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English-German Dictionary

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hepatocyte Hepatozyt {m}
hepatocyte Leberzelle {f}
hepatocyte Hepatocyt {m} [Rsv.] [Hepatozyt]
hepatocytes Hepatozyten {pl}
hepatocytes Leberzellen {pl}
hepatoduodenal ligament <HDL> [Ligamentum hepatoduodenale] Ligamentum hepatoduodenale {n}
hepatoencephalopathy <HE>Hepatoenzephalopathie {f} <HE>
hepato-gastroenterology Hepatogastroenterologie {f}
hepatogastroenterology <HGE> Hepatogastroenterologie {f}
hepatogenous hepatogen
hepatogramHepatogramm {n}
hepatographic hepatografisch
hepatography Hepatographie {f}
hepatographyHepatografie {f}
hepatolenticular degeneration <HLD> [Wilson's disease] hepatolentikuläre Degeneration {f} <HLD> [Morbus Wilson]
hepatolienography Hepatolienographie {f}
hepatolienographyHepatolienografie {f}
hepatolithHepatolith {m}
hepatolithLeberstein {m}
hepatologically hepatologisch
hepatologist Hepatologe {m}
hepatologist [female] Hepatologin {f}
hepatology Hepatologie {f} [Lehre von der Leber]
hepatoma Hepatom {n}
hepatoma cellsHepatomzellen {pl}
hepatomancy Hepatomantie {f}
hepatomegalyHepatomegalie {f}
hepatomegalyLebervergrößerung {f}
hepatonephric hepatorenal
hepatonephric Leber-Nieren-
hepatopancreasHepatopankreas {n}
hepatopancreasMitteldarmdrüse {f}
hepatopancreatic ampulla [Ampulla hepatopancreatica]Vater-Ampulle {f}
hepatopathy Hepatopathie {f}
hepatopathy Leberleiden {n}
hepatopathy Lebererkrankung {f}
hepatopexy Hepatopexie {f}
hepatophlebitisHepatophlebitis {f}
hepatoportoenterostomy <HPE> [also: hepato-porto-enterostomy] Hepatoportoenterostomie {f} <HPE> [auch: Hepato-Porto-Enterostomie]
hepatoptosis Hepatoptose {f}
hepatorenal Leber-Nieren-
hepatorenal pouch [Morison's pouch]Morison-Grube {f}
hepatorenal recess of subhepatic space [Recessus hepatorenalis recessus subhepatici] Morison-Grube {f}
hepatorenal syndrome <HRS>hepatorenales Syndrom {n} <HRS>
hepatorenal syndrome <HRS> Hepatorenalsyndrom {n} <HRS>
hepatoscopy [for divination] Leberschau {f}
hepatosis Hepatose {f}
hepatosplenic hepatosplenisch
hepatosplenomegalyHepatosplenomegalie {f}
hepatotoxic leberschädigend
hepatotoxicity Hepatotoxizität {f} [Lebertoxizität]
hepatotoxin Lebergift {n}
hepatotoxins Hepatotoxine {pl} [Lebergifte]
hepatozoonosisHepatozoonose {f}
Hepburn romanization Hepburn-System {n}
Hepburn's finch [Leucosticte tephrocotis, syn.: Leucosticte griseonucha]Graukopf-Schneegimpel {m}
Hepburn's finch [Leucosticte tephrocotis, syn.: Leucosticte griseonucha] Schwarzstirnschneegimpel {m} [auch: Schwarzstirn-Schneegimpel]
Hepburn's leucosticte [Leucosticte tephrocotis, syn.: Leucosticte griseonucha]Graukopf-Schneegimpel {m}
Hepburn's leucosticte [Leucosticte tephrocotis, syn.: Leucosticte griseonucha] Schwarzstirnschneegimpel {m} [auch: Schwarzstirn-Schneegimpel]
hepcat [coll.] [dated]Eingeweihter {m} [hier für: Insider, bes. im Jazz]
hepcat [coll.] [dated] [hipster, admirer of jazz] (schnieker) Jazzfan {m} [bes. Vierziger- und Fünfzigerjahre]
hepcat [female] [coll.] [dated] Eingeweihte {f} [hier für: Insiderin, bes. im Jazz]
hepcats [coll.] [dated] Eingeweihte {pl} [hier für: Insider, bes. bei Jazz]
Hephaestus Hephaistos {m}
Hephaestus Hephäst {m}
HephaestusHephästus {m}
hephaistosite [TlPb2Cl5] Hephaistosit {m}
Hep-Hep riotsHep-Hep-Unruhen {pl}
Hep-Hep riotsHepp-Hepp-Krawalle {pl}
Hephthalites [White Huns]Hephthaliten {pl} [Weiße Hunnen]
hept-1-yne Hept-1-in {n}
heptacene [C30H18] Heptacen {n}
heptachlor [C10H5Cl7]Heptachlor {n}
heptachord Heptachord {m}
heptacontagonSiebzigeck {n}
heptacosane [C27H56]Heptacosan {n}
heptacosane [C27H56] Heptakosan {n}
heptad Gruppe {f} von sieben
heptadSiebenzahl {f}
heptad [also heptade] Heptade {f}
heptad structureHeptadenstruktur {f}
heptadecagonSiebzehneck {n}
heptadecagon Heptadekagon {n}
heptadecagonal siebzehneckig
heptadecane [C17H36]Heptadecan {n}
heptadecane [C17H36] Heptadekan {n}
heptadecanoic acid Heptadecansäure {f}
heptadecanoic acidMargarinsäure {f}
« hemohemphenchenphepahepaheptHernherbherbherb »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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