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hemp rope [also: hempen rope] Hanfstrick {m}
hemp rope grease Hanfseilfett {n}
hemp seedHanfsamen {m}
hemp seed Hanfsame {m} [selten] [Hanfsamen]
hemp seed oil Hanfsamenöl {n}
hemp (seed) milkHanfmilch {f} [ugs.]
hemp shoes Hanfschuhe {pl}
Hemp State [nickname] [Kentucky][Spitzname für Kentucky, USA; wörtlich: Hanf-Staat]
hemp willow [Salix viminalis, S. linearis] Korb-Weide / Korbweide {f}
hemp willow [Salix viminalis, S. linearis] Hanf-Weide / Hanfweide {f}
hemp willow [Salix viminalis, S. linearis] Band-Weide / Bandweide {f}
hemp willow [Salix viminalis, S. linearis] Elb-Weide / Elbweide {f}
hemp yarnHanfgarn {n}
(hemp) dogbane [Apocynum cannabinum] Amerikanisches Hundsgift {n}
(hemp) dogbane [Apocynum cannabinum]Indianischer Hanf {m}
hempcrete Hanfkalk {m} [auch: Hanfbeton]
Hempel's paradox Hempels Paradox {n}
hempen hanfen
hempen cord Hanfschnur {f}
hempen hawserHanftau {n}
hemp-leaved hollyhock [Althaea cannabina] Hanfstockrose {f}
hemp-leaved hollyhock [Althaea cannabina] Hanfstockmalve {f}
hemp-leaved hollyhock [Althaea cannabina]Hanfblättriger Eibisch {m}
hemp-leaved hollyhock [Althaea cannabina] Hanf-Eibisch {m}
hempnettle [Galeopsis tetrahit]Stacheliger Hohlzahn {m}
hempnettle [Galeopsis tetrahit] (Gemeine) Hanfnessel {f}
hempnettle [Galeopsis tetrahit] Gewöhnliche Hanfnessel {f}
hempnettle [Galeopsis tetrahit]Gewöhnlicher Hohlzahn {m}
hempnettle [Galeopsis tetrahit]Gemeiner Hohlzahn {m}
hempnettle [Galeopsis tetrahit] Stechender Hohlzahn {m}
hempnettle [Galeopsis tetrahit] Dorn-Hohlzahn {m} [auch: Dornhohlzahn]
hempnettle / hemp nettle [genus Galeopsis]Hohlzahn {m}
Hemprich's hornbill [Tockus hemprichii]Hemprichtoko {m}
Hemprich's hornbill [Tockus hemprichii] Hemprich-Toko {m}
hempseedHanfsamen {m}
hempseed Hanfkorn {n}
hempseed Hanfsame {m} [selten]
hempseed milkHanfsamenmilch {f}
hempseed oilHanfsamenöl {n}
hemsStoßkanten {pl}
hems Säume {pl}
hemstitchHohlsaum {m}
hemstitchAjour-Stich {m}
hemstitches Ajourstiche {pl}
hemstitchingHohlsaumstickerei {f}
hemusite [Cu6SnMoS8]Hemusit {m}
hen Henne {f}
hen Huhn {n}
hen Weibchen {n} [bei Vögeln]
henPipihendi {n} [österr.] [auch: Pipihendl] [Kindersprache, auch Kosename]
hen [attr.] [hen salmon, hen trout, etc.]weiblich [hier: bei gewissen Fischen, etwa den Lachsartigen]
hen [coll.] [pej.] [gossipy woman]Klatschbase {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
hen [esp. Scot.] [term of endearment for a female]Liebling {m} [weiblich]
hen [female bird]Vogelweibchen {n}
(hen / chicken) roost Hühnerstange {f}
hen and chickens [Sempervivum tectorum]Gewöhnliche Hauswurz {f}
hen and chickens / hen-and-chickens [treated as sg. or pl.] [Chlorophytum comosum] [spider plant] Grünlilie {f}
hen and chicks [genus Sempervivum] [houseleek]Hauswurz {f}
hen clam [Spisula solidissima, syn.: S. (Hemimactra) solidissima, Mactra gigantea, M. similis, M. solidissima]Dickschalige Trogmuschel {f}
hen clam [Spisula solidissima, syn.: S. (Hemimactra) solidissima, Mactra gigantea, M. similis, M. solidissima]Riesentrogmuschel {f}
hen do [Br.] [hen night]Junggesellinnenabschied {m}
hen doveTäubin {f}
hen eagle Adlerweibchen {n}
hen flea [Ceratophyllus gallinae]Hühnerfloh {m}
hen food Hühnerfutter {n}
hen fruit [Am.] [coll.] Ei {n}
hen goose Gans {f} [weiblich]
hen harrier [Br.] [Circus cyaneus] Kornweihe {f} [Greifvogel]
hen hawk [Am.] [coll. for: red-shouldered hawk] [Buteo lineatus]Rotschulterbussard {m}
hen hawk [Am.] [coll. for: red-tailed hawk] [Buteo jamaicensis] Rotschwanzbussard {m}
hen house Hühnerstall {m}
hen keepingHennenhaltung {f}
hen night [Br.] [coll.] Frauenabend {m}
hen night [Br.] [coll.]Junggesellinnenabschied {m}
hen night [Br.] [coll.]Junggesellinnen-Abschiedsparty {f} für die Braut
hen of the woods [Grifola frondosa] (Gemeiner) Klapperschwamm {m}
hen of the woods [Grifola frondosa] Graue Gans {m} [Klapperschwamm]
hen of the woods [Grifola frondosa]Maitake {m} [„Tanzpilz“]
hen of the woods [Grifola frondosa] Laubporling / Laub-Porling {m}
hen of the woods [Grifola frondosa] Spatelhütiger Porling {m}
hen of the woods [Grifola frondosa] Kamm-Porling / Kammporling {m}
hen of the woods [Grifola frondosa] Kastanienschwamm {m} [Südtirol]
hen party Damenkränzchen {n}
hen party Junggesellinnenabschiedsparty {f}
hen party [coll.]Damenabend {m}
hen party [regular gathering for a cup of coffee in the afternoon] Kaffeekränzchen {n}
hen pen [Bryopsis plumosa] Grüner Federtang {m}
hen pigeon Taubenweibchen {n}
hen pigeonHuhntaube {f}
hen pigeon Täubin {f}
hen run Hühnerauslauf {m}
hen skullHühnerschädel {m}
hen sparrowSperlingsweibchen {n}
hen thief [also fox, etc.] Hühnerdieb {m} [auch Fuchs etc.]
hen weekend [Br.] Junggesellinnenabschied {m}
henagonEineck {n}
hen-and-biddies [genus Sempervivum] [Am.] [Southern US] [houseleek]Hauswurz {f}
henbane [Hyoscyamus spp.] Bilsenkraut {n}
henbane bell [Scopolia carniolica, syn.: Hyoscyamus scopolia] Krainer Tollkraut {n}
henbells [Hyoscyamus niger] Zankteufel {m} [Bilsenkraut]
« hemahemihemihemohemohemphenbHenlhepahepahepc »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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