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hepatic distomatosis Leberdistomatose {f}
hepatic diverticulumLeberdivertikel {n}
hepatic ducts [right and left hepatic duct] Lebergänge {pl} [rechter und linker Lebergang]
hepatic dullnessLeberdämpfung {f}
hepatic dysfunction <HD> Leberfunktionsstörung {f}
hepatic dystrophyLeberdystrophie {f}
hepatic encephalopathy <HE> hepatische Enzephalopathie {f} <HE>
hepatic enzymeLeberenzym {n}
hepatic enzymes Leberenzyme {pl}
hepatic failureLeberversagen {n}
hepatic fetor [liver breath, fetor hepaticus]Lebergeruch {m} [Foetor hepaticus]
hepatic fibrosisLeberfibrose {f}
hepatic fistula Leberfistel {f}
hepatic flexure [Flexura coli dextra, Flexura hepatica] rechte Dickdarmflexur {f}
hepatic foetor [Br.] [liver breath, foetor hepaticus] Lebergeruch {m} [Foetor hepaticus]
hepatic function Leberfunktion {f}
hepatic glycogen Leberglykogen {n}
hepatic haemorrhage [Br.]Leberblutung {f}
hepatic hemorrhage [Am.] Leberblutung {f}
hepatic impairment <HI>Leberfunktionsstörung {f}
hepatic inflammationLeberentzündung {f}
hepatic insufficiencyLeberinsuffizienz {f}
hepatic line [line of Mercury] [palmistry]Magenlinie {f} [Handlesekunst]
hepatic line [line of Mercury] [palmistry]Leber-Linie {f} [selten] [Hepatica, Merkurlinie] [Handlesekunst]
hepatic metastasis Lebermetastase {f}
hepatic moon snail [Neverita didyma, syn.: Albula didyma, Glossaulax didyma, Natica didyma, N. papyracea, Polinices (Glossaulax) didyma, P. didyma]Blasen-Mondschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
hepatic moon snail [Neverita didyma, syn.: Albula didyma, Glossaulax didyma, Natica didyma, N. papyracea, Polinices (Glossaulax) didyma, P. didyma] Blasen-Nabelschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
hepatic necrosis Lebernekrose {f}
hepatic operation Leberoperation {f}
hepatic painLeberschmerz {m}
hepatic perfusion <HP> Leberperfusion {f}
hepatic porta [Porta hepatis] Leberpforte {f}
hepatic portal [Hilum hepatis, Porta hepatis]Leberhilus {m} [Leberpforte]
hepatic portal vein [Vena portae hepatis] Leberpfortader {f}
hepatic resection Hepatektomie {f}
hepatic rupture Leberruptur {f}
hepatic siderosis Lebersiderose {f}
hepatic steatosisFettlebererkrankung {f}
hepatic steatosis [Steatosis hepatis]hepatische Steatose {f} [Fettleber]
hepatic stellate cell <HSC>hepatische Sternzelle {f} <HSZ>
hepatic stellate cell <HSC> [Ito cell] Lebersternzelle {f} [auch: Leber-Sternzelle] [Ito-Zelle]
hepatic stellate cells <HSCs> [Ito cells]Lebersternzellen {pl} [auch: Leber-Sternzellen] [Ito-Zellen]
hepatic surgery [branch of medicine]Leberchirurgie {f}
hepatic surgery [operation]Leberoperation {f}
hepatic surgery [operation] Leber-OP {f} [kurz] [Leberoperation]
hepatic tanager [Piranga flava] Zinnobertangare {f}
hepatic tanager [Piranga flava] Südzinnobertangare {f}
hepatic tissueLebergewebe {n}
hepatic transplantLebertransplantat {n}
hepatic transplantation Lebertransplantation {f}
