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histogenically histogenetisch
histogram Histogramm {n}
histogram Treppenpolygon {n}
histogram bin Histogrammklasse {f}
histogram class Histogrammklasse {f}
histogram equalization Histogrammäqualisation {f}
histogram equalization [e.g. image processing] Histogrammausgleich {m} [z. B. Bildverarbeitung]
histogram matchingHistogrammanpassung {f}
histogram shrinking [e.g. image processing]Histogrammstauchung {f} [z. B. Bildverarbeitung]
histogram stretching [e.g. image processing] Histogrammspreizung {f} [z. B. Bildverarbeitung]
histohaematogenous [Br.]histohämatogen
histohematogenous [Am.] histohämatogen
histoid histoid
histoid Gewebe-
histoincompatibility Histoinkompatibilität {f}
histological histologisch
histological examinationhistologische Untersuchung {f}
histological examinationfeingewebliche Untersuchung {f}
histological findings {pl} histologischer Befund {m}
histological section histologisches Schnittpräparat {n}
histological specimenhistologisches Präparat {n}
histologically histologisch
histologistHistologe {m}
histologist [female] Histologin {f}
histology Histologie {f}
histology Gewebelehre {f}
histology of the liverLeberhistologie {f}
histology technician Histologietechniker {m}
histomorphologic histomorphologisch
histomorphology Histomorphologie {f}
histomorphometric histomorphometrisch
histomorphometry Histomorphometrie {f}
histoneHiston {n}
histone acetylation Histonacetylierung {f} [auch: Histon-Acetylierung]
histone acetyltransferaseHistonacetyltransferase {f}
histone deacetylase <HDAC> Histon-Deacetylase {f} <HDAC>
histone moleculeHistonmolekül {n}
histone octamer Histonoktamer {n}
Histone-modifying enzyme Histon-modifizierendes Enzym {n}
histones Histone {pl}
histonuria Histonurie {f}
histopathologic histopathologisch
histopathologically histopathologisch
histopathologist Gewebepathologe {m}
histopathologistHistopathologe {m}
histopathologist [female]Histopathologin {f}
histopathologyHistopathologie {f}
histopathologyGewebepathologie {f}
Histoplasma capsulatum infectionHistoplasmose {f}
histoplasmosis Histoplasmose {f}
historian Geschichtsforscher {m}
historian Historiker {m}
historian Geschichtswissenschaftler {m}
historianHistoriograph {m}
historian [female]Historikerin {f}
historian [female] Geschichtswissenschaftlerin {f}
historian [female]Geschichtsforscherin {f}
historian [writer of history] Geschichtsschreiber {m}
historian camp Historikerriege {f}
historian of agriculture Agrarhistoriker {m}
historian of agriculture [female] Agrarhistorikerin {f}
historian of architectureArchitekturhistoriker {m}
historian of architecture [female] Architekturhistorikerin {f}
historian of cultureKulturhistoriker {m}
historian of culture [female]Kulturhistorikerin {f}
historian of everyday life Alltagshistoriker {m}
historian of ideas Ideengeschichtler {m}
historian of ideasIdeenhistoriker {m}
historian of mathematicsMathematikhistoriker {m}
historian of mathematics [female] Mathematikhistorikerin {f}
historian of photography Fotografiehistoriker {m}
historian of photography [female] Fotografiehistorikerin {f}
historian of religionReligionshistoriker {m}
historian of religion [female] Religionshistorikerin {f}
historian of scienceWissenschaftshistoriker {m}
historian of science [female] Wissenschaftshistorikerin {f}
historian of technology Technikhistoriker {m}
historian of technology [female] Technikhistorikerin {f}
historians Historiker {pl}
historians [female] Historikerinnen {pl}
historic geschichtlich
historic <hist.> historisch <hist.>
historic buildingBaudenkmal {n}
Historic Centres of Stralsund and Wismar Altstädte {pl} von Stralsund und Wismar
historic city Altstadt {f}
historic cohort study <HCS> historische Kohortenstudie {f}
historic deedgeschichtliche Tat {f}
historic district Altstadt {f}
historic district [Am.] denkmalgeschütztes Gebiet {n}
historic district [esp. Am.] historisches Viertel {n}
historic downtown [Am.] Altstadt {f}
historic eventhistorisches Ereignis {n}
historic garden conservation Gartendenkmalpflege {f}
historic highRekordhoch {n}
« hireHis/HisHHistHisphisthisthisthisthisthist »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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