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English-German Dictionary

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hematorrhea [Am.]Blutsturz {m}
hematospermia <HS> [Am.]Hämatospermie {f} <HS>
hematothorax [Am.] Hämatothorax {m}
hematotympanum [Am.] Hämatotympanon {n}
hematoxylin [Am.] [also called natural black 1 or C.I. 75290] Hämalaun {n} [Hämatoxylin] [auch: Natural Black 1 oder C.I. 75290]
hematoxylin [Am.] [C16H14O6] Hämatoxylin {n}
hematoxylin and eosin stain [Am.] <H&E stain, HE stain>Hämatoxylin-Eosin-Färbung {f} <HE-Färbung>
hematoxylin-eosin stain [Am.] <H&E stain, HE stain> Hämatoxylin-Eosin-Färbung {f} <HE-Färbung>
hematoxylin-eosin stain [Am.] <H&E stain, HE stain> Hämalaun-Eosin-Färbung {f} <HE-Färbung> [Hämatoxylin-Eosin-Färbung]
hematozoa [Am.]Hämatozoen {pl}
hematozoon Hämatozoon {n}
hematuria [Am.] Hämaturie {f}
hematuria [Am.] [blood in the urine] Blut {n} im Urin [Harnblut]
hematuria [Am.] [having blood in the urine]Blutharnen {n} [Hämaturie]
hemdurgan [Sebastes marinus, syn.: Sebastes norvegicus] Rotbarsch {m}
hemdurgan [Sebastes marinus, syn.: Sebastes norvegicus] Goldbarsch {m}
hemdurgan [Sebastes mentella] [beaked redfish] Tiefenrotbarsch {m}
heme [Am.]Häm {n} [Bestandteil des Hämoglobins]
heme group [Am.] Hämgruppe {f} [Physiologie des Blutes]
heme metabolism Hämstoffwechsel {m}
heme synthesis Hämsynthese {f}
Hemel Hempstead Hemel Hempstead {n}
hemelytra Hemielytren {pl}
hemelytra Halbdecken {pl}
hemelytronHemielytron {n}
HemeraHemera {f}
hemeralope Tagblinder {m}
hemeralopeHemeraloper {m}
hemeralope [female] Tagblinde {f}
hemeralope [female]Hemeralope {f}
hemeralopes Tagblinde {pl}
hemeralopes Hemeralope {pl}
hemeralopia Hemeralopie {f}
hemeralopiaTagblindheit {f}
hemeralopia Nachtsichtigkeit {f}
hemeralopia Nachtnebel {m} [veraltet] [Nachtblindheit]
hemeroby Hemerobie {f}
hemerochorous hemerochor
hemerochory Hemerochorie {f}
hemerophile [rare]Kulturfolger {m}
hemerophobe Kulturflüchter {m}
hemerythrin [Am.] Hämerythrin {n}
hemerythrins [Am.] Hämerythrine {pl}
hemi Halbseiten-
hemiacetalHalbacetal {n}
hemiacetalHemiacetal {n}
hemiachromatopsia Hemiachromatopsie {f}
hemiachromatopsia Hemichromatopsie {f}
hemiamyloidityHemiamyloidität {f}
hemianaesthesia [Br.]Hemianästhesie {f}
hemianesthesia [Am.] Hemianästhesie {f}
hemianopsia Hemianopsie {f}
hemiarctic hemiarktisch
hemiasomatognosia Hemiasomatognosie {f}
hemiazygos vein [Vena hemiazygos, Vena azygos minor inferior]Vena hemiazygos {f}
hemiblockHemiblock {m}
hemicellulose Hemizellulose {f}
hemicelluloses Hemicellulosen {pl}
hemicephalic hemicephal
hemicephalous hemicephal
hemichordates [phylum Hemichordata] Kiemenlochtiere {pl}
hemichordates [phylum Hemichordata] Hemichordata {pl}
hemichordates [phylum Hemichordata]Hemichordaten {pl}
hemiclonal hemiklonal
hemicolectomy Hemikolektomie {f}
hemicorporectomy Hemikorporektomie {f}
hemicranial headache {sg} halbseitige Kopfschmerzen {pl}
hemicraniectomyhalbseitige Entfernung der Schädeldecke {f} [Hemikraniektomie]
hemicraniectomy Hemikraniektomie {f}
hemicraniotomy halbseitige Entfernung der Schädeldecke {f} [Hemikraniektomie]
hemicraniotomyHemikraniotomie {f}
hemicryptophyte Hemikryptophyt {m}
hemicryptophyte Hemicryptophyt {m}
hemicyclehalbkreisförmiger Raum {m}
hemicycle halbkreisförmige Mauer {f}
hemicycle Bogenrundung {f} [Kirche]
hemicycle halbkreisförmiger Saal {m}
hemicycle Halbrund {n}
hemicycle [rare]Halbkreis {m}
hemidemisemiquaver [esp. Br.]Vierundsechzigstel {n}
hemidemisemiquaver [esp. Br.]Vierundsechzigstelnote {f}
hemidemisemiquaver rest [esp. Br.] Vierundsechzigstelpause {f}
hemidesmosomal hemidesmosomal
hemidesmosome Hemidesmosom {n}
hemidesmosomes Hemidesmosomen {pl}
hemidrosisHämhidrose {f}
hemidystonia Hemidystonie {f}
hemiedaphonHemiedaphon {n}
hemifacial hemifazial
hemifacial Halbgesichts-
hemifacial spasm <HFS> hemifazialer Spasmus {m}
hemiganglion Hemiganglion {n}
« hellhelmHelohelphemahemahemihemihemohemohemp »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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