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hocus-pocus Täuschung {f}
hocus-pocus faule Tricks {pl} [ugs.]
hocus-pocusHokuspokus {m}
hocussed getäuscht
hodSteinbrett {n}
hod [for bricks, mortar, etc.] Tragmulde {f}
hod carrier Maurergehilfe {m}
hod carrier Handlanger {m}
Hod HaSharon Hod haScharon {n}
hodad [Am.] [surfer sl.] [pej.] [poor or fake surfer] [schlechter oder vorgeblicher Surfer]
Hodayot [Dead Sea scrolls] <1QH> Hodajot {pl} <1QH>
hoddengrober Wollstoff {m}
hodegetics [generally treated as sg.] Hodegetik {f}
Hodge conjecture [also: Hodge's conjecture] Vermutung {f} von Hodge
Hodge diamondHodge-Diamant {m}
Hodge duality [also: Hodge's duality] Hodge-Dualität {f}
Hodge number Hodge-Zahl {f}
Hodge pessaryHodgepessar {n}
Hodgens' waterhen [Gallinula hodgenorum] [extinct] Neuseeländisches Pfuhlhuhn {n} [ausgestorben]
hodge-podge Sammelsurium {n}
hodgepodge [Am.] Durcheinander {n}
hodgepodge [Am.] Mischmasch {m} [ugs.] [oft pej.]
hodgepodge [Am.]Sammelsurium {n}
hodgepodge [Am.] [coll.]Kuddelmuddel {m} {n} [ugs.]
hodgepodge [of words, languages]Kauderwelsch {n} [aus Wörtern, Sprachen]
Hodge's pessaryHodge-Pessar {n}
Hodge's pessary Hodgepessar {n}
Hodgkin lymphoma <HL> [also: Hodgkin's lymphoma] Hodgkin-Lymphom {n} <HL>
Hodgkin-Huxley model Hodgkin-Huxley-Modell {n}
Hodgkin's cell <HC> [also: Hodgkin cell] Hodgkin-Zelle {f}
Hodgkin's cellsHodgkin-Zellen {pl}
Hodgkin's disease <HD>Hodgkinsche Krankheit {f}
Hodgkin's lymphomaLymphogranulomatose {f}
Hodgkin's lymphoma Morbus Hodgkin {m}
hodgkinsonite [MnZn2SiO4(OH)2]Hodgkinsonit {m}
Hodgson's bat [Myotis formosus] Hodgson-Fledermaus {f} [auch: Hodgsons Fledermaus]
Hodgson's bushchat [Saxicola insignis] Mattenschmätzer {m}
Hodgson's finch [Leucosticte nemoricola]Waldschneegimpel {m} [auch: Wald-Schneegimpel]
Hodgson's finch [Leucosticte nemoricola] Waldrosenfink {m}
Hodgson's frogmouth [Batrachostomus hodgsoni]Langschwanz-Froschmaul {n}
Hodgson's fulvetta [Alcippe vinipectus, syn.: Fulvetta vinipectus]Weißbrauenalcippe {f} [auch: Weißbrauen-Alcippe]
Hodgson's giant flying squirrel [Petaurista magnificus] Hodgson-Riesengleithörnchen {n}
Hodgson's grandala [Grandala coelicolor] Grandala {f}
Hodgson's hawk-eagle [Nisaetus nipalensis, syn.: Spizaetus nipalensis]Nepalhaubenadler {m}
Hodgson's hawk-eagle [Spizaetus nipalensis]Bergadler {m}
Hodgson's long-tailed warbler [Prinia cinereocapilla] Graukopfprinie {f}
Hodgson's mountain-finch / mountain finch [Leucosticte nemoricola]Waldschneegimpel {m} [auch: Wald-Schneegimpel]
Hodgson's mountain-finch / mountain finch [Leucosticte nemoricola]Waldrosenfink {m}
Hodgson's myotis [Myotis formosus] Hodgson-Fledermaus {f} [auch: Hodgsons Fledermaus]
