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English-German Dictionary

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hexagonal-pored polypore [Neofavolus alveolaris, syn.: Polyporus alveolaris, P. mori] Waben-Stielporling / Wabenstielporling {m}
hexagonal-pored polypore [Neofavolus alveolaris, syn.: Polyporus alveolaris, P. mori]Wabenporling {m}
hexagonal-pored polypore [Neofavolus alveolaris, syn.: Polyporus alveolaris, P. mori] Bienenwabenporling {m}
hexagonite [manganese-bearing tremolite] Hexagonit {m} [Mangan-haltiger Tremolit]
hexagonsSechsecke {pl}
hexagramHexagramm {n} [sechseckiger Stern]
hexagramSechsstern {m}
hexagrammum mysticum [also capitalized]Hexagrammum mysticum {n} [auch: Hexagrammum Mysticum]
Hexagrammum Mysticum Theorem [Pascal's theorem] [also: hexagrammum mysticum theorem] Satz {m} von Pascal
hexahedral sechsflächig <6-flächig>
hexahedron Hexaeder {n}
hexahedronSechsflächner {m}
hexahedronSechsflach {n}
hexahedrons Hexaeder {pl}
hexahydrite [MgSO4·6H2O] Hexahydrit {m}
hexahydroborite [Ca [B(OH)4]2·2H2O]Hexahydroborit {m}
hexakaidecagonSechzehneck {n}
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobie {f}
hexalobular internal <6lobe> [coll.] [Torx® screw]Innensechsrund {f} [ugs.] [Torx®-Innensechsrundschraube]
hexalobular internal <6lobe> [EN ISO 10664] Innensechsrund {n} <Innen-6-Rund> [DIN EN ISO 10664]
hexalobular internal driving feature for bolts and screws [ISO 10664] Innensechsrund {m} für Schrauben [ISO 10664]
hexalobular internal driving feature for bolts and screws [ISO 10664] Innensechsrund {n} für Schrauben [ISO 10664]
hexalogyHexalogie {f}
hexameter Hexameter {m}
hexameter Sechsheber {m}
hexamethoxymethylmelamine <HMMM> [C15H30N6O6]Hexamethoxymethylmelamin {n}
hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane [D3] [not vitamin D3] [C6H18O3Si3]Hexamethylcyclotrisiloxan {n}
hexamethyldisilazaneHexamethyldisilazan {n} <HMDS>
hexamethyldisiloxane <HMDSO, MM> [C6H18OSi2]Hexamethyldisiloxan {n}
hexamethylene tetramine [E-239] [rare] [hexamethylenetetramine] Hexamethylentetramin {n}
hexamethylenediamine <HMD>Hexamethylendiamin {n} <HMD>
hexamethylenetetraamine [C6H12N4] [rare] [hexamethylenetetramine] Hexamethylentetramin {n}
hexamethylenetetramine [C6H12N4] Hexamethylentetramin {n}
hexamethylenetramine [C6H12N4] [very rare] [hexamethylenetetramine] Hexamethylentetramin {n}
hexametric hexametrisch
hexamine [E-239] [C6H12N4] [hexamethylene tetramine] Hexamin {n} [Hexamethylentetramin]
hexamine fuel tablet [solid fuel in tablet form]Trockenspiritus {m} [tablettenförmiger Brennstoff]
hexamine fuel tablet [solid fuel in tablet form]Esbit ® / Esbit-Trockenbrennstofftablette {f} [Trockenspiritus]
hexamolybdenum [(Mo,Ru,Fe,Ir,Os)] Hexamolybdän {m}
hexanal [C6H12O, C5H11CHO] Hexanal {n}
hexane [C6H14] Hexan {n}
hexanedioic acid Adipinsäure {f}
hexanedioic acidHexandisäure {f}
hexangular quilting [Am.] Wabensteppung {f}
hexanoic acid [C6H12O2, CH3(CH2)4COOH] Hexansäure {f}
hexanolHexanol {n}
hexanucleotide Hexanukleotid {n}
hexapeptide Hexapeptid {n}
hexapeptide sequence Hexapeptidsequenz {f}
hexapeptide sequences Hexapeptidsequenzen {pl}
hexapeptidesHexapeptide {pl}
HexaplaHexapla {f}
hexaploid hexaploid
hexaploidy Hexaploidie {f}
hexapod Sechsfüßer {m}
hexapod robot Hexapod-Roboter {m}
hexapod species Hexapodenart {f} [auch: Hexapoden-Art]
hexapodesHexapoda {pl}
hexapodsSechsfüßer {pl}
hexapods [subphylum Hexapoda] Hexapoden {pl}
hexapods [subphylum Hexapoda] Hexapoda {pl}
hexaquarkHexaquark {n}
hexasaccharide Hexasaccharid {n}
hexasyndactyly Hexasyndaktylie {f}
hexatestibiopanickelite [(Ni,Pd)(Te,Sb)] Hexatestibiopanickelit {m}
HexateuchHexateuch {m}
hexateuchal hexateuchisch
hexatic phase hexatische Phase {f}
hexatomic [consisting of six atoms] sechsatomig <6-atomig>
hexavalent hexavalent
hexavalent chromiumsechswertiges Chrom {n}
hexavalent chromium hexavalentes Chrom {n}
hexavalent vaccinehexavalenter Impfstoff {m}
hexavalent vaccine Sechsfach-Impfstoff {m}
hexaxial reference system Cabrerakreis {m} [hexaxiales Bezugssystem]
hexconverterHexkonverter {m}
hexconvertersHexkonverter {pl}
hexecontahedron Hexekontaeder {n}
hexene [C6H12] Hexen {n}
hexesFlüche {pl}
hexetidine [C21H45N3] Hexetidin {n}
Hexi CorridorHexi-Korridor {m}
hexitolsHexitole {pl}
hexobarbitalHexobarbital {n}
hexobendine [C30H44N2O10] Hexobendin {n}
hexode Hexode {f}
hexode Sechspolröhre {f}
hexogenHexogen {n} [Sprengstoff]
hexokinase <HK> Hexokinase {f} <HK>
hexokinase deficiency Hexokinasemangel {m}
hexokinase method Hexokinasemethode {f}
hexosanesHexosane {pl}
hexose [C6H12O6] Hexose {f}
hexose chain Hexosekette {f}
hexose monophosphate shunt [pentose phosphate pathway]Pentosephosphatweg {m}
hexose phosphateHexosephosphat {n}
« heteheteHetehetmhexahexahexohiathickhiddhidr »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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