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His time is up. Seine Zeit ist abgelaufen.
his unkind manner sein unfreundliches Verhalten {n}
his visit tomorrow sein morgiger Besuch {m}
His voice belied his words. Seine Stimme strafte seine Worte Lügen.
His voice was thick with a cold. Er sprach mit belegter Stimme.
His voice was thick with a drink.Er sprach mit schwerer Zunge.
His voice was thick with emotion. Er sprach mit bewegter Stimme.
His voice was thick with fear.Er sprach mit angstvoller Stimme.
his whole being sein ganzes Wesen {n}
his whole life sein ganzes Leben {n}
his whole lifesein gesamtes Leben {n}
His whole life revolves around his family.Er geht ganz in der Familie auf. [seine Erfüllung finden]
His wife has run off and left him. [coll.] Seine Frau ist ihm weggelaufen. [ugs.]
His wife works, too. Seine Frau arbeitet mit. [ugs.]
His wisdom teeth are coming through.Er bekommt seine Weisheitszähne.
His word carries weight. [idiom] Sein Wort hat Gewicht. [ist gewichtig]
His word is as good as his bond.Sein Wort ist so gut wie seine Unterschrift.
His word is his bond.Auf sein Wort kann man vertrauen.
His word is law. Sein Wort ist Gesetz.
His words were tinged with sadness.In seinen Worten schwang eine gewisse Traurigkeit mit.
his young lady [dated] [his girlfriend]seine Freundin {f}
hisingerite [Fe2Si2O5(OH)4·2H2O] Hisingerit {m}
Hismaic [formerly Thamudic E] Hismaisch {n}
Hispania Hispanien {n}
(Hispania) Baetica (Hispania) Baetica {f}
Hispanic spanisch
Hispanicspanische Herkunft {f}
Hispanic hispanisch
Hispanic Hispanoamerikaner {m}
HispanicHispano {m}
Hispanic [female] Hispana {f}
Hispanic [female] Hispanoamerikanerin {f}
Hispanic America Hispanoamerika {n}
Hispanic AmericaSpanischamerika {n}
Hispanic American hispanoamerikanisch
Hispanic ground snake [Atractus oculotemporalis] Antioquia-Spindelnatter {f}
Hispanic spindle snake [Atractus oculotemporalis]Antioquia-Spindelnatter {f}
Hispanicisation [Br.] Hispanisierung {f}
Hispanicism [also: hispanicism]Hispanismus {m}
Hispanicity Hispanität {f}
Hispanicization Hispanisierung {f}
HispanicsHispanos {pl}
Hispanics [female] Hispanas {pl}
Hispanics [female]Hispanoamerikanerinnen {pl}
Hispaniola [Haiti and the Dominican Republic]Hispaniola {n} [Haiti und die Dominikanische Republik]
Hispaniola crossbill [Loxia megaplaga] Hispaniolakreuzschnabel {m} [auch: Hispaniola-Kreuzschnabel]
Hispaniola crossbill [Loxia megaplaga]Haiti-Bindenkreuzschnabel {m}
Hispaniola monkey [Antillothrix bernensis] [extinct]Hispaniola-Affe {m} [ausgestorben]
Hispaniola worm snake [Typhlops pusillus] Gewöhnliche Hispaniolische Blindschlange {f}
Hispaniolan amazon [Amazona ventralis]Blaukronenamazone {f}
Hispaniolan amazon [Amazona ventralis]Hispaniolaamazone {f} [auch: Hispaniola-Amazone]
Hispaniolan bicolored blindsnake [Am.] [Typhlops sulcatus] Hispaniolische Zweifarbige Blindschlange {f}
Hispaniolan black racer [Hypsirhynchus parvifrons, syn.: Antillophis parvifrons tortuganus]Copes Antillenschlange {f}
Hispaniolan boa [Epicrates striatus] Haitiboa {f}
Hispaniolan common blindsnake [Typhlops pusillus] Gewöhnliche Hispaniolische Blindschlange {f}
Hispaniolan common treefrog [Osteopilus dominicensis] Hispaniola-Laubfrosch {m}
