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high-heartedness Hochherzigkeit {f} [geh.]
high-heel worshipSchuhfetischismus {m} [Vorliebe für Schuhe mit hohen bis extrem hohen Absätzen]
high-heeled [here: shoe or shoes (singular or plural)] mit hohem Absatz [nachgestellt] [zugehöriges Substantiv im Singular oder Plural]
high-heeled [here: shoes (always plural)] mit hohen Absätzen [nachgestellt] [zugehöriges Substantiv immer im Plural]
high-heeled sandal Sandalette {f}
high-heeled sandals Sandaletten {pl}
high-impactmit großen Auswirkungen [nachgestellt]
high-impact (hoch) schlagzäh
high-impact high-impact [mit hoher Belastung, wird im Dt. nicht übersetzt]
high-impact resistantschlagzäh
high-impedance schallhart [hohe Impedanz]
high-impedance [attr.]hochohmig
high-incidence area <HIA>Hochinzidenzgebiet {n} <HIG>
high-income [attr.] einkommensstark
high-income company ertragsstarkes Unternehmen {n}
high-income earner Großverdiener {m}
high-income households einkommensstarke Haushalte {pl}
high-inflation countries Hochinflationsländer {pl}
high-intensity discharge lamp <HID lamp>Hochdruck-Entladungslampe {f} <HID-Lampe>
high-intensity laser therapy <HILT> Hochintensitäts-Lasertherapie {f} <HILT-Therapie>
high-intensity training <HIT> High-Intensity-Training {n} <HIT>
high-intensity workouthochintensives Training {n}
high-interest [attr.] hochverzinst
high-interest bonds Anleihen {pl} mit hohem Zins
high-key lightingHigh-key-Beleuchtung {f} [auch: High-key-Ausleuchtung]
high-key photography High-key-Fotografie {f}
high-kilovoltage technique Hartstrahltechnik {f}
high-kV exposure technique Hartstrahl-Aufnahmetechnik {f}
high-kV exposure technique Hartstrahlaufnahmetechnik {f}
high-kV gridHartstrahlraster {n}
high-kV radiographHartstrahlaufnahme {f}
high-kV techniqueHartstrahltechnik {f}
highlandHochland {n}
highland hochländisch
highland barley Hochlandgerste {f}
highland bent [Agrostis castellana]Kastilisches Straußgras {n}
highland bent / bentgrass [Agrostis castellana, syn.: A. hispanica, A. alba ssp. castellana]Kastilien-Straußgras {n}
highland brush mouse [Abeomelomys sevia, syn.: Pogonomelomys sevia]Hochland-Bürstenmaus {f}
Highland cattle Hochlandrinder {pl}
highland chat-tanager / chat tanager [Calyptophilus tertius] Westschmätzertangare {f}
highland desert mice [genus Eligmodontia] Hochland-Wüstenmäuse {pl}
highland doghobble / dog hobble [Am.] [Leucothoe fontanesiana, syn.: L. catesbaei] Traubenmyrte {f}
highland doghobble / dog hobble [Am.] [Leucothoe fontanesiana] Gebogene Traubenheide {f}
highland earth snake [Geophis mutitorques] Hochland-Erdnatter {f}
highland elaenia [Elaenia pallatangae] Olivkopfelaenie {f}
Highland fling Highland Fling {m}
highland flower-piercer [Diglossa baritula] Zimtbauch-Hakenschnabel {m}
Highland Games [treated as sg. or pl.] Highland Games {pl}
highland garter snake [Thamnophis fulvus]Guatemala-Strumpfbandnatter {f}
highland grass lizard [Chamaesaura anguina] Kap-Schlangengürtelechse {f}
highland guan [Penelopina nigra]Schluchtenguan {m}
highland honeycreeper [Diglossa baritula]Zimtbauch-Hakenschnabel {m}
highland lace [Cyathea cooperi] [scaly tree fern] Schuppen-Becherfarn / Schuppenbecherfarn {m}
highland lake Hochlandsee {m}
Highland Light [Highland Light Station, Cape Cod Light]Highland Light {n} [Highland Light Station, Cape Cod Light]
highland mangabey [Rungwecebus kipunji]Kipunji-Affe {m}
highland mangabey [Rungwecebus kipunji]Kipunji {m}
highland mangabey [Rungwecebus kipunji]Hochlandmangabe {f}
highland motmot [Momotus aequatorialis]Hochlandmotmot {m}
highland nightingale-thrush / nightingale thrush [Catharus frantzii]Bergmusendrossel {f} [auch: Berg-Musendrossel]
Highland outfit Schottentracht {f}
highland partridge [Dendrortyx leucophrys]Guatemalawachtel {f}
highland partridge [Dendrortyx leucophrys] Schwarzschnabel-Langschwanzwachtel {f}
highland pholiota [Pholiota highlandensis, syn.: P. carbonaria]Kohlen-Schüppling / Kohlenschüppling {m}
highland region Hochlandregion {f}
highland rush [Juncus trifidus, syn.: J. alpestris] Dreiblatt-Binse / Dreiblattbinse {f}
highland rush [Juncus trifidus, syn.: J. alpestris]Dreispaltige Binse {f}
highland rush [Juncus trifidus, syn.: J. alpestris] Dreiblatt-Simse / Dreiblattsimse {f}
highland rush [Juncus trifidus, syn.: J. alpestris] Dreispaltige Simse {f}
Highland Scots Hochlandschotten {pl}
highland slender loris [Loris lydekkerianus grandis] Hochland-Schlanklori {m}
highland snake eater [Mussurana montana]Gebirgs-Schlangenfresser {m}
highland spindle snake [Atractus lasallei]Gelbflecken-Spindelnatter {f}
highland streaked tenrec [Hemicentetes nigriceps] Schwarzkopftanrek {m}
highland streaked tenrec [Hemicentetes nigriceps] Schwarzkopftenrek {m}
highland thrush [Catharus frantzii] Bergmusendrossel {f} [auch: Berg-Musendrossel]
highland tinamou [Nothocercus bonapartei] Bergtinamu {m}
highland wood-partridge / wood partridge [Dendrortyx leucophrys] Guatemalawachtel {f}
highland wood-partridge / wood partridge [Dendrortyx leucophrys] Schwarzschnabel-Langschwanzwachtel {f}
highlanderBergbewohner {m}
highlander Hochlandbewohner {m}
highlanderHochländer {m}
Highlander [Russell Mulcahy]Highlander - Es kann nur einen geben
Highlander II: The Quickening [Russell Mulcahy]Highlander II - Die Rückkehr
Highlander: The RavenRaven – Die Unsterbliche
highlands Hochländer {pl}
highlands {pl}Hochland {n}
highlands {pl}Hochgebirge {n}
highlands copperhead [Austrelaps ramsayi] Hochlandkupferkopf {m}
highlands punaré [Thrichomys inermis]Hochland-Punaré {m}
highlands rainbowfish [Chilatherina campsi] Hochland-Regenbogenfisch {m}
high-leg briefs {pl} [one pair] Rio-Slip {m}
high-level auf hoher Ebene
high-level hochrangig
high-level church officials Kirchenobere {pl}
high-level installation Hochregallager {n} [funktional]
high-level language <HLL>höhere Programmiersprache {f} <HPS>
high-level language <HLL> Hochsprache {f}
high-level language optimizationHochsprachenoptimierung {f}
« highhighhighhighhighhighhighhighhighhighhigh »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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