Hodgson's redstart [Phoenicurus hodgsoni]Feldrotschwanz {m}
Hodgson's rosefinch [Carpodacus erythrinus, syn.: Erythrina erythrina] Karmingimpel {m} [auch: Karmin-Gimpel]
Hodgson's rosy finch / rosy-finch [Leucosticte nemoricola]Waldschneegimpel {m} [auch: Wald-Schneegimpel]
Hodgson's rosy finch / rosy-finch [Leucosticte nemoricola]Waldrosenfink {m}
Hodgson's shortwing [Hodgsonius phaenicuroides, syn.: H. phoenicuroides, Luscinia phaenicuroides] Kurzflügel-Rotschwanz {m}
Hodgson's treecreeper [Certhia hodgsoni]Kaschmirbaumläufer {m}
Hodgson's wagtail [Motacilla alba alboides]Hodgsons Bachstelze {f}
Hodgsons's brown-toothed shrew [Episoriculus caudatus, syn.: Soriculus caudatus] Hodgsons-Braunzahn-Spitzmaus {f}
hodiernal [rare]heutig
hodjaHodscha {m}
hodman Maurergehilfe {m}
hodman [chiefly Br.]Handlanger {m}
hodographHodograph {m}
hodology Hodologie {f}
hodometer [surveyor's wheel]Hodometer {n} [Messrad]
hodophobiaHodophobie {f}
hodrushite [Cu8Bi12S22]Hodrushit {m} [Hodrušit]
hodrusite [Cu8Bi12S22] Hodrušit {m} [Hodrushit]
hods Steinbretter {pl}
hody-potsy [coll.] [Pityriasis versicolor] Kleienpilzflechte {f}
hoe Hacke {f}
hoeHaue {f}
hoe [Am.] [sl.]Nutte {f}
hoe [Am.] [sl.] Schlampe {f} [ugs.]
hoe [Am.] [sl.] [pej.] Hure {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
hoe attachmentTieflöffelausrüstung {f}
hoe nightshade [Solanum physalifolium, syn.: S. nitidibaccatum, S. sarrachoides] Argentinischer Nachtschatten {m}
hoe nightshade [Solanum physalifolium, syn.: S. nitidibaccatum, S. sarrachoides] Glanzfrüchtiger Nachtschatten {m}
hoe scaler Hoe-Scaler {m} [hakenförmiger Scaler]
hoecake [Am.] Maiskuchen {m}
Hoechst-Wacker process Wacker-Hoechst-Verfahren {n}
Hoecken linkage Hoecken-Mechanismus {m}
hoed umgehackt
hoedown [Am.]Hoedown {m}
hoedown [Am.]Schwof {m} [ugs.]
hoe-farmingHackbau {m}
Hoeffding's inequalityHoeffding-Ungleichung {f}
hoe-fork (combo) [combined hoe and fork] Kombihacke {f}
Hoehl's cell [also: Höhl's cell]Höhl-Zelle {f} [auch: Höhlzelle]
hoeing umhackend
hoeingHacken {n}
hoeing [also: hoing] Hacke {f} [das Hacken]
Hoelder's inequality [Hölder's inequality] höldersche Ungleichung {f}
Hoelder's inequality [Hölder's inequality]Hölder'sche Ungleichung {f}
hoelite [(C6H4)2(CO)2] Hoelit {m}
hoer Hacker {m} [Arbeiter im Weinberg, der den Boden mit der Hacke lockert]
Hoerner's muscleHorner-Muskel {m}
hoes Hacken {pl}
Hoesch's testHoesch-Test {m}
Hoevell's blue flycatcher [Cyornis hoevelli, syn.: Niltava hoevelli]Celebesblauschnäpper {m}
« hitcHitthoarhoarhobbhocuHoevhogghoisholahold »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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