hepatic triglyceride lipase deficiency hepatischer Triglycerid-Lipase-Mangel {m}
hepatic tumor [Am.] Lebertumor {m}
hepatic tumour [esp. Br.] Lebertumor {m}
hepatic vein [Vena hepatica] Lebervene {f}
hepatic veins [Venae hepaticae]Lebervenen {pl}
(hepatic) portal vein [Vena portae (hepatis)] (hepatische) Portalader {f}
hepatica [hepatic line, line of Mercury] [palmistry] Merkurlinie {f} [auch: Hepatica] [Handlesekunst]
hepaticojejunostomy <HJ> Hepatikojejunostomie {f} <HJ>
hepatisation [Br.] Hepatisation {f}
hepatisation [Br.]Hepatisierung {f}
hepatitidesHepatitiden {pl}
hepatitisHepatitis {f}
hepatitis(infektiöse) Leberentzündung {f}
hepatitis A infection <HAV infection> Hepatitis-A-Infektion {f} <HAV-Infektion>
hepatitis A vaccination <HAV vaccination>Hepatitis-A-Impfung {f} <HAV-Impfung>
hepatitis A vaccine Hepatitis-A-Vakzine {f}
hepatitis A virus <HAV>Hepatitis-A-Virus {n} [ugs. auch {m}] <HAV>
hepatitis A virus infection <HAV infection> Hepatitis-A-Virusinfektion {f} <HAV-Infektion>
hepatitis A virus vaccination <HAV vaccination> Hepatitis-A-Impfung {f} <HAV-Impfung>
hepatitis B infection <HBV infection> Hepatitis-B-Infektion {f} <HBV-Infektion>
hepatitis B surface antigen <HBsAg>Hepatitis-B-Oberflächenantigen {n} <HBsAg>
hepatitis B vaccination <HBV vaccination> Hepatitis-B-Impfung {f} <HBV-Impfung>
hepatitis B vaccine Hepatitis-B-Vakzine {f}
hepatitis B virus <HBV> Hepatitis-B-Virus {n} [ugs. auch {m}] <HBV>
hepatitis B virus infection <HBV infection> Hepatitis-B-Virusinfektion {f} <HBV-Infektion>
hepatitis B virus vaccination <HBV vaccination>Hepatitis-B-Virusimpfung {f} <HBV-Impfung>
hepatitis C infection <HCV infection>Hepatitis-C-Infektion {f} <HCV-Infektion>
hepatitis C virus <HCV, HVC> Hepatitis-C-Virus {n} [ugs. auch {m}] <HCV, HVC>
hepatitis C virus infection <HCV infection> Hepatitis-C-Virusinfektion {f} <HCV-Infektion>
hepatitis D virus <HDV, HVD> [HVD is less common] Hepatitis-D-Virus {n} [ugs. auch {m}] <HDV>
hepatitis D virus <HDV> Delta-Virus {n} [veraltet] [Hepatitis-D-Virus]
hepatitis D virus <HDV>Delta-Agens {n} [veraltet] [Hepatitis-D-Virus]
hepatitis E virus <HEV> Hepatitis-E-Virus {n} [ugs. auch {m}] <HEV>
hepatization Hepatisierung {f}
hepatization Hepatisation {f}
hepatobiliary hepatobiliär
hepatoblastHepatoblast {m}
hepatoblastoma <HB>Hepatoblastom {n} <HB>
hepatobronchial hepatobronchial
hepatobronchial Leber-Bronchien-
hepatocarcinogenesisHepatokarzinogenese {f}
hepatocarcinogenesis Leberkrebsentstehung {f}
hepatocarcinogenesisLeberkrebsentwicklung {f}
hepatocarcinomaHepatokarzinom {n}
hepatocarcinoma Leberkarzinom {n}
hepatocellular carcinoma <HCC> hepatozelluläres Karzinom {n} <HCC; HZK>
hepatocellular carcinoma <HCC> [Carcinoma hepatocellulare] hepatocelluläres Carcinom {n} <HCC> [Rsv.]
hepatocellular necrosis <HN>Lebernekrose {f}
hepatocellular necrosis <HN> Leberzellnekrose {f}
« hemohemohemphenchenphepahepaheptHernherbherb »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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