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herniated disk <HD> [Am.] Bandscheibenvorfall {m} <BSV, BV>
herniated disks [Am.] Bandscheibenvorfälle {pl}
herniated nucleus pulposus <HNP> Diskusprolaps {m}
herniationHerniation {f}
herniation Hernienbildung {f}
herniation Bruchbildung {f}
herniation Einklemmung {f}
Hernici {pl} Herniker {pl}
herniogramHerniogramm {n}
herniographic herniographisch
herniographyHerniographie {f}
herniography Herniografie {f}
hernioplasty Hernioplastie {f}
hernioplastyHernioplastik {f}
herniorrhaphy Herniorrhaphie {f}
herniotomyBruchoperation {f}
herniotomy Hernienoperation {f}
herniotomy Herniotomie {f}
hero Held {m}
hero Heros {m}
heroHeroe {m} [geh.]
hero [Am.] [regional] [sandwich] belegtes Baguette {n}
hero [principal character in a play, story, etc.]Protagonist {m}
hero [principal character in a play, story, etc.] Hauptfigur {f}
Hero [released in the UK and Ireland as: Accidental Hero] [Stephen Frears]Ein ganz normaler Held
hero [sl.]Heroin {n}
hero children Heldenkinder {pl}
Hero City [also: hero city] Heldenstadt {f}
hero cult Heroenkult {m}
hero mythHeroenmythos {m}
hero of a novelRomanheld {m} [Held eines Romans]
hero of a novel [female]Romanheldin {f}
hero of a serialSerienheld {m} [Held einer Serie]
Hero of AlexandriaHeron {m} von Alexandria
hero of the novel Romanheld {m} [Held des Romans]
hero of the serial Serienheld {m} [Held der Serie]
hero pose [virasana] Heldenstellung {f} [im Joga]
hero shrew [Scutisorex somereni] Panzerspitzmaus {f}
hero shrew [Scutisorex somereni] Schildspitzmaus {f}
hero taleHeldensage {f}
hero worship Heldenverehrung {f}
hero worship Heroenkult {m}
Herod Herodes {m}
Herod Antipas Herodes Antipas {m}
Herodian herodisch
Herodian herodianisch
Herodian Dynastyherodianische Dynastie {f}
Herodian Kingdom of Judea Herodianisches Königreich {n} Judäa
Herodian TetrarchyHerodianische Tetrarchie {f}
Herodians Herodianer {pl}
HerodiansHerodeer {pl}
Herodotus (of Halicarnassus)Herodot {m} (von Halikarnass / Halikarnassos)
Herod's Children / The Greater HopeDie größere Hoffnung [Ilse Aichinger]
heroes Helden {pl}
heroesHeroen {pl}
heroes of the Wild WestWildwesthelden {pl}
heroes' tombs Heldengräber {pl}
heroic heldisch [geh.]
heroic action Heldentat {f}
heroic adventurer heldenhafter Abenteurer {m}
heroic age Heldenzeitalter {n}
heroic arm Heldenarm {m}
heroic attempt tapferer Versuch {m}
heroic character Heldengestalt {f}
heroic characterheroische Gestalt {f}
heroic character [hero] Held {m}
heroic character [heroine] Heldin {f}
heroic couplet Heroic Couplet {n} [Reimpaar aus fünffüßigen Jamben]
heroic courage Heldenmut {m}
heroic death Heldentod {m}
heroic deed Heldentat {f}
heroic deedsHeldentaten {pl}
heroic efforts gewaltige Anstrengungen {pl}
heroic epicHeldenepos {n}
heroic feat Heldentat {f}
heroic featheldenhafte Leistung {f}
heroic figure Heldenfigur {f}
heroic figureheroische Gestalt {f}
heroic figureHeldengestalt {f}
heroic figure [hero] Held {m}
heroic figure [heroine] Heldin {f}
heroic girlHeldenmädchen {n}
heroic grandeurHeldengröße {f}
heroic heart Heldenherz {n}
heroic layHeldenlied {n}
heroic legend Heldensage {f}
heroic part Heldenrolle {f}
heroic peopleHeldenvolk {n}
heroic poemHeldengedicht {n}
heroic poetryHeldendichtung {f}
heroic release heldenhafte Befreiung {f}
heroic saga Heldensage {f}
heroic songHeldenlied {n}
heroic spirit Heldengeist {m}
heroic story Heldengeschichte {f}
heroic talesHeroengeschichten {pl}
« herehereHereHerihermhernheroheroherrHe'sHe's »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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