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English-German Dictionary

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Hittitologist [female]Hethitologin {f}
Hittitology Hethitologie {f}
HIV antibody test HIV-Antikörpertest {m}
HIV diseaseHIV-Erkrankung {f}
HIV encephalopathy HIV-Enzephalopathie {f}
HIV epidemic HIV-Epidemie {f}
HIV infectionHIV-Infektion {f}
HIV prevention campaignHIV-Präventionskampagne {f}
HIV protein HIV-Protein {n}
HIV subtypeHIV-Subtyp {m}
HIV superinfection HIV-Superinfektion {f}
HIV test HIV-Test {m}
HIV testAidstest {m} [falsche Bez. für HIV-Test]
HIV therapyHIV-Therapie {f}
HIV tropismHIV-Tropismus {m}
HIV virus [coll.] [human immunodeficiency virus]HIV-Virus {n} [ugs. auch {m}] [ugs.] [humanes Immundefizienz-Virus]
HIV-associated dementia HIV-assoziierte Demenz {f}
HIV-associated dementia complex HIV-assoziierter Demenzkomplex {m}
HIV-associated morbidity HIV-assoziierte Morbidität {f}
HIV-associated myelopathy HIV-assoziierte Myelopathie {f}
HIV-associated neurocognitive disorderHIV-assoziierte neurokognitive Störung {f}
HIV-associated thrombocytopenia HIV-assoziierte Thrombozytopenie {f}
hiveBienenstock {m}
hiveBienenkorb {m}
hive Hive {n} [logische Untereinheit von Registrierungsdatenbanken]
hive [fig.] [a place swarming with activity]Bienenhaus {n} [fig.] [ein Ort großer Aktivität]
hive drossPropolis {f} [Bienenharz]
hive entranceFlugloch {n} [Bienen etc.]
hive frame [beekeeping equipment] Wabenrähmchen {n}
hive mindSchwarmdenken {n}
hive mindSchwarmintelligenz {f}
hive mind [swarm intelligence] Schwarmwissen {n}
hived aufgespeichert
hiver Bienenzüchter {m}
hives Bienenstöcke {pl}
hives Nesselsucht {f}
hives {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]Nesselausschlag {m}
hi-vis clothing [Br.] [coll.] Signalkleidung {f}
hi-viz [coll.] [high-visibility]hochsichtbar
hi-viz color [Am.] [coll.] [short for: high-visibility color] hochsichtbare Farbe {f}
HIV-negative HIV-negativ
HIV-positive HIV-positiv
Hiwi (people) Hiwi {pl} [Ethnie]
Hiya back! [coll.] Gruß zurück. [ugs.]
Hiya! [coll.]Tagchen!
Hiya! [coll.] Hallo!
HizbollahHisbollah {f}
HizbullahHisbollah {f}
hizenite-(Y) [Ca2Y6(CO3)11·14H2O]Hizenit-(Y) {m}
HJ group [short for: Hitler Jugend / Hitler Youth group] HJ-Gruppe {f}
HJ leader [Hitler Youth leader] HJ-Führer {m} [Hitlerjugendführer]
HJ office [Hitler Youth office]HJ-Dienststelle {f}
Hjelmqvist's cotoneaster [Cotoneaster hjelmqvistii] Hjelmqvists Zwergmispel {f}
Hjelmslev's theorem [also: theorem of Hjelmslev] Satz {m} von Hjelmslev
Hjelmslev's theorem [also: theorem of Hjelmslev] hjelmslevscher Mittelliniensatz {m}
Hjulström curve [also: Hjulström's curve]Hjulström-Kurve {f}
Hjulström diagram [also: Hjulström's diagram] Hjulström-Diagramm {n}
HL Tauri <HL Tau>HL Tauri {m} <HL Tau>
Hlinka Guard Hlinka-Garde {f} [selten auch: Hlinkagarde]
H-maser clock Wasserstoff-Maser-Uhr {f}
H-maser clockWasserstoffmaseruhr {f}
HMO doctor [Am.] Kassenarzt {m}
HMO doctor [female] [Am.]Kassenärztin {f}
Hmong people Hmong {pl}
Hmong-Mien languages [also: Miao–Yao languages] Hmong-Mien-Sprachen {pl} [auch: Miao-Yao-Sprachen]
HMS [His Majesty's Ship]SMS [Seiner Majestät Schiff]
hnefatafl Hnefatafl {n}
ho [Am.] [sl.] [whore]Nutte {f}
Ho Chi Minh CityHo-Chi-Minh-Stadt {n}
Ho Hos [made by Hostess Brands™] [Am.][cremegefüllte Schoko-Biskuitrolle mit Schokoladenüberzug]
hoactzin [Opisthocomus hoazin] Hoatzin {m}
hoactzin [Opisthocomus hoazin]Schopfhuhn {n}
hoactzin [Opisthocomus hoazin] Zigeunerhuhn {n}
hoactzin [Opisthocomus hoazin]Stinkvogel {m}
hoagie [Am.]Riesensandwich {n} {m}
Hoagland nutrient solutionHoaglandsche Nährlösung {f} [alt]
Hoagland nutrient solutionHoagland'sche Nährlösung {f}
Hoagland solution Hoagland'sche Lösung {f}
hoagy Riesensandwich {n} {m}
hoar ehrwürdig
hoar Raufrost {m}
hoarRaureif {m}
hoar frost Rauhreif {m} [alt]
hoar frostReif {m}
hoar frost Raureif {m}
hoar frostRaufrost {m}
hoar strange [Peucedanum officinale] [archaic] [hog's fennel]Echter Haarstrang {m}
hoar strange [Thysselinum palustre, syn.: Peucedanum palustre, Selinum palustre] [marsh hog's fennel]Sumpfsilge {f} [Sumpf-Haarstrang]
hoar strong [Peucedanum officinale] [archaic] [hog's fennel]Echter Haarstrang {m}
hoard Vorrat {m}
hoardHortfund {m}
hoard [treasure]Schatz {m}
hoard [treasure] Hort {m} [poet.] [Schatz]
hoard and clutter syndromeMessie-Syndrom {n}
hoard of coins Münzschatz {m}
hoard of gold Goldschatz {m}
hoard of money Geldschatz {m}
hoarded gehortet
hoarderHamsterer {m} [ugs.]
« histhisthisthisthitcHitthoarhoarhobbhocuHoev »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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