! Grüß Gott! [südd.] [österr.]
Hello! Grüß dich Gott! [ugs.] [veraltend] [südd.] [österr.]
hell-or-high-water clause "Auf-Biegen-und-Brechen"-Klausel {f}
hell-or-high-water contract "Auf-Biegen-und-Brechen"-Vertrag {m}
hellosHallos {pl}
Hello? Is Anybody There? [Jostein Gaarder] Hallo, ist da jemand?
HELLP syndrome HELLP-Syndrom {n}
hellraiserRadaubruder {m} [ugs.]
hell-raiser Radaubruder {m} [ugs.]
Hellraiser [Clive Barker] Hellraiser – Das Tor zur Hölle
Hellraiser 8: Hellworld [Rick Bota] Hellraiser: Hellworld
Hellraiser III [Anthony Hickox]Hellraiser III
Hellraiser IV: Bloodline [Alan Smithee]Hellraiser IV – Bloodline
Hellraiser: Deader [Rick Bota] Hellraiser: Deader
Hellraiser: Hellseeker [Rick Bota] Hellraiser: Hellseeker
Hellraiser: Inferno [Scott Derrickson]Hellraiser V – Inferno
Hell's Angel [member of said gang or, generally, any greasy motorcyclist]Rocker {m}
Hells Angel [motorcycle gang member] Höllenengel {m} [ugs. für: Mitglied der deutschen Hells Angels-Motorradgang]
Hell's Angels [Howard Hughes] Höllenflieger
hell's bells [Datura stramonium] Gemeiner Stechapfel {m}
hell's bells [Datura stramonium]Weißer Stechapfel {m}
Hell's bells!Herrjemine!
Hell's Highway [Jeff Leroy] Bloody Highway
Hell's Island [Phil Karlson] Dem Teufel auf der Spur
hell's kitchen [Am.] [coll.] Sündenbabel {n} [pej.]
Hell's Kitchen [Tony Cinciripini]Hell's Kitchen – Vorhof zur Hölle
hell's precipice [also fig.] Vorhof {m} zur Hölle [auch fig.]
Hell's Vengeance Boils in My Heart [aria: The Magic Flute]Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen [Arie: Die Zauberflöte]
hellscape höllische Landschaft {f}
Hellschreiber [facsimile-based teleprinter invented by Rudolf Hell]Hellschreiber {m} [von Rudolf Hell erfundenes Fernschreibgerät]
hellspawnHöllenbrut {f}
helluva [sl.] [alteration of 'hell of a']höllisch [ugs.]
Hellwald's spiny rat [Maxomys hellwaldii] Hellwald-Rajah-Ratte {f}
Hellwald's Sulawesi maxomys [Maxomys hellwaldii]Hellwald-Rajah-Ratte {f}
hellweed [Cuscuta epithymum, syn.: C. europaea var. epithymum]Klee-Seide / Kleeseide {f}
hellweed [Cuscuta epithymum, syn.: C. europaea var. epithymum]Thymian-Seide / Thymianseide {f}
hellweed [Cuscuta epithymum] Quendel-Seide {f}
hellyerite [NiCO3·6H2O] Hellyerit {m}
Helly's theorem [also: theorem of Helly] Satz {m} von Helly
Hellzapoppin' [director: Henry C. Potter] In der Hölle ist der Teufel los!
helm Pinne {f}
helm Ruder {n}
helmSteuer {n}
helm Steuerruder {n}
helm Steuerung {f}
helm Ruderanlage {f}
helm [tiller] Helm {m} [selten] [Pinne]
Helm Glacier Helm-Gletscher {m}
helm roof Helmdach {n}
helm roof Rhombendach {n}
helmed [archaic] behelmt
helmer [coll.] [esp. Am.] Filmregisseur {m}
Helmert transformationHelmert-Transformation {f}
helmetHelm {m}
helmetSturmhaube {f}
« heirheliheliheliHe'lhellhelmHelohelphemahema »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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