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English-German Dictionary

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high-volume productionGroßserienfertigung {f}
high-volume securitieslebhaft gehandelte Wertpapiere {pl}
high-wage Hochlohn-
high-wage countryHochlohnland {n}
high-wage economy Hochlohnökonomie {f}
high-wage economy Hochlohnwirtschaft {f}
high-waist [trousers, pants, skirt] mit hoher Taille [nachgestellt]
high-waisted hochtailliert
high-warp loom [also: high warp loom] Hochwebstuhl {m}
high-water crest Hochwasserwelle {f}
high-water levelHochwasserstand {m}
high-water markHochwassermarke {f}
high-water mark [fig.]höchster Stand {m}
high-water mark [fig.] Höchststand {m}
high-water peakScheitelwelle {f} (der Flut)
high-water situationHochwassersituation {f}
high-wattage [attr.] [light bulb] stark [Glühbirne]
highwayBusleitung {f}
highway Vielfachleitung {f}
highway Landstraße {f}
highway [Am.] [Can.] <Hwy.> Fernverkehrsstraße {f}
highway [Am.] [freeway] <hwy.>Autobahn {f}
highway [Am.] <hwy., HWY>Fernstraße {f}
highway [Am.] <Hwy.> Schnellstraße {f}
highway [Am.] <Hwy.> Kraftfahrstraße {f}
highway [Am.] <Hwy.> Chaussee {f} [veraltend]
highway bridge [Am.] Autobahnbrücke {f}
highway bridge [Am.] [Can.] Straßenbrücke {f}
highway bus [Am.] [Can.] Überlandbus {m}
highway capLärmschutzdeckel {m} [Autobahn]
Highway Code [Br.] Straßenverkehrs-Ordnung {f} <StVO>
highway cone [esp. Am.]Pylon {m} [Leitkegel]
highway deck Lärmschutzdeckel {m} [Autobahn]
Highway Emergency Response Operator <HERO> [Am.] [Pannenhelfer in Georgia, USA]
highway engineerStraßenbauingenieur {m}
Highway Heat [Adam Rifkin]The Chase - Die Wahnsinnsjagd
highway junction [Am.] Autobahnkreuz {n}
highway junction [Am.] Autobahndreieck {n}
highway junction [Am.] Autobahnknoten {m} [österr.]
highway loop [Am.]Ringautobahn {f}
highway network [Am.]Autobahnnetz {n}
highway patrolAutobahnpolizei {f}
highway patrol officer Autobahnpolizist {m}
highway patrol stationUS-Autobahnpolizeistation {f}
highway patrol trooper [Am.] Autobahnpolizist {m}
highway picnic area [Am.] Rastplatz {m}
highway planning [Am.]Autobahnplanung {f}
highway rest area [Am.]Autobahnraststätte {f}
highway restaurant [Am.]Rasthaus {n}
highway robberStrauchritter {m}
highway robbers Strauchritter {pl}
highway robbery Straßenraub {m}
highway robberyStraßenräuberei {f}
highway robberyWegelagerei {f}
highway robbery [Am.] [coll.] Wucher {m}
highway robbery [Am.] [coll.]Halsabschneiderei {f} [ugs.]
highway seamStraßenfuge {f}
highway system [Am.] Autobahnnetz {n}
Highway to HeavenEin Engel auf Erden
Highway to HeavenDer Engel kehrt zurück
highway traffic control postStraßenverkehrsposten {m}
highway transport [Am.] Güterfernverkehr {m}
highway tunnel [Am.] Autobahntunnel {m}
(highway) ice plant [Carpobrotus edulis] Essbare Mittagsblume {f}
(highway) ice plant [Carpobrotus edulis] Gelbe Mittagsblume {f}
(highway) ice plant [Carpobrotus edulis] Pferdefeige {f}
(highway) ice plant [Carpobrotus edulis] Hottentottenfeige {f}
(highway) ice plant [Carpobrotus edulis] Hexenfinger {m}
(highway) rest stop [Am.]Autobahnraststätte {f}
highwayman Straßenräuber {m}
highwaymanWegelagerer {m}
highwayman Schnapphahn {m}
highways [Am.]Schnellstraßen {pl}
Highways Agency [an executive agency, part of the Department for Transport in England][Behörde in England, die für den Unterhalt der Autobahnen und Fernstraßen zuständig ist]
Highways Department Tiefbauamt {n}
highwaywoman Wegelagerin {f}
high-wet [attr.] hochnass
high-wet-modulus rayon <HWM rayon> hochnassfeste Viskosefaser {f}
high-wheeled hochrädrig
high-wheeled vehicle hochrädriges Fahrzeug {n}
high-wire actHochseilakt {m} [fig.]
high-wire act [fig.]Drahtseilakt {m} [fig.]
high-wrought expectations hochgespannte Erwartungen {pl}
high-yield hohen Ertrag abwerfend
high-yield [attr.] [producing a large amount]ergiebig [ertragreich (Ernte, Produktion etc.)]
high-yield bond ertragsstarke Anleihe {f}
high-yield securities ertragsstarke Wertpapiere {pl}
hi-hatHi-Hat {f} [Becken]
hi-hatCharleston-Maschine {f} [veraltet]
Hiiumaa Dagö {n} [Insel]
hijabHidschab {m}
hijab Hijab {m} [islamische Kopfbedeckung für Frauen]
hijabKopftuch {n} [Kopfbedeckung muslimischer Frauen]
hijackEntführung {f}
hijacked entführt
hijacked gekapert
hijacker Entführer {m}
hi-jacker Flugzeugentführer {m}
hijackerFlugzeugentführer {m}
« highhighhighhighhighhighhijahilahillhillHima »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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