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hired girl Dienstmädchen {n} [veraltend]
hired grandma [rare] [coll.]Leihoma {f} [ugs.]
hired grandpa [rare] [coll.] [hired grandfather]Leihopa {m} [ugs.]
hired gun [fig.] [hit man]Auftragskiller {m} [ugs.]
hired gun [fig.] [hit man]Profikiller {m}
hired hand Heuerling {m}
hired hand Hilfskraft {f}
hired killer gedungener Mörder {m}
hired killer Auftragsmörder {m}
hired outvermietet
hired outverdingt
hired rowing boat Mietruderboot {n}
hired servant Lohndiener {m} [bes. hist.]
(hired) muscle {sg} [sl.] (angeheuerte) Schläger {pl}
hireling Mietling {m} [veraltet] [Knecht, Dienstbote]
hirelingTagelöhner {m}
hirelingHeuerling {m}
hireling [pej.] Hiwi {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
hireling [pej.] [sb. who serves for pay only] Söldling {m} [pej.] [jd., der nur des Geldes wegen zu Diensten steht]
hirelings Mietlinge {pl}
hirelingsHeuerleute {pl}
hire-purchase Abzahlungskauf {m}
hire-purchase Kauf {m} auf Raten
hire-purchaseRatenkauf {m}
hire-purchase Mietkauf {m}
hire-purchase agreementAbzahlungsvertrag {m}
hire-purchase agreement Mietkaufvertrag {m}
hire-purchase agreementTeilzahlungsvertrag {m}
hire-purchase paymentsAbzahlungen {pl} [bei einem Mietkauf]
hire-purchase price Abzahlungspreis {m}
hire-purchase system Mietkaufsystem {n}
hire-purchaser Käufer {m} auf Raten
hire-purchaser Mietkäufer {m}
hirer [female] Vermieterin {f}
hirer [person who hires out]Vermieter {m}
hirer of a safe Vermieter {m} eines Tresorfaches
hiresEntgelte {pl}
hi-res [short for: high-resolution]HiRes- [auch: Hires, Hi-Res] [High-Resolution-, mit hoher Auflösung]
hiring mietend
hiring Überlassung {f}
hiring Mieten {n}
hiring [of a worker]Verdingung {f}
hiring [of workers]Einstellung {f}
hiring age Einstellungsalter {n}
hiring contract Mietvertrag {m}
hiring contractAnstellungsvertrag {m}
hiring decisionEinstellungsentscheidung {f}
hiring discriminationDiskriminierung {f} bei der Einstellung
hiring freezeEinstellungsstopp {m}
hiring interview Einstellungsgespräch {n}
hiring of men Anheuern {n} von Leuten
hiring on probation Anstellung {f} auf Probe
hiring outverdingend
hiring (out)Verleih {m}
hiring (out) Vermietung {f}
hiring procedure Anheuerungsverfahren {n}
hiring processEinstellungsprozess {m}
hiring rate Zugangsrate {f}
hi-rise rackHochregal {n}
hirola [Beatragus hunteri, syn.: Damaliscus hunteri] Hunter-Antilope {f}
Hiroshima bomb Hiroshimabombe {f}
Hirsau Abbey [formerly: Hirschau Abbey]Kloster {n} Hirsau [ehemals: Kloster Hirschau]
Hirsch effect Hirsch-Effekt {m}
Hirsch funnelHirschtrichter {m}
Hirschberg corneal reflex test Hirschberg-Test {m}
Hirschberg methodHirschberg-Methode {f}
Hirschberg test [also: Hirschberg's test] Hirschberg-Test {m}
Hirschfeld-Eddy FoundationHirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung {f}
Hirschsprung disease [Morbus Hirschsprung] Hirschsprung-Krankheit {f}
Hirschsprung's disease <HD> [Megacolon congenitum] Morbus Hirschsprung {m} <MH> [fachspr.]
hirsute haarig
hirsutestark behaart
hirsuteborstig behaart
hirsute garlic [Allium trifoliatum] Dreiblättriger Lauch {m}
hirsutene [C15H24]Hirsuten {n}
hirsutenessStruppigkeit {f}
hirsutine [C22H28N2O3]Hirsutin {n}
hirsutism Hirsutismus {m}
hirsutus mealybug [Maconellicoccus hirsutus, syn.: Phenacoccus hirsutus] Hibiscusschmierlaus / Hibiscus-Schmierlaus {f}
Hirudo [(medical) leech] [genus of leeches of the family Hirudinidae] Hirudo {m} [Blutegel]
hirudotherapy [medical use of leeches]Hirudotherapie {f}
hirundine [attr.] [of, relating to, or resembling the swallow]schwalben-
hirundine species [family Hirundinidae] Schwalbenart {f}
his der / die / das Seinige
hisdie Seinigen {pl}
hisder / die / das seinige
his der / die / das Seine
hisder / die / das seine
hisdie seinigen {pl}
hisdie Seinen {pl}
his die seinen {pl}
his dessen
his [determiner]sein
his [determiner] [female or plural object]seine
HIS [hospital information system]KIS {n} [Krankenhausinformationssystem]
his [possessive] seiner
his [possessive] sein [poetisch / veraltet]
His / Her Britannic Majesty <HBM> Seine / Ihre Britannische Majestät {f}
His / Her eyesight failed.Seine / Ihre Augen wurden schwach. [sehschwach; fast blind]
His / Her Highness <HH>Seine / Ihre Hoheit {f}
« hindHindhinthiprhipphireHis/HisHHistHisphist »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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