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hip replacementHüftendoprothese {f} [künstliches Hüftgelenk]
hip replacementHüftersatz {m} [Hüftgelenksersatz]
hip replacement [prosthesis] Hüftprothese {m}
hip replacement [surgery]Hüftoperation {f}
hip replacement surgery Hüftoperation {f}
hip replacement (surgery) [operation] Hüft-OP {f} [kurz für: Hüftoperation]
hip resurfacingHüft-Resurfacing {n}
hip roll Weiberspeck {m} [Hüftrolle]
hip roof Walmdach {n}
hip rotationHüftdrehung {f}
hip scarf Hüfttuch {n}
hip screw Hüftschraube {f}
hip screws Zuckerhutschrauben {pl}
hip sonography Hüftsonographie {f}
hip spring Hüftsprung {m}
hip strapHüftband {n}
hip swingHüftschwung {m} [beim Turnen]
hip trouble Hüftleiden {n}
hip waders [extending up to the mid-thigh] Anglerstiefel {pl} [Watstiefel]
hipboneHüftbein {n}
hipflask Flachmann {m} [ugs.]
hip-hop Hip-Hop {m}
hip-hop Hiphop {m}
hip-hop group Hip-Hop-Gruppe {f}
hip-hopper Hip-Hopper {m}
hip-hugger Hüftslip {m}
hip-huggers {pl}Hüftjeans {f}
hip-huggers {pl} [one pair] [Am.] Hüfthose {f}
hiphuggers {pl} [one pair] [Am.] Hüfthose {f}
hiphuggers [more than one pair] [Am.] Hüfthosen {pl}
hip-huggers [more than one pair] [Am.]Hüfthosen {pl}
hip-length hüftlang
Hipparchus of Nicaea [c. 190-c. 120 BCE] Hipparchos {m} von Nicäa
hipped [coll.] [Am.] versessen
hipped on sth. [Am.] [coll.] [having a great interest in sth.]an etw. [Akk.] überaus interessiert
hipped roof Walmdach {n}
hipper [coll.]hipper [ugs.]
hippest [coll.] hippste [ugs.]
Hippias Major [also: What is Beauty?; Greater Hippias] [Platonic dialogue] Hippias maior {m} [auch: Hippias I; der Größere Hippias; der Große Hippias] [platonischer Dialog]
Hippias Minor [also: On Lying] [Platonic dialogue] Hippias minor {m} [auch: Hippias II; der Kleinere Hippias; der Kleine Hippias] [platonischer Dialog]
Hippias of Elis [c. 460 - c. 399 BCE] Hippias {m} von Elis
Hippias' quadratrix [also: quadratrix of Hippias] Quadratrix {f} des Hippias [Trisektrix des Hippias, Quadratrix des Dinostratos]
Hippias' trisectrix [also: trisectrix of Hippias]Trisektrix {f} des Hippias
hippiater [rare] [horse doctor] Pferdearzt {m}
hippiatry Hippiatrie {f}
hippie Hippie {m}
hippie [female] Hippiemädchen {n}
hippie cultureHippiekultur {f}
hippie eraHippiezeit {f}
hippie generation Hippie-Generation {f} [auch: Hippiegeneration]
hippie movement Hippiebewegung {f}
hippie-dippie [Am.] [sl.] [also: hippy-dippy] [hyphenation varies] hippiemäßig
hippies Hippies {pl}
hippin [N. Engl.] [Scot.] [coll.] Windel {f}
hippo [coll.] [hippopotamus] Flusspferd {n}
hippo [coll.] [hippopotamus] Nilpferd {n}
hippo [Hippopotamus amphibius] Großflusspferd {n}
hippo bull [coll.] Nilpferdbulle {m} [auch: Nilpferd-Bulle]
hippo fly [any of various large biting horseflies, esp. of the genus Tabanus or family Tabanidae]Pferdefliege {f} [ugs.] [Bremse]
hippo fly [Tabanus biguttatus]Afrikanische Rinderbremse {f} [selten]
hippo grass [Echinochloa stagnina]Sumpf-Igelhirse {f}
hippo hunting [coll.] Nilpferdjagd {f}
hippo skull [coll.] Nilpferdschädel {m} [auch: Nilpferd-Schädel]
hippo tang [Paracanthurus hepatus]Paletten-Doktorfisch {m}
hippocamp [hippocampus]Hippokamp {m} [fischschwänziges Seepferd der antiken Sage]
hippocamp [hippocampus]Hippokampos {m} [fischschwänziges Seepferd der antiken Sage]
hippocampal hippokampal
hippocampal hippocampal
hippocampal gyrus [Gyrus hippocampi, Gyrus parahippocampalis] [parahippocampal gyrus] parahippocampaler Gyrus {m}
hippocampi {pl}Hippocampi {pl}
hippocampusHippokampus {m}
hippocampus Hippocampus {m}
hippocampus Ammonshorn {n} [Teil des Gehirns]
hippocampusHippokampos {m} [fischschwänziges Seepferd der antiken Sage]
hippocentaur Hippokentaur {m} [selten] [Kentaur]
hippocentaur [centaur] Hippozentaur {m} [selten] [Zentaur]
Hippocoon [also: Hippocoön] Hippokoon {m}
hippocras Hypocras {m}
Hippocrates of ChiosHippokrates {m} von Chios
Hippocrates (of Kos) Hippokrates {m} (von Kos)
hippocratic hippokratisch
Hippocratic hippokratisch
Hippocratic face [Facies hippocratica] Facies hippocratica {f}
Hippocratic face [Facies hippocratica] Totengesicht {n} [ugs. bzw. veraltet] [hippokratisches Gesicht]
Hippocratic facies [Facies hippocratica] Facies hippocratica {f}
Hippocratic facies [Facies hippocratica]hippokratisches Gesicht {n}
Hippocratic finger [Digitus hippocraticus] [clubbed finger]hippokratischer Finger {m} [veraltet bzw. selten]
Hippocratic fingers [Digiti hippocratici] [clubbed fingers]Trommelschlägelfinger {pl} <TSF>
Hippocratic fingers [Digiti hippocratici] [clubbed fingers]Trommelschlegelfinger {pl} <TSF> [alt]
Hippocratic fingers [Digiti hippocratici] [clubbed fingers]hippokratische Finger {pl} [veraltet bzw. selten]
hippocratic nail [Unguis hippocraticus] Uhrglasnagel {m}
hippocratic nails [Unguis hippocraticus]Uhrglasnägel {pl}
Hippocratic oath hippokratischer Eid {m}
Hippocratic oathEid {m} des Hippokrates
Hippocratism Hippokratismus {m}
hippocrepiform hufeisenförmig
Hippodamic hippodamisch
hippodrome Reitbahn {f}
hippodrome Hippodrom {n} {m} [österr. nur {n}]
hippogriff [mythical creature, born of the union of a male griffin and a filly] Hippogreif {m} [Fabeltier]
« HimaHimahindHindhinthiprhipphireHis/HisHHist »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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