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English-German Dictionary

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hemistichHalbvers {m}
hemisynanthropyHemisynanthropie {f}
hemisyncarpous hemisynkarp
hemiterpene Hemiterpen {n}
hemithorax Hemithorax {m}
hemithyroidectomyHemithyroidektomie {f}
hemizygosity Hemizygotie {f}
hemizygous hemizygot
hemlathSaumlatte {f} [am Flügel einer Windmühle]
hemline Saum {m}
hemline Rocklänge {f}
hemline Stoßkante {f}
hemlock [Conium maculatum] Schierling {m}
hemlock [genus Tsuga]Hemlocktanne {f}
hemlock [genus Tsuga] Schierlingstanne {f}
hemlock beggarticks / beggar-ticks [pl. treated as sg.] [Bidens bipinnatus, syn.: B. bipinnata]Fiederblättriger Zweizahn {m}
hemlock scale [Am.] [Physokermes hemicryphus]Kleine Fichtenquirlschildlaus {f}
hemlock storksbill / stork's-bill [Erodium cicutarium, syn.: Geranium cicutarium] Schierlingsblättriger Reiherschnabel {m}
hemlock storksbill / stork's-bill [Erodium cicutarium, syn.: Geranium cicutarium]Gewöhnlicher Reiherschnabel {m}
hemlock storksbill / stork's-bill [Erodium cicutarium, syn.: Geranium cicutarium] Gemeiner Reiherschnabel {m}
hemlock storksbill / stork's-bill [Erodium cicutarium, syn.: Geranium cicutarium] Schierlings-Reiherschnabel {m}
hemlock warbler [Dendroica fusca, syn.: D. blackburniae, Setophaga fusca] Fichtenwaldsänger {m} [auch: Fichten-Waldsänger]
hemlock warbler [Dendroica fusca, syn.: D. blackburniae, Setophaga fusca] Gelbbrauner Waldsänger {m}
hemlock woolly aphid [Adelges tsugae, syn.: A. funitectus, Aphrastasia funitecta] Hemlockstannenlaus {f}
hemloite [(As,Sb)2(Ti,V,Fe,Al)12O23OH]Hemloit {m}
hemmed gesäumt
hemmer [sewing] Säumer {m}
hemmer footSaumfüßchen {n}
hemming Falzen {n}
hemming and hawing [coll.] herumdrucksend [ugs.]
hemming and hawing [coll.]Herumdrucksen {n} [ugs.]
hemming machineSaummaschine {f}
hemo- [Am.]Hämo- [auch: hämo-]
hemochezia [Am.] [spv.] [hematochezia]Hämatochezie {f} [Blutstuhl, Rektalblutung]
hemochorial [Am.]hämochorial
hemochromatosis <HC> [Am.]Hämochromatose {f} <HC>
hemocoel [Am.] Hämozöl {n}
hemocoel [Am.]Haemocoel {n}
hemocoel [Am.] Hämocoel {n}
hemoconcentration [Am.] Bluteindickung {f}
hemoconcentration [Am.] Hämokonzentration {f}
hemocyanin [Am.] Hämocyanin {n}
hemocyanin [Am.] Hämozyanin {n}
hemocyanin molecule [Am.] Hämocyaninmolekül {n} [auch: Hämocyanin-Molekül]
hemocyanins [Am.] Hämocyanine {pl}
hemocystis [Am.] [also: hematocystis]Haemocystis {f}
hemocyte [Am.]Hämozyt {m}
hemocytes [Am.]Hämozyten {pl}
hemocytoblast [Am.] Hämozytoblast {m}
hemocytoblast [Am.] Blutstammzelle {f} [Hämozytoblast]
hemocytometer [Am.]Zählkammer {f} [Laborgerät]
hemocytometer [Am.]Hämozytometer {n}
hemodiafiltration [Am.] Hämodiafiltration {f}
hemodialysis <HD> [Am.] Hämodialyse {f} <HD>
hemodialysis machine [Am.] Hämodialysegerät {n}
hemodialysis system [Am.]Hämodialysesystem {n}
hemodialyzed [Am.] hämodialysiert
hemodialyzer [Am.] künstliche Niere {f}
hemodilution [Am.]Blutverdünnung {f}
hemodilution [Am.]Hämodilution {f}
hemodynamic [Am.]hämodynamisch
hemodynamic recording system [Am.] hämodynamischer Messplatz {m}
hemodynamically [Am.]hämodynamisch
hemodynamically induced infarction [Am.] hämodynamisch induzierter Infarkt {m}
hemodynamics [Am.] Hämodynamik {f}
hemodynamometer [Am.] Blutdruckmesser {m}
hemodynamometer [Am.] Blutdruckmessgerät {n}
hemodynamometer [Am.]Hämodynamometer {n}
hemofiltration [Am.]Hämofiltration {f}
hemoglobin [Am.] roter Blutfarbstoff {m}
hemoglobin <Hb> [Am.] Hämoglobin {n} <Hb>
hemoglobin Barts [Am.] <Hb Barts> Hämoglobin Barts {n}
hemoglobin chain [Am.] Hämoglobinkette {f}
hemoglobin concentration [Am.]Hämoglobinkonzentration {f}
hemoglobin content [in the blood] [Am.]Hämoglobingehalt {m} [im Blut]
hemoglobin electrophoresis [Am.] Hämoglobinelektrophorese {f}
hemoglobin level [Am.] Hämoglobinwert {m}
hemoglobin level [Am.] Hämoglobinspiegel {m}
hemoglobin molecule [Am.]Hämoglobinmolekül {n}
hemoglobin molecules [Am.] Hämoglobinmoleküle {pl}
hemoglobin solution [Am.] Hämoglobinlösung {f} [auch: Hämoglobin-Lösung]
hemoglobin synthesis [Am.]Hämoglobinsynthese {f} [auch: Hämoglobin-Synthese]
hemoglobin value [Am.] Hämoglobinwert {m}
hemoglobinemia [Am.] Hämoglobinämie {f}
hemoglobinopathy [Am.]Hämoglobinpathie {f} [selten für: Hämoglobinopathie]
hemoglobinopathy [Am.] Hämoglobinopathie {f}
hemogram [Am.] Hämatogramm {n} [Blutbild]
hemogram [Am.]Blutbild {n}
hemogram [Am.] Hämogramm {n}
hemogram [Am.] Blutstatus {m}
hemolymph [Am.]Hämolymphe {f}
hemolymph coagulation [Am.]Hämolymphgerinnung {f}
hemolymph protein [Am.] Hämolymphprotein {n}
hemolymphs [Am.] Hämolymphen {pl}
hemolysin [Am.] Hämolysin {n}
hemolysis [Am.]Hämolyse {f}
hemolytic [Am.] hämolytisch
« Helohelphemahemahemihemihemohemohemphenchenp »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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