Hispaniolan conure [Aratinga chloroptera] Haitisittich {m}
Hispaniolan crossbill [Loxia megaplaga]Hispaniolakreuzschnabel {m} [auch: Hispaniola-Kreuzschnabel]
Hispaniolan crossbill [Loxia megaplaga] Haiti-Bindenkreuzschnabel {m}
Hispaniolan curlytail lizard [Leiocephalus schreibersii] Schreibers Glattkopfleguan {m}
Hispaniolan curlytail lizard [Leiocephalus schreibersii]Haiti-Glattkopfleguan {m}
Hispaniolan emerald [Chlorostilbon swainsonii] Hispaniolasmaragdkolibri {m}
Hispaniolan emerald [Riccordia swainsonii, syn.: Chlorostilbon swainsonii] Swainsonkolibri {m} [auch: Swainson-Kolibri]
Hispaniolan gambusia [Gambusia hispaniolae] Rotflossen-Kärpfling {m}
Hispaniolan giant blindsnake [Typhlops schwartzi] Hispaniolische Riesenblindschlange {f}
Hispaniolan green anole [Anolis chlorocyanus] Blaukehlanolis {m}
Hispaniolan ground iguana [Cyclura ricordii, syn.: Cyclura ricordi] Hispaniola-Leguan {m}
Hispaniolan ground iguana [Cyclura ricordii, syn.: Cyclura ricordi] Ricord's Ground Iguana {m}
Hispaniolan hawk [Buteo ridgwayi, syn.: B. ridgwayii] Haitibussard {m} [auch: Haiti-Bussard]
Hispaniolan hutia [Plagiodontia aedium](Eigentliches) Zaguti {n}
Hispaniolan hutia [Plagiodontia aedium]Cuvier-Zaguti {n}
Hispaniolan lizard cuckoo [Saurothera longirostris] Haitikuckuck {m}
Hispaniolan masked curly-tailed lizard [Leiocephalus personatus] Bunter Maskenleguan {m}
Hispaniolan masked curly-tailed lizard [Leiocephalus personatus] Haiti-Rollschwanzleguan {m}
Hispaniolan oriole [Icterus dominicensis] Antillentrupial {m}
Hispaniolan oriole [Icterus dominicensis] Hispaniolatrupial {m}
Hispaniolan palm-tanager [Phaenicophilus palmarum]Schwarzscheitel-Palmtangare {f}
Hispaniolan palm-tanager [Phaenicophilus palmarum] Schwarzscheitelpalmist {m}
Hispaniolan parakeet [Aratinga chloroptera] Haiti-Sittich {m}
Hispaniolan parakeet [Aratinga chloroptera]Grünflügelsittich {m}
Hispaniolan parrot [Amazona ventralis]Blaukronenamazone {f}
Hispaniolan parrot [Amazona ventralis] Hispaniolaamazone {f} [auch: Hispaniola-Amazone]
Hispaniolan pine [Pinus occidentalis] Hispaniola-Kiefer {f}
Hispaniolan siskin [Carduelis dominicensis, syn.: Spinus dominicensis] Haitizeisig {m}
Hispaniolan solenodon [Solenodon paradoxus] Dominikanischer Schlitzrüssler {m}
Hispaniolan solenodon [Solenodon paradoxus]Haiti-Schlitzrüssler {m}
Hispaniolan spindalis [Spindalis dominicensis] Hispaniola-Streifenkopftangare {f}
Hispaniolan stripe-headed tanager [Spindalis dominicensis]Hispaniola-Streifenkopftangare {f}
Hispaniolan tanager [Spindalis dominicensis]Hispaniola-Streifenkopftangare {f}
Hispaniolan tody [Todus subulatus] Breitschnabeltodi {m} [auch: Breitschnabel-Todi]
Hispaniolan trogon [Priotelus roseigaster]Rosentrogon {m}
Hispaniolan W-headed racer [Ialtris dorsalis] Gemusterte Zornnatter {f}
Hispaniolan woodpecker [Melanerpes striatus] Haitispecht {m}
Hispanist Hispanist {m}
Hispanist [female] Hispanistin {f}
HispanizationHispanisierung {f}
Hispano Hispanoamerikaner {m}
Hispano Hispano {m}
Hispanophile hispanophil
HispanophileHispanophiler {m}
« hiprhipphireHis/HisHHistHisphisthisthisthist »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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