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hilltoppingGipfelbalz {f}
hill-topping [spv.] Gipfelbalz {f}
hillul hashem [also spelled: Hillul Hashem, haShem or HaShem] [Chillul HaShem] Chillul Haschem {m} {f} [auch: Chillul bzw. Hillul haSchem] [Entweihung des Gottesnamens]
hillwalk Bergtour {f}
hillwalking [Br.]Bergwandern {n}
hilly hügelig
hilly hüglig
hilly area Hügelgebiet {n}
hilly countryHügelland {n}
hilly countryside Hügelland {n}
hilly groundhügeliges Gelände {n}
hilly landscapeHanglandschaft {f}
hilly landscape hügelige Landschaft {f}
hilly location Hügellage {f}
hilly territoryhügeliges Gelände {n}
Hilsa herring [Myxocyprinus asiaticus]Dschunken-Schmerle {f}
Hilsa herring [Myxocyprinus asiaticus] Fledermausschmerle {f}
Hilsa herring [Myxocyprinus asiaticus] Steilflossen-Saugkarpfen {m}
Hilsa herring [Myxocyprinus asiaticus]Fadenalgenfresser {m}
Hilsa herring [Myxocyprinus asiaticus]Fledermausfisch {m}
Hilsa herring [Myxocyprinus asiaticus] Wimpelkarpfen {m}
hiltGriff {m} [Schwertgriff]
hiltSchwertgriff {m}
hilt Heft {n} [fachspr.] [geh.] [Feile, Dolch, Schwert]
hilt [e.g. sword] Gefäß {n} [z. B. Schwert]
Hilti ® [rotary hammer, combi hammer, etc.] Hilti ® {f} [Schlagbohrer, Bohrhammer usw. der Fa. Hilti; wird zum Teil als Gattungsname verwendet]
Hilti dowel ® Hilti-Dübel ® {m}
Hilton Head Island Hilton Head Island {f} [Insel in South Carolina]
hilum Hilum {n}
hilum of (the) spleen [Hilum splenicum] Milzpforte {f}
hilus Hilus {m}
hilus of the lung [Hilus pulmonis] Lungenhilus {m}
hilus typeHilustyp {m}
him [direct object]ihn
him [direct object]es [Akkusativ] [hier: auf eine männliche Person bezogen, z. B.: Ich liebe es (das Kerlchen, Büblein etc.)]
him [indirect object] ihm
Him With His Foot In His Mouth [Saul Bellow] Der mit dem Fuß im Fettnäpfchen
Himalaya berry [Rubus armeniacus]Himalaya-Brombeere {f}
Himalaya berry [Rubus armeniacus]Armenische Brombeere {f}
Himalaya bladdernut [Staphylea emodi] Himalaja-Pimpernuss {f}
Himalaya (giant) blackberry [Rubus armeniacus] Himalaya-Brombeere {f}
Himalaya (giant) blackberry [Rubus armeniacus] Armenische Brombeere {f}
Himalaya toadhead agama [Phrynocephalus theobaldi] Himalaja-Krötenkopf {m} [Agame]
Himalayan [den Himalaya betreffend]
Himalayan accentor [Prunella himalayana]Himalayabraunelle {f}
Himalayan balsam [Impatiens glandulifera]Drüsiges Springkraut {n}
Himalayan balsam [Impatiens glandulifera]Indisches Springkraut {n}
Himalayan balsam [Impatiens glandulifera]Emscherorchidee {f}
Himalayan balsam [Impatiens glandulifera]Wupperorchidee {f}
Himalayan bamboo [Yushania anceps, syn.: Y. jaunsarensis, Arundinaria anceps, A. jaunsarensis] Himalaya-Fontänenbambus {m}
Himalayan barwing [Actinodura egertoni]Rotstirnsibia {f} [auch: Rotstirn-Sibia]
Himalayan beautiful rosefinch [Carpodacus pulcherrimus]Schmuckgimpel {m} [auch: Schmuck-Gimpel]
Himalayan bergenia [Bergenia stracheyi]Himalaja-Bergenie {f}
Himalayan birch [Betula utilis] Himalaya-Birke {f}
Himalayan black bear [Ursus thibetanus] Asiatischer Schwarzbär {m}
Himalayan black bear [Ursus thibetanus] Kragenbär {m}
Himalayan blackberry [Rubus armeniacus]Himalaya-Brombeere {f}
Himalayan blackberry [Rubus armeniacus] Armenische Brombeere {f}
Himalayan blue sheep [Pseudois nayaur nayaur] Himalayablauschaf / Himalaya-Blauschaf {n}
Himalayan blue sheep [Pseudois nayaur]Blauschaf {n}
Himalayan blue sheep [Pseudois nayaur] Bharal {m}
Himalayan blue shortwing [Brachypteryx montana]Bergkurzflügel {m} [auch: Berg-Kurzflügel]
Himalayan brown bear [Ursus arctos isabellinus] Himalayabär {m}
Himalayan brown bear [Ursus arctos isabellinus] Isabellbär {m}
Himalayan (brown) wood-owl [Strix leptogrammica newarensis, syn.: Strix newarensis] Bergkauz {m}
Himalayan bulbul [Pycnonotus leucogenys]Himalajabülbül {m}
Himalayan buzzard [Buteo refectus, syn.: B. burmanicus]Himalaya-Bussard {m}
Himalayan buzzard [Buteo refectus, syn.: B. burmanicus] Tibetbussard {m}
Himalayan camellia [Camellia oleifera]Öl-Kamelie / Ölkamelie {f}
Himalayan camellia [Camellia oleifera] Öl-Teestrauch / Ölteestrauch {m}
Himalayan cedar [Cedrus deodara]Himalaya-Zeder {f}
Himalayan clematis [Clematis montana]Berg-Waldrebe {f} [auch: Bergwaldrebe]
Himalayan (cliff) honey bee [Apis laboriosa, syn.: Apis dorsata laboriosa]Kliffhonigbiene {f}
Himalayan (cliff) honey bee [Apis laboriosa, syn.: Apis dorsata laboriosa] Felsenbiene {f}
Himalayan cotoneaster [Cotoneaster simonsii] Steife Zwergmispel {f}
Himalayan cotoneaster [Cotoneaster simonsii] Steife Strauchmispel {f}
Himalayan cotoneaster [Cotoneaster simonsii]Himalaya-Zwergmispel {f}
Himalayan crane's-bill [Geranium himalayense, syn.: Geranium grandiflorum, Geranium meeboldii]Himalaja-Storchschnabel {m}
Himalayan desert candle [Eremurus himalaicus] Himalaja-Steppenkerze {f}
Himalayan field mouse [Apodemus pallipes, syn.: A. wardi] Ward-Waldmaus {f}
Himalayan field rat [Rattus nitidus] Himalajaratte {f}
Himalayan firethorn [Pyracantha crenulata, syn.: P. chinensis, Cotoneaster crenulatus, Crataegus crenulata, Mespilus crenulata]Nepal-Feuerdorn {m}
Himalayan firethorn [Pyracantha crenulata, syn.: P. chinensis, Cotoneaster crenulatus, Crataegus crenulata, Mespilus crenulata] Himalaja-Feuerdorn {m}
Himalayan flameback [Dinopium shorii] Himalaya-Feuerrückenspecht {m}
Himalayan flameback [Dinopium shorii] Braunhalsspecht {m}
Himalayan flame-backed woodpecker [Dinopium shorii] Himalaya-Feuerrückenspecht {m}
Himalayan flame-backed woodpecker [Dinopium shorii] Braunhalsspecht {m}
Himalayan fleece flower [Bistorta affinis, Persicaria affinis, Polygonum affine]Teppich-Knöterich {m}
Himalayan fleece flower [Bistorta affinis, Persicaria affinis, Polygonum affine]Teppichknöterich {m}
Himalayan fleece vine [Fallopia japonica, syn.: Reynoutria japonica, Polygonum cuspidatum]Japanischer Staudenknöterich {m}
Himalayan fleece vine [Fallopia japonica, syn.: Reynoutria japonica, Polygonum cuspidatum]Zugespitzter Knöterich {m}
Himalayan fleece vine [Fallopia japonica, syn.: Reynoutria japonica, Polygonum cuspidatum] Spieß-Knöterich {m}
Himalayan fleece vine [Fallopia japonica, syn.: Reynoutria japonica, Polygonum cuspidatum]Japanischer Flügelknöterich {m}
Himalayan fleece vine [Fallopia japonica, syn.: Reynoutria japonica, Polygonum cuspidatum]Kamtschatka-Knöterich {m}
Himalayan fleece vine [Fallopia japonica, syn.: Reynoutria japonica, Polygonum cuspidatum] Japanischer Schirmknöterich {m}
Himalayan fleeceflower [Bistorta affinis, Persicaria affinis, Polygonum affine] Teppich-Knöterich {m}
Himalayan fleeceflower [Bistorta affinis, Persicaria affinis, Polygonum affine]Teppichknöterich {m}
Himalayan fleeceflower [Bistorta affinis, syn.: Persicaria affinis, Polygonum affine] Teppich-Wiesenknöterich {m}
Himalayan flowering dogwood [Cornus capitata, syn.: Benthamia fragifera, Benthamidia capitata, Dendrobenthamia capitata] Erdbeer-Hartriegel / Erdbeerhartriegel {m}
Himalayan flowering dogwood [Cornus capitata]Benthams Hartriegel {m}
« highhighhikehilahillhillHimaHimaHindhinghint